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Is this game any good?!?!?
DaDogge: Is this game any good?!?!?
Which one? This forum is for 3 games

Fallout 1, very good but a little unbalanced
Fallout 2, very good with excellent dark references, personally is my favorite (in second place Fallout New Vegas but is not here)
Fallout tactics, very different approach to the previous one, and really is tactical .

The history of tacticts and the first game are used (or inspired) in Wasteland 1
I agree with Belsirk, Fallout 2 is the best. Just buy them all, you're not gonna regret. Every year I start a new character in Fallout 2, the replay value is pretty high. :)
The only Fallout game I don't recommend is Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. FO3 is great, even not being the sequel that the fans deserved.
Don't forget to check mods for FO1,2,3 and NV, there's lot's of interesting mods.
Here is some that I recommend:
- Sduibek's FIXT mod for FO1.
- killap's Restoration Project for FO2.
- Wanderers Edition for FO3.
I think Fallout tactics is best my self/ Tho I really do like tactics games.
Fallout 1 and 2 are simply two of the best games ever made period.
FO Tactics is a good tactical game.
DaDogge: Is this game any good?!?!?
late response but if still fighting then yes. Now be warned, they have a limited appeal in many ways. Fallout 1 and 2, for all their merits have some heavy faults. They are unbalanced, SPECIAL has always been and still is broken, but the games are great and have a lovely amount of player choice and consequence. Just be warned, the game's not for everyone and really sells itself on the amount of freedom it hands you. Tactics is enjoyable but very different from tactics.
DaDogge: Is this game any good?!?!?
Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, Brian Fargo and Jason D. Anderson have all gone on to be a part of some of the most creative studios in gaming history, whatever makes you think they possibly made any good games when they were together at Interplay?
Fallout 1 is good, if somewhat overrated in my opinion. It's pretty short but fun on the whole.
I didn't enjoy Fallout 2 much however...the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the 1st game is mostly missing and has been replaced by lots of nonsense and silliness, the combat is as simplistic as in the 1st game, but much more tedious, and it's also fairly buggy. Worst of all for me was the "humor" which ranges from juvenile to pretty repellent (you can lose an armwrestling match against a mutant and he'll use you as a sex toy, seriously), replete with now very dated, immersion-breaking references to 1990s pop culture.
I've only played Fallout Tactics for about an hour...maybe one day I'll try it again, it looked somewhat interesting, the combat system seems to be much more refined that in Fallout 1/2 (but then Tactics misses the RPG elements :-(