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Let’s celebrate Star Trek Day in the best way possible, by bringing back and enjoying some of the best classic Star Trek games now available on GOG.COM!

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the first Star Trek show airing on TV as well as the 100th birthday of the late Gene Roddenberry, who imagined a future in which people have overcome their differences and gone on to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations.

What started as a quirky sci-fi TV show in the ’60s, has become one of the biggest and most recognizable franchises in Western entertainment. 55 years, 11 TV and streaming series, and 13 blockbuster movies later, the Star Trek universe is still growing with unique characters, beautifully designed starships, alien races, and amazing adventures that bring us joy and hope for a better future.

Games: the final frontier
Star Trek also made its mark on the world of video games. The first text-based computer games set in the universe are dated back to 1971, with many official and even more unofficial releases appearing in arcades, on Apple I and II computers, various models of Atari, the Commodore 64, and all the way to DOS and Windows PCs.

You might already know about the adventure games Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Judgment Rites but an absolute golden era of Star Trek games began at the end of the ’90s and the beginning of the 2000s with new games landing every few months. Unfortunately, many of those titles have become unavailable in recent years and are basically unplayable on modern machines.

This changes now with 6 classic Star]”>Star[/url] Trek games releasing for the first time in digital distribution on GOG.COM.

Discover 6 classic Star Trek games
Preserving classic games is very close to our hearts, so we made sure that these games are up to date, running smoothly on Windows 10, and some of them even offer a working LAN multiplayer.

Every game from this list will give you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself into the world of Star Trek, interact with beloved characters, and explore new parts of the universe.

In Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force you become a security officer on board of USS Voyager, assigned to a new special unit called the Hazard Team. Together with AI-controlled crewmates, you take on the most dangerous missions, including fighting the Borg. Between the missions, you can explore the ship and interact with the well-known bridge crew with all the actors reprising their roles.

Star Trek: Elite Force II takes the first-person shooter experience to the next level with improved visuals (it’s one of the best-looking games using the Quake III Arena engine), and a set of new missions to complete. This time, your character is being transferred to serve on Enterprise-E where you receive your orders from Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself!

Star Trek: Hidden Evil also gives you a chance to assist Captain Picard and Lt. Cmdr. Data with both Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner reprising their roles. In this third-person adventure game, you take the role of Ensign Sovok and explore alien ruins and try to save your team before the conniving Romulans make use of an ancient biological weapon.

This next game is perfect for everyone wanting to run special operations on new planets. Star Trek: Away Team is an isometric turn-based tactical game influenced by titles like Commandos and the X-Com series. You need to pick the best away team for each mission and lead its members through dangerous covert operations across locations like the Klingon homeworld, a Borg cube, and Starfleet Academy.

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III gives you a tactical challenge of a completely different scale. In this game, you play the story campaign as a Klingon, Romulan, or Federation captain. Your task is to customize your starship and lead it into space battles while uncovering a plot around the construction of the first Klingon-Federation space station.

Finally, Star Trek: Bridge Commander is probably the most immersive Star Trek gaming experience as it sits you in an actual captain’s chair, surrounded by a crew waiting for your orders. Combat is not the main focus of this title as you spend a lot of time talking to your crew, managing the ship, exploring space, assisting endangered colonies, and conducting diplomatic negotiations.

Make it so!
We hope you’ll enjoy these 6 classic Star Trek games, all updated to work on modern computers, and now available on GOG.COM. In addition, two real-time strategy titles, Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II are coming soon and you can now add them to your wishlists.

As every game on this list offers you a different experience and a chance to meet some of your favorite characters, let us know in the comments which one is your favorite and why!

©2021 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wet myself when I got the email. Entirely happy to pay full price to have STBC playable for me again.

I'm probably alone in this, but I would love to be able to get Star Trek: New Worlds on GOG. Interesting little game, even if it's not exactly a masterpiece.
I enjoyed all these games in thier day, especially Elite Force and Bridg Commander. lots of roaming on the Enterprise and the Voyager get a good idea of what everything is and where it is makes the shows funner to watch. Bridge Commander where you make snap desicisouns on the Bridge and have a bit of adventure, mainliy from the perspective of the ship and your command chair. this game is fun but could have an option to do somehting out of the chair too. Hidden Evil is a piont and click adaventure. while I would like it the game does have a lot of bugs and I hope GOG fixes it because it is unplayable in the CD-Rom State. the RTS sims are, well, RTS too many of those anyway.
wolfsite: Didn't realize that Starfleet Command II is not here, it's published by Interplay so wonder what the chances are.
The rights in part at least were transferred to Dynaverse Gaming Association by Taldren.

One of the conditions of said transfer is that DGA essentially remains non-profit. That might have an impact on SFC2 appearing on Gog and might prevent it from ever appearing on Gog.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by tremere110
This is a great inclusion. GOG should use this momentum to get the Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds series made by Ensemble studios and then the Age of Empires series. The un-mangled versions aren't digitally available anywhere and since the ''Definitive Editions'' are so different from them, MS shouldn't be too reluctant to sell them here.

