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This is my first time through and I am in Act 2. As I proceed I noticed that there are those times when a frontline tank, so to speak, is sorely missed especially on high armored/high vitality enemies. Here is my current party:

Me - Ranger/Pyrotecnic

Ifan - Wayfarer with Geomancer. His geomancer spells have helped tons.

Siblle - Rogue/Assassin with some Polymore and Warfare spells.

Lohse - Enchantress Hydro/Aeurothage build.

At this point I am seriously thinking of respecting Ifan to a fighter but I don't want to lose the geomancer spells. Thoughts.
This question / problem has been solved by pleasenonameimage
I'm playing with a friend that prefers arrows. Still on act 1 or map 1 or whatever it is called.

-So i am a summoner.

-Red Prince is Warfare/tank like with scoundrel +2 from some armor. Got the scoundrel skill that knocks off some magic armor. He also has some poly morph and pyrotechnics.

-Sebille is a cleric (My friend for some reason prefers arrows though and he put many points in strength so its like cleric /ranger.)

-Ifan is total ranger

There is other ways then to make another tank, If you are able to learn rain and lightning bolt and teleport you can create a stun surface and move them back when they get too close. Though personaly i like having two melee fighters plus two long range fighters.
Post edited January 06, 2019 by pleasenoname
pleasenoname: I'm playing with a friend that prefers arrows. Still on act 1 or map 1 or whatever it is called.

-So i am a summoner.

-Red Prince is Warfare/tank like with scoundrel +2 from some armor. Got the scoundrel skill that knocks off some magic armor. He also has some poly morph and pyrotechnics.

-Sebille is a cleric (My friend for some reason prefers arrows though and he put many points in strength so its like cleric /ranger.)

-Ifan is total ranger

There is other ways then to make another tank, If you are able to learn rain and lightning bolt and teleport you can create a stun surface and move them back when they get too close. Though personaly i like having two melee fighters plus two long range fighters.
I am one those that love arrows. In the first D:OS I played a Ranger with Geomancer spells as a secondary. I loved it. Right now I have 3 of 4 characters with