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Can you offer me some help with the last boss? There does not seem to be any method to avoid taking damage, and I die even if I just run entire time after health (and I play the fastest character available), forget about fighting the bugger. I would probably have more willingness to experiment if not for that really long fight before boss you have to repeat after every defeat.
If it's final boss of last area don't come close because one of his attacks is almost one-hit kill hitscan ray. As for infamous boss of chapter4 that's actually harder than boss of chapter 5 change your position often because that wave, impulse he generates will always hurt every time he moves closer to you or position to face you. There is blindspot behind it and from afar, but since it moves so fast it always hurts when closer and not directly behind. Annihilator on the other had has only one dangerous attack so if you stay indoors and don't go to center area, jump around a lot while shooting it shouldn't be a problem. Real issue are enemies that constantly spawn.
Heh. i was pretty sure it was the end of the game judging by how it was throwing on me dudes like there is no tomorrow. Nvm, I'm not going to complain about there being more game than I expected. Thx for advices, I will try it some day I'm in the mood.