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These folks specialize in bringing great, adult-oriented titles that are sure to bring you lots of naughty fun in a variety of genres! Today, 4 of their games join our catalog. Let’s welcome:

Dreamcutter (-25% until August 10th, 1 PM UTC)
Action-packed, 2D, pixel art platformer where the titular Dreamcutter, a mysterious scythe with an ulterior motive, promises sexy rewards and a chance at escape. What strange dangers and exotic encounters will you find inside your own mind?

Nayla's Castle (-25% until August 10th, 1 PM UTC)
An action platformer where you must regain freedom by escaping the titular Nayla's Castle. Throughout the game you'll find many challenges like spikes, platforms and a lot of different enemies that would attack the protagonist on sight. These enemies are Nayla's servants, a naughty demon that really likes to play a game.

Slime Girl Smoothies (-25% until August 10th, 1 PM UTC)
A puzzle game that lets you mix the drinks on the menu. You have been hired to work at Slimy's, a bar with a very unique way of serving drinks. Berry, her daughter Cherry and coworkers Mint and Plum are ready to entertain each and every order!

Yu Crossing Animals (available for free!)
A short, linear erotic adventure game where you can explore a small town. It contains a mini-game and you can visit houses and talk to people. Collect, use and combine items in order to fulfill their needs and unlock new interactions.

Moreover, one more title from Shady Corner Games will soon join our catalog: Under The Hood – a casual dating sim where you are starting your first day at a local garage “Trish's Pit's”. Breaking down engines with nothing but your toolbox. But three stunning mechanics are going to distract you.

Check them out!
SargonAelther: That's because the very first screenshot on Steam is explicit, whereas GOG does not allow explicit content AT ALL. When are people going to understand the difference?
Whenever GOG decides to take down that straight shota game, so nigh on never?
SargonAelther: That's because the very first screenshot on Steam is explicit, whereas GOG does not allow explicit screenshots AT ALL. When are people going to understand the difference?
Darvond: Whenever GOG decides to take down that straight shota game, so nigh on never?
What are you talking about?
MarkoH01: ... just thought that you might have judged the game by its title without knowing what it actually is about.
Judging something solely by its title would be unethical, even for me. Therefore, I opened four respective game pages to check the contents. In my opinion, the inclusion of 'NSFW' was unnecessary in this case, as there was only some semi-erotic content. The game I mentioned earlier serves as an example of what I would consider as 'true NSFW' content.
MarkoH01: ... just thought that you might have judged the game by its title without knowing what it actually is about.
Cadaver747: Judging something solely by its title would be unethical, even for me. Therefore, I opened four respective game pages to check the contents. In my opinion, the inclusion of 'NSFW' was unnecessary in this case, as there was only some semi-erotic content. The game I mentioned earlier serves as an example of what I would consider as 'true NSFW' content.
I just read your first post again and I think I owe you an apology, I totally misread what you wrote. I somehow misinterpreted that you'd rather play true games than "Being A DIK". Completely my bad here since it is not at all what you said (maybe I was just too tired when I read it).
MarkoH01: I just read your first post again and I think I owe you an apology, I totally misread what you wrote. I somehow misinterpreted that you'd rather play true games than "Being A DIK". Completely my bad here since it is not at all what you said (maybe I was just too tired when I read it).
You don't owe me anything, and you haven't offended me in the slightest. In fact, I believe that you are one of the most polite GOG users here. I can understand that my wording can be confusing at times, as English is not my forte. Anyway, everything is fine now, thank you!

[No more off-topic from me]
rjbuffchix: I wish there was a way to filter the prudes and puritans out of these topics.
Darvond: Some of us aren't prudes & puritans, we just have high standards from years of browsing deviantart, danbooru, and e621.
I'm not familiar with what you mention beyond general knowledge of the deviantart site, but that's a fair point. While from (admittedly fuzzy) memory, I do not always share your opinion/taste in stuff, you tend to be consistent in wanting quality as you define it (and I don't mean that in any negative sort of way).
Magmarock: Some of us are just sick of it.
If you're sick - see a doctor, and don't try to spoil other people's lives with your problems

Magmarock: If you can't function without constant access to porn from every site then you should get off the internet.
Ok, that one was funny. After all, everyone knows that "The Internet is for porn" ©

Magmarock: How about we keep video game stores about video games, rather than peddling porn to incels.
You will be surprised, but these are also a video games. From the fact that erotica or full-fledged sex was added to a platformer, shooter, rpg/jrpg or a game of any other genre, they do not cease to be games.

