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Another ED disaster, if you have any ideas tell me what you think. I manage to collect the resources with no problems but the UCS base in the north is a fortress. I defeated the army in there and surrounded the base. The whole damn place is mined with landmines so I can't go in with tanks. Of course they have like 20 or more towers guarding the place. Going with air is insane too, the towers obliterate my choppers with missiles. The only way to go in is with devastating losses. I checked how bad it is-I lost some 30 000 credits in tanks and choppers just to destroy some 10-11 towers. The rest of them are still a big problem and UCS repair drones constantly fix all damage. This is insane I don't know what to do and all the landmines are there too with no way to detect or clear them.
Come on is anyone playing with the ED, there has to be a way to clear the landmines. This is so bad on this mission-the enemy makes 5-6 landmine vehicles and you are doomed. The laser tank shoots them up for free with the laser but it will take forever. I can't accept this poor outcome-after beating all other missions now I'm defeated with this stupid cheating.
UCS just landmine their whole base in the north and then start waiting.
Can't you just dig under them and ignore the defences?
The idea is not bad but making it happen is very hard. Yes I can tunnel to their base, but it is very well defended. I have to deal with the landmines which are everywhere and then attack the base to destroy 3 research centers. They are circled with small towers and they fire like crazy. If you try to retreat you hit some leftover landmines and your tanks are dead. UCS repair vehicles are very effective-the AI has some 4-5 of them and they repair all damage very fast. I don't know what to do, maybe I should guard the perimeter of the base all the time with choppers. Because if I don't patrol the whole area is mined. The base itself is full of landmines at the begging of the mission.
I attacked early with helicopters but the AI has some 10 Gargoils and the attack failed. The towers are there from the start too. Boy this game is very hard, I think it one of the hardest games ever created. That's why I like it ;)
Post edited November 19, 2013 by crayvencorp
Well I finally passed this ultra hard mission, for all of you hardcore ED veterans, here is the path to victory.
1.As soon as you land get your units and run. Get the Gruz with you so you can build new buildings. Quickly blow up the first bridge when you cross it. The enemy is coming soon and you don't want to fight them, trust me you will be sorry if you do.
2.Get to the resource field in the south that is highlighted on your map. The UCS troops will stop at the broken bridge. Build a base near the mineral field and also some defenses-both air and ground turrets. To the south is a fortified UCS base, do not get there or they will discover you and the results will be bad for you. They will come later but not very soon.
3.You need some choppers-some 3-4 are enough for now. Use them and cross the demolished bridge to destroy many enemies there. Continue to explore the north of the map and destroy everything which is not well defended. Eventually a second UCS base will appear in north-east corner of the map. The research centers are there but the defenses are very strong.
4.Return your helicopters back to base and prepare your army. You can safely repair the bridge now, the enemy is too busy to guard the bases and they try to stay inside. Send your army to the north. You need to disable the two large towers just next to the enemy base there, they are devastating. Use the helicopters and stay out of range to find a reactor just behind the pair of heavy towers. Destroy the reactor to disable the heavy defenses there. As soon as possible, attack and demolish them, before the enemy restores power. WARNING-the defenders of the northern base will come after you, when you attack the Fortresses. The battle is insane, devastating losses are possible. Defeat them any way you can. Do not enter inside the base-the whole place is covered with landmines!
5.Replace your lost units in the battle with helicopters-make the rocket armed model. Get as many as you can and then move to the northern UCS base. Scout the area and destroy anyone who comes out of the guarded area. Sneak in the north over the enemy base and destroy the reactor there. It is just next to the research centers. Then attack the small towers guarding the research centers one by one. Repair and reload ammo after each destroyed small tower.
6.Destroy the last remaining reactor and then you can demolish the rest of the base, just be careful. Then you will be asked to go underground. It is not so hard, make a tunnel entrance as close to the base as possible but watch out for landmines. You must dig for some time until you find a way inside the special area, just dig close to the rock and you will find a way. Collect the artifact and the mission is over.
7.Optional target-there is a large mineral field in the south, just next to the UCS base there. If you are smart you can get there without being detected and then collect the minerals.
Good luck to all!
Post edited November 23, 2013 by crayvencorp