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foxworks: Not quite understanding your angst about new box art during the sale. Is this a permanent thing? They not trying to make more sales by having you buy the same game with different digital art, no? I'm a bit lost.
Radiance1979: No, the new box art is just for the duration of the sale
If that's the case, I guess can see this being nothing more than an annoyance. Being a retro lover myself, this is pretty cool idea. Shame it only lasts for the sale's duration. I would love to keep them longer.

Just think, your nightmare will be over soon enough.
teceem: Launchbox doesn't even need manual linking, it can detect your installed GOG games. ;-)
Dray2k: Oh I didn't knew this exists, through this looks like a client for people who play MANY games. A "automated" client like this is something I may have use for at some point. Thanks!

It may sound silly but having something that requires setting up things with some effort also leads me to spend more times playing the game.
I use the free version of Launchbox (the paid version is BigBox), is great if you like a clean desktop and/or have several games. I really don't like using the start menu (too lazy) and is not that hard to setup but it's a bit hard to find stuff if you never done it before.
One aspect where it shines is with emulated games, if can auto find box art etc... Just auto-start with Windows and you have all your games ready to go.

For me the really downside is that it uses 1Gb of RAM, even if there's not that many games. But is snappy enough to use....
sem_nome.jpg (185 Kb)
I'm not sure I entirely understand. They photoshopped the old Sega box art template to current titles, and you think it's a trick to buy their games again? I actually tested this, and the Steam store won't let you buy the same title again, unless it is a gift for someone else.
sega.png (390 Kb)
low rated
J Lo: I'm not sure I entirely understand. They photoshopped the old Sega box art template to current titles, and you think it's a trick to buy their games again? I actually tested this, and the Steam store won't let you buy the same title again, unless it is a gift for someone else.
oh please god no, i would like to think that i have more useable grey cells then the average human being, your not helping me with that assumption
low rated
Radiance1979: No, the new box art is just for the duration of the sale
foxworks: If that's the case, I guess can see this being nothing more than an annoyance. Being a retro lover myself, this is pretty cool idea. Shame it only lasts for the sale's duration. I would love to keep them longer.

Just think, your nightmare will be over soon enough.
your right, still it was a bit of a shock, seeing your most cool pc games from your youth with a sudden console make-over.. that can be really harsh and certainly if you have participated in the whole console pc war nonsense for quite some time...

not anymore of course but still, there remains some old mechanics hidden in those brain cells that still activate, it is almost the same as with the soccer team i so fanatically supported throughout my youth ....

identifiers when your young eh
I am horrified. They had some fun with game art work. My world is ruined. WILL SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!! Seriously, what's the problem?
darthspudius: I am horrified. They had some fun with game art work. My world is ruined. WILL SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!! Seriously, what's the problem?
lol really?

lack of humor for one or a lack of empathy.. your choice
You want empathy for a hyperbolic fit over some temporary box art for your Steam rentals? Talk about first world detachment.