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Hello. I still seem to be having a problem with the obse, the silverlock ver. I installed it in my oblivion folder, I even unzipped it to the folder, and clicked it and I get a window, one black and one white, that says- couldn't find obse dll(c;\gog games\oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll). please make sure you have installed odse correctly and are running it from your oblivion folder. I must be missing something and not seeing it, but I don't know what. I'm sure i'll slap my self on the forehead but I need fresh eyes to see whats wrong. thanks for any help.
high rated
Yes, it's not well documented and a little confusing.
What you need to do, is from the silverlock site download the top one, and the 2nd one, --USE THIS WITH GOG VERSION.

Now from, extract obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll to the root directory of the game. (The folder that has Oblivion.exe)
Then extract obse_loader.exe from --USE THIS WITH GOG VERSION, to the same folder.
See Pic.
You just need those 3 files.
obse.jpg (354 Kb)
Post edited May 13, 2018 by olnorton
Thanks olnorton. got it working. Had a small problem with my antivirus, it thought the obse was a threat and vaulted it, but I got that figured out. So it works, I can start the game from it and made a shortcut for it on my desk top. Now I have the kvatch mod on my pc already, will it work now? or will I have to reinstall the mod? thanks again, oh and the picture help massively. It was the ah-ha moment. one more note I'm playing the game from the obse loader.
Post edited May 13, 2018 by redcat22
redcat22: Now I have the kvatch mod on my pc already, will it work now? or will I have to reinstall the mod?
No need to reinstall the mod, it will work.
redcat22: one more note I'm playing the game from the obse loader.
I should have said, this is what you need to do.
redcat22: Now I have the kvatch mod on my pc already, will it work now? or will I have to reinstall the mod?
olnorton: No need to reinstall the mod, it will work.
redcat22: one more note I'm playing the game from the obse loader.
olnorton: I should have said, this is what you need to do.
Great, I hoped I wouldn't have to reinstall.
and I know to use the osbe short cut from when I was playing the dvd oblivion with kvatch mod. but thanks again for all the help. I think we can make this solved
Okay, I think I need a little more help. I helped liberate kvatch and have been play for about 3 to 4 weeks game time and so far I've not had the npc approach to ask for help. now it has been some time since i'ce played this so I'm not sure how long till this mod kicks in. but I don't think it took this long. thanks again in advance.
redcat22: Okay, I think I need a little more help. I helped liberate kvatch and have been play for about 3 to 4 weeks game time and so far I've not had the npc approach to ask for help. now it has been some time since i'ce played this so I'm not sure how long till this mod kicks in. but I don't think it took this long. thanks again in advance.
Just checking, do your saved games have a .obse extension?
It's been many years since I've played that mod, but 3 to 4 weeks is too long, should be less than 2 weeks.
Is Ignar Rodblock still walking around the market district?
Here's what I would try.
First make a hard save you can go back to if it doesn't work.
If Ignar is in the market district, I would go to Weye, and with the console type SetStage KRMain01 1
Then wait there for 24 hours and see if he shows up.
If not, you could try clicking on Ignar and typing disable, then enable.
It might reset him.

Failing that, someone more familiar with the mod might be able to help you.
Post edited May 22, 2018 by olnorton
Hello. well, my saves do have the .obse on them., but I cant find ingar any where. hopfully this helps... one way or the other. Thanks for your help olnorton.
redcat22: Hello. well, my saves do have the .obse on them., but I cant find ingar any where. hopfully this helps... one way or the other. Thanks for your help olnorton.
Well I had a look on the mods Nexus page
and it is still being maintained & answered regularly.
You might want to ask there.
There are a couple of people with the same problem on the current page.
Waiting time usually takes between 6 and 22 days apparently.
Zaldiir, who uploaded the mod, says if Ignar is out looking for you, the best place to find him is inside an Oblivion Gate.
So you could give that a try.
If he still doesn't show up, I would bite the bullet and uninstall the mod, as per the mods instructions.
Load the hard save from before using the console
"In-game, go to an interior well away from Kvatch and any Kvatch Rebuilt locations. Open up the console (The key to the left of the '1' key) and enter the following:
SetStage KRUninstall 10
A message should appear, asking you to save and exit. Do so, then deactivate 'Kvatch Rebuilt.esp'. Restart Oblivion and load the save you made. You will be prompted about plug-ins having been removed. Ignore this warning. Kvatch Rebuilt has now been successfully uninstalled."
Wait a couple of days and then save and reinstall.

Or you could try creating a new character, run through the start and go straight to the market district to see if Ignar is there.
If he isn't there right at the start with a new character, then the mod hasn't installed properly.
Post edited May 23, 2018 by olnorton
Hello. I know its been awhile for this post (hey... life happens, right?). But I did solve this. my NMM keep telling me to insert disc, so I uninstalled my NMM and the obse and did a fresh install of the NMM and obse, installed the mods I wanted and it all came right up. Seem the nmm was seeing my oblivion as the disc version sense that was what it was used to. Thanks
That's good, enjoy your game.
redcat22: Hello. I know its been awhile for this post (hey... life happens, right?). But I did solve this. my NMM keep telling me to insert disc, so I uninstalled my NMM and the obse and did a fresh install of the NMM and obse, installed the mods I wanted and it all came right up. Seem the nmm was seeing my oblivion as the disc version sense that was what it was used to. Thanks
Thanks for posting your solution!
In hindsight: Was it an OBSE or an NMM problem? I'm asking because NMM had never been mentioned in earlier posts.
Hello. I'm very sure the uninstall/reinstall of the NMM is all I really needed in hind sight. When I first installed The NMM and started using mods on oblivion, I was using a dvd copy of the game. When I uninstalled the dvd copy and installed the gog copy, and figured out the obse fix for it, the NMM would not start the mods and keep asking for the disc. so, uninstall NMM, reinstall NMM, put in mods, mods working fine, happy me. Hope this helps.
Thanks - it's good to bear this in mind. Yet another potential problem cause.
Still doesn't work for me. Game starts and I get the menu and when choosing either 'continue' or 'new' the red load advancement line appears and when it reached the end the game crashes to desktop with the standard 'Oblivion has stopped working... etc' warning.