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Hello! New guy here. This is my first whirly-bird sim, but I fly Rise of Flight, Red Baron, the Thirdwire sims, and IL2 1946. I decided on CvH after hearing all the great things about it, and I have to say it far surpasses my expectations! By far one of the best SP flight sims I've played in a long time. I have two questions. After studying the manual and strategy guides, I feel that I am fairly proficient on the novice setting. I ran a few skirmishes and completed my missions without a hitch. Before I move up a difficulty, and start learning how to operate the radar systems, I was wondering if anyone had tips for landing? Like what airspeed to be at, the best way to slow down etc. etc? I can't seem to land my Comanche. I might be too used to how planes land, and am doing it wrong. I see there is a 'hover' button, should I be using this?

Also. How do I end a mission? Do I have to succesfully land? Or can I press something in flight after completeing the mission? I've never landed so I have no idea. I know ctrl + q exits to the menu, but I want to complete the mission sucesfully and see my results.

Thanks for reading, and any help would be appreciated! (Oh! and I am playing un-modded.)
Hi OneoftheLost,

Flying a helo is a bit different than a normal aircraft.
I don't know how you have configured the joystick, but the best way is to have x and y being the cyclic, reverse throttle being the collective and rudder is rudder, that way you are also closest to how it is in a real chopper.

As for how to land...., well first of all you need to feel comfortable with controlling the bird, know how to accellerate to normal flight, decellerate to a hover, fly sideways etc.
Landing a helo is usually done with zero horizontal speed and very little vertical speed.
The objective is to hover over your landingpad and point your nose upwind and then decrease collective a little so you start to descent. The last 10 inches you need to decrease the collective a bit more to overcome the cushioning effect caused by the downwash.

It's not that hard really. ;)
I prefer having a minimal horizontal speed, but don't have a lot of experience with it, yet, because there's no joy-stick, currently. Just don't forget your gear.

You can land almost everywhere.
lj6kdh.jpg (72 Kb)
Hey thanks! I think I got the hang of it. :)