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tinyE: More people will shop here if they offer punch and pie.
Maxvorstadt: Nope, Sushi is the right thing! Whenever you buy a game, you get some delicious Nigiri. Nobody can withstand this offer, NOBODY!
I would never buy another game. I hate sushi.
Maxvorstadt: Nope, Sushi is the right thing! Whenever you buy a game, you get some delicious Nigiri. Nobody can withstand this offer, NOBODY!
Breja: I would never buy another game. I hate sushi.
what if they cooked it first? :P
Breja: I would never buy another game. I hate sushi.
tinyE: what if they cooked it first? :P
Cooked games? Hm, would be something new. Maybe the "killer app" for GoG!
tinyE: what if they cooked it first? :P
Maxvorstadt: Cooked games? Hm, would be something new. Maybe the "killer app" for GoG!
I could go for some Kentucky Fried Freedom Force. Secret of Monkey Burgers? Day of the Tentacle Taco?
toxicTom: How to make sure it's fresh? Other than that, I'm right with you.
They send you the file specs and you print it yourself on your 3-d printer.

Doesn't get any fresher than that.
Maxvorstadt: Cooked games? Hm, would be something new. Maybe the "killer app" for GoG!
Breja: I could go for some Kentucky Fried Freedom Force. Secret of Monkey Burgers? Day of the Tentacle Taco?
Day of the Tentaco? I`d buy this! I already own a portion of Chilli con Carnage here.
bler144: They send you the file specs and you print it yourself on your 3-d printer.

Doesn't get any fresher than that.
I'm in!
Maxvorstadt: Cooked games? Hm, would be something new. Maybe the "killer app" for GoG!
Breja: I could go for some Kentucky Fried Freedom Force. Secret of Monkey Burgers? Day of the Tentacle Taco?
Did you notice RoboCop is the new Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman.

Breja: I could go for some Kentucky Fried Freedom Force. Secret of Monkey Burgers? Day of the Tentacle Taco?
Maxvorstadt: Day of the Tentaco? I`d buy this! I already own a portion of Chilli con Carnage here.
GOG should open a classic games themed restaurant. DRM-free food! Low res recipies! 16-bit spices! And you could give tips to the waiters by telling them how to solve puzzles in old point & clicks!

Talk about a marketing strategy! This should get all the gaming media attention!
Maxvorstadt: Day of the Tentaco?
Die Heringe stecken immer so zwischen den Zähnen...
Breja: I could go for some Kentucky Fried Freedom Force. Secret of Monkey Burgers? Day of the Tentacle Taco?
tinyE: Did you notice RoboCop is the new Kentucky Fried Chicken spokesman.

Yeah, I did. But I guess nothing can suprise me after that DC crossover with Col. Sanders Corps, that includes Koln-El from Krypton.
GOG changed over the years from releasing good old games into releasing mediocre new games. With the Witcher as a sole exception. And maybe Strategic Command.

I've once checked regulary on Tuesdays and Thursday on GOG, just to see wich great old game they've just had released.
That stopped many month ago, when GOG quit on releasing great old games.

I would waste a tear if GOG would close its doors. Not because of GOG today, but because of what GOG once was back in the past.

Heck, I even would have gifted some money every now and then just to help GOG to be able to keep all these good old games running.

But they've sent a clear message: they don't care about what made them so great. They've grabbed for more money, more releases, more customers (looking for new games).

And if that would be their downfall, well, as described above: Yes, there would be some tears. But surely not for those who pushed the company into a "Steam light" system, but for those who did the footwork, building this company, that once was so awesome.

Having said this, I have to add that I wish GOG all the best for the future, hoping that they turned the wheel long before the situation went truly bad.
Post edited March 03, 2019 by xwormwood
CMOT70: There's really only a handful of Hard Drive manufacturers in the world and they pretty much have it all locked down tight. Buying into one could be an option, but it would be expensive and a tiny share of the market like GOG users would barely be a drop in the ocean, even if we all went an bought a drive- you'd probably have to send the CEO of the drive company a memo just so he/she could go through the figures and even notice a difference. GOG users are irrelevant as a statistic.

But the OP was just joking anyway of course.
I was joking, but there was a glimmer of hope behind the humor. It would be nice if GOG member numbers reached a point where they could approach, if remotely, that of Steam's vast user base, in which case then a CEO of a company that makes storage drives would indeed notice if those users rush out to patronize his business en masse.

Anyway, here's hoping that GOG withstands these latest less than ideal financial reports and that it eventually emerges from these troubles a more robust company. That's more likely to happen than for it to ever carry the No One Lives Forever titles.
xwormwood: GOG changed over the years from releasing good old games into releasing mediocre new games. With the Witcher as a sole exception. And maybe Strategic Command.
I've quite enjoyed many of the new releases on GOG, especially Runestone Keeper, Darkest Dungeon, and FTL: Faster Than Light, two of which I've played for several hundred hours. Though they're all more independent as opposed to AAA titles, I find them no less (and often more) entertaining than games with vast development studios and 8 figure budgets.
Post edited March 03, 2019 by DeadlyRamon
DeadlyRamon: Amidst all this doom and gloom about GOG hemorrhaging money and our extensive virtual game collections vanishing in a puff of smoke, with some of the more cautious members describing how they're backing up their game installers, it occurred to me that GOG should with what cash it has remaining buy a hard drive manufacturing plant and start churning out external drives to meet the increased demand that the GOG doomsayers create. Such a solution is certainly going to make GOG enough money hand over fist to get back in the black in no time.
Not the dumbest idea.

Call it the "GOG Secure Cloud" or something suitably sarcastic, buy drives off the shelf, put a colourful FCKDRM sticker on them, preload them with users' GOG libraries and ship them out to people at a substantial premium. Viable option for people with slow internet, entertaining gimmick, and potentially a little extra income.
Post edited March 03, 2019 by erephine
xwormwood: That stopped many month ago, when GOG quit on releasing great old games.
is that their fault really?

not releasing great old games?

Do you really think the management is refusing to release them. Or more likely they are not able to do so? Because of rights, because they can't make it work on modern systems.

They stopped releasing older games because there is nothing else to release right now. all great games of old are gone, some may resurface with an option to be released here.

but Blade Runner, Warcraft 1, Discworld Noir, and many others will never appear here, and maybe not until the copyrights expires on them in 90 years.

Adding new games was the only way GOG could survive and still try to bring a "new" old game.