And the fact that you throw insults from the doorway at people who just dare not share your tastes - only once again confirms that the problem is IN YOU, and not in them, in a game store that suddenly sells video games (what a surprise!), or in someone else.


By the way - where are all these fans of whining about "what a nightmare, what does GoG turn into?!", when frankly garbage non-porn games are added to the site? Stop lying to others and to yourself - you are not whining because some games are too low quality (even the lousiest porn game on the site is much better than most of the products of that Ukrainian developer or publisher, which GoG is actively promoting - Whalerock or something like that), but because you are puritans and egoists who believe that the world revolves around them, and everything should be just the way they want. I have to disappoint - the reality is much harsher than those protective bubbles in which you used to live. Stores will always sell everything that is not prohibited by law and makes a profit. If someone doesn't like it, that's their problem.
Either get over it like people who don't like violent games/limited gameplay games/any other category of games do, or open your own video game store, that only sells what you like (and good luck not going broke in a month or two)
Not deep nor analyzing curration. Quality is not an issue. Sex sells because instinct. A very large divide between males and females in first world nations is taking place. Males with little or no outlet for what is normal to do, find a support for their instinctual need. So, a crutch is sought and seems to me, oft found in media.

While I never buy these kind of games. I do sympathize with the majority of people that do not get whatever they lack in life. Such is a reason why I take such gog curration with a grain of salt. Another way; Because I get my needs fulfilled, lucky me, I do not begrudge anyone else unable to do so.

May gog prosper and everyone find a modicum of peace.
rjbuffchix: I'm not familiar with what you mention beyond general knowledge of the deviantart site, but that's a fair point. While from (admittedly fuzzy) memory, I do not always share your opinion/taste in stuff, you tend to be consistent in wanting quality as you define it (and I don't mean that in any negative sort of way).
Also sometimes these threads exist as an excuse to dunk on GOG's esoteric ideas of selection. Akin to going to a wine tasting and being presented a bottle of Miller Genuine Draft 64. Not only is it complete Pisswasser, but it's completely out of class for the event too. Such swill!
A friend of mine has informed me that every single one of these games have a demo available on itch (why not on GOG - I don't know). So I took the opportunity and tested two of the three games (I exclude the freebie since everybody can test it themselves if they want. I found it a little bit short and a little bit nonsensical and often I did not know what I should even do and ended up playing that "mini game" just to make money to progress the story ... but it was free and the character was cute).

Nayla's Castle is a platformer with pretty clunky controls. The story is shallow at best: You are trapped by a female demon at the beginning already and for whatever reason the demon says that you can get free if you defeat all their servants. So you fight in different simple platforming stages with enemys (pixel style). Now you have two choices for each enemy: classic fight or charming. It is up to you which button you press so that you will either hit or charm the enemy. If you charm an enemy a second time you will have sex with it and you can chose a bit which kind of sex .. sometimes this unlocks a drawn picture (could not find out a pattern when it did). Having sex fills up health bar completely. Those pixel sex-scenes seem to be unskippable so you will probably decide to hit them instead after a short while. After a very short while you reach a boss which is pretty easy to defeat as well. In the levels you will find lust essence which you can collect to buy stuff like a bed, and candles ... to equip a bedroom - no idea what this is for and at least the demo did not explain. That's pretty much all this game is about. Fight or have sex with each enemy - fight is one button, sex is another ...