EDIT: disregard the first part, the GB series is available here, they just didn't show up in my search.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by Shadowstalker16
avatar Star Trek: Hidden Evil also gives you a chance to assist Captain Picard and Lt. Cmdr. Data with both Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner reprising their roles. In this third-person adventure game, you take the role of Ensign Sovok and explore alien ruins and try to save your team before the conniving Romulans make use of an ancient biological weapon.
my name is supyreor catte: I'm confused. This description calls it an adventure game, but the game page itself calls it an action game. I'm guessing the game page is more accurate, which is a pity because I love adventure games.
It's action adventure, so both descriptions are partially correct.

I don't recall how the game goes exactly, I have played it through once many years ago, but I think it had some sections where you need to shoot your way through in third person view, and once you get to some place, you have some puzzles and such to solve there.

In any case, it's not action like Elite Force, but it's not adventure like A Final Unity either.
Shadowstalker16: This is a great inclusion. GOG should use this momentum to get the Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds series made by Ensemble studios
Aren't they available anymore ? I bought them here, I can view the store page, and theoretically buy them as a gift
Mr.Mumbles: I just could never get over the fact of how campy TOS could be. *shrug* I do appreciate it paving the road for what was to come afterwards.
*shrug* I've never liked how the TNG era shows looked or sounded and although the actors are good, the characters never really grabbed me. There are episodes here and there that I enjoy but I've found over time that I simply can't force myself to enjoy it.
morolf: Yeah sorry, the prices just strike me as excessive.
Definitely, and what a contrast to the prices of the Tomb Raider games released here not long ago.

At $14.95 AUD, I reckon that's more than i paid for them on disc when they were still newish. So certainly a steep price for an old game. File size is also an indicator of amount of work and quality etc, and my rule of thumb is, less than a Gb and I ain't paying more than $9 AUD for such old games. They already made their main profits from the games, so how about charging a fair price all these years later.

Yes, the Tomb Raider games were extremely cheap, and I would have been fine with them being a bit dearer. But Tomb Raider GOTY is not exactly old compared to these Star Trek games, and while the dearest of the bunch, its price is about right for what these Star Trek games should be priced ... not all of them though, some should be less. I'd be prepared to pay a couple more bucks for the truly good ones, but no way am I paying anything like their current price. Talk about greedy.

But alas too many will let them get away with it, which is not good news for others coming here, as a trend is being set, already seems to have been ... Tomb Raider games aside.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by Timboli
Beam me up Scotty.

Where oh where did my prior posts go until now?

Page 11 refused to show up.

This has happened to me twice now, in the last few days. I reckon it has been at least a year since the last time this has happened to me at the GOG forums.

Usually it has something to do with me being the first poster on a new page, which was the case the other day, but as can be seen here, I was the third poster on page 11. Not sure that has ever happened before.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by Timboli
PixelBoy: 1. Watch TOS Blu-rays.
2. Watch TAS Blu-rays.
3. Watch films 1-6 Blu-rays.
4. Watch TNG DVDs, don't watch Blu-rays, they don't have any original effects.
5. Watch films 7-10 Blu-rays (you can skip the tenth one, if you like).
6. Watch DS9 DVDs.
7. If time allows, watch Voyager DVDs.

8. In case you have absolutely nothing else to do, and someone gives you Enterprise Blu-ray discs, you may be tempted to watch it. Can't recommend it, but at least some of the later episodes are semi-watchable.

9. If you get your hands on any reboot or Discovery discs, don't bother to use them as frisbees, simply trash them. You will feel better that way.

10. Start watching Babylon 5 or something. In fact, you might do this at step six already, your choice...

(Note: I haven't found time to watch Star Trek: Picard yet, but presumably it doesn't make sense to watch it before TNG in any case.)
Apocalypse2001: Again..... you people have some fking audacity still spreading your negative propaganda about Enterprise. The series is perfectly fine. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! You know what's garbage? the NON-CANON series like STD and the SJW infested Picard.
I agree, even though it's a matter of taste.
I grew up with TOS and TNG, and while I enjoy DS9 and Voy, for me the second favorite series after TNG is ENT. It's a fantastic show once you accept it is taking place far before Earth has any powerful ships.
morolf: Yeah sorry, the prices just strike me as excessive.
Timboli: Definitely, and what a contrast to the prices of the Tomb Raider games released here not long ago.

At $14.95 AUD, I reckon that's more than i paid for them on disc when they were still newish. So certainly a steep price for an old game. File size is also an indicator of amount of work and quality etc, and my rule of thumb is, less than a Gb and I ain't paying more than $9 AUD for such old games. They already made their main profits from the games, so how about charging a fair price all these years later.