Dreamcutter is another plattformer but to my surprise it is pretty solid with fluid movement and really good controls. You play a girl that suddenly (apparently) fells asleep and ends up in a world with monsters inside. You find a scythe which you use to defend yourself. The scythe can also be used for traversal in several interesting and creative ways. Before the levels, after the levels and in between the platforming sometimes goes back to (skippable) story telling (VN style or cutscenes) to make things more interesting. You have to fight through different worlds. Each world is devided into several areas and each area has several chackpoints ... so it is not really getting frustrating at all . At the end of each area you'll have to destroy a crystal while fighting lots of small enemys and at the end of the world you'll have to fight a boss. The bosses I've encountered in the demo were quite different and interesting to fight - also not impossible. After each area you can get back to the hub area in which you can buy improvements (more damage, more collected money, more health .... pretty simple stuff) or you can buy a key which gives you access to a more difficult level and at the end another part of the story will get unlocked. Sex scenes are part of the ongoing story and they are few and mostly consist out of drawn pictures with few animation. They are also female centered ... so far I've enountered a male person only in one scene and the guy was not even shown ... this is all female POV. The whole story is extremely psychological and mysterious. Often during the levels the magical scythe you found will talk to you to give you cryptical advice ... I have an idea what it is all about but I am not sure. The game part also is much better than I expected and it might actually be worth the price.

Adition: I just purchased the full version and the NSFW content is OPTIONAL (really optional not Galaxy optional). The player will get asked if they want it when he starts the game!

Second addition: They changed a little bit of gameplay elements in the full version too. The "key" level is now simply the last level that is locked until you've finished the last world.
Post edited August 05, 2023 by MarkoH01
ssokolow: It's annoying that, every time a new sale comes up, I have to click three checkboxes, change the Sort drop-down, drag the maximum price slider, and toggle two or three exclude filters, one of which requires as-you-type filtering in the tags list to find it... each of which requires a moment of delay while the changes apply because GOG has no NewEgg-style "toggle everything you want and then click Apply once" UI.)
Welcome to the club! :P And when you reload the page you have to disable and re-enable "Hide all owned products" as it otherwise will display your owned games again.

At least these are things you can do, although it's tedious, and they even would work when only the tagging of the games would be half way consistent on GOG (for example try to filter out demos or hentai games with the tags, good luck...).

Even worse are the things you can not do, like ignoring offers for games you are not interested in or already own or filtering out games from certain publishers like Whale Rock Games, which are constantly on sale.

Shopping on GOG more and more has gotten a pain. It's hard to get the information you want, prices and discounts are often confusing and non-transparent. Due to the lot of sales in parallel, with different ending times, it's hard to find out when a discount on a game ends or what sale it belongs to. When searching for games in the catalog you have to type the search term very slowly as otherwise the page randomly eats your input, especially when you use the list view. And the results you get are often "interesting"...
Games where you rip someone's head: amazing!!! best game eva!!!

Games where you fuck: hur dur. this cancer. ban the porn. herp derp.
M3troid: Games where you rip someone's head: amazing!!! best game eva!!!

Games where you fuck: hur dur. this cancer. ban the porn. herp derp.
Violence is used to punctuate the combat in action in, but it is the action and combat that serve as the meat and potatoes.

With porn isn't used to punctuate the game, it is the reason you're playing the game.

To put it another way violent games are played with two hands while porn games are meant to be played with one. In other words I agree with the sarcasm.
Wel at least we got a free game from these releases, a shame it was a furry game.

MarkoH01: Dreamcutter is another plattformer but to my surprise it is pretty solid with fluid movement and really good controls.
Agreed, it looks like the best here.
M3troid: Games where you rip someone's head: amazing!!! best game eva!!!

Games where you fuck: hur dur. this cancer. ban the porn. herp derp.
Magmarock: Violence is used to punctuate the combat in action in, but it is the action and combat that serve as the meat and potatoes.

With porn isn't used to punctuate the game, it is the reason you're playing the game.

To put it another way violent games are played with two hands while porn games are meant to be played with one. In other words I agree with the sarcasm.
Tres droll, mon cher ami, in the best tradition of Mae West to cowpoke Cary Grant ca 1933. Hmm, is that a pistol in your pocket...((;--))