Yes, the Tomb Raider games were extremely cheap, and I would have been fine with them being a bit dearer. But Tomb Raider GOTY is not exactly old compared to these Star Trek games, and while the dearest of the bunch, its price is about right for what these Star Trek games should be priced ... not all of them though, some should be less. I'd be prepared to pay a couple more bucks for the truly good ones, but no way am I paying anything like their current price. Talk about greedy.

But alas too many will let them get away with it, which is not good news for others coming here, as a trend is being set, already seems to have been ... Tomb Raider games aside.
Those Tomb Raider Games were available on Steam for years. It is expected to be cheaper when rereleased on GOG. The Star Trek titles are GOG exclusives for now. They are more expensive. It is the logic of the bussiness.
They are not extremely expensive as single games though. What makes them expensive is if you want to purchase the whole pack at once, indeed. It becomes a pack with the price of a new AAA game.

Honestly if i could choose I'd prefer old activision games at this price on GOG than any of them at all

After years of watching Trek fans debate which show is best/etc (myself being just as guilty), and then reading this forum,
there is one thing I have learned:

If we were suddenly beamed onto a derelict federation ship, all the mystery/fun/excitement would soon degrade into which show and which order were best, culminating in the death of each and every fan a few hours later by various means (all canonical of course)...

BUT FIRST!!! (Ordinary Sausage style)

We'd round up any fan of STD/Picard, jetison them out the shuttle bay, phaser them into as many diverse particles as possible, use the deflector dish to scoop up the remains, bag them and sell to the nearest Klingon outpost as Targ litter*.

Glad to see these games here, thankyou. Live Long and Prosper!

*Millenial Klingons like their Targ pits a little tidier than Boomer Klingons.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by MacCraigus
trusteft: I grew up with TOS and TNG, and while I enjoy DS9 and Voy, for me the second favorite series after TNG is ENT. It's a fantastic show once you accept it is taking place far before Earth has any powerful ships.
Which honestly, to me, is one of the best things about it. It's the only Trek show where it feels like simply just being there, in space, is palpably dangerous. And when something bad happens, an enemy is encountered or some anomaly, the ship is almost always underprepared and barely up to the challenge, there's a real feeling of getting through shit by skin of their teeth. And I love how the designs of the sets and even uniforms create a sense of a sort of transitional period between NASA and Starfleet.

In the other shows they are just cruising forward in luxury, the ships are easily equal or superior to most other factions, comfortable, designed with the benefits of experience. Enterprise D is outright a flying five star hotel. Voyager when they show up in the Delta Quadrant outclasses almost anything they meet there for a good while. In fact, they're technological superiority becomes an important plot point in the early seasons. Even DS9 - yeah, the stations is a wreck at first, but it gets fixed very quickly, and yeah, the Defiant is a dangerous prototype at first, but it's also the toughest, most powerful warship ever built. Sure, they all encounter plenty of danger, but rarely do they feel really outclassed and unprepared. Now, I love all those shows, but in this respect Ent really stands out to me.
Post edited September 09, 2021 by Breja
On the store pages for Armada 1 & 2 only single-player is listed under "game features". Is this just an oversight (as they aren't yet released) or will there be no multi-player for some reason?
trusteft: I grew up with TOS and TNG, and while I enjoy DS9 and Voy, for me the second favorite series after TNG is ENT. It's a fantastic show once you accept it is taking place far before Earth has any powerful ships.
Breja: Which honestly, to me, is one of the best things about it. It's the only Trek show where it feels like simply just being there, in space, is palpably dangerous. And when something bad happens, an enemy is encountered or some anomaly, the ship is almost always underprepared and barely up to the challenge, there's a real feeling of getting through shit by skin of their teeth. And I love how the designs of the sets and even uniforms create a sense of a sort of transitional period between NASA and Starfleet.

In the other shows they are just cruising forward in luxury, the ships are easily equal or superior to most other factions, comfortable, designed with the benefits of experience. Enterprise D is outright a flying five star hotel. Voyager when they show up in the Delta Quadrant outclasses almost anything they meet there for a good while. In fact, they're technological superiority becomes an important plot point in the early seasons. Even DS9 - yeah, the stations is a wreck at first, but it gets fixed very quickly, and yeah, the Defiant is a dangerous prototype at first, but it's also the toughest, most powerful warship ever built. Sure, they all encounter plenty of danger, but rarely do they feel really outclassed and unprepared. Now, I love all those shows, but in this respect Ent really stands out to me.
I perfectly undertand what you say, and I agree. I started the series with all those things in mind. The opportunity to see a proto Star Trek show, something about relatively lower technology, not invincible ships, things are harder, and pure exploration because it was basically the firsts decades and a lot of things were new to be discovered.

The problem is that the general idea of the series is one thing but the result was different. To me It is the worst of the Star Trek iterations, I don't know if it was the characters or the scripts (some of them copy pastes and/or the same ideas of previous series). Lost oportunity.

And I do not want to talk about the terrible musical rendition of the intro. An intro that could have been much better without that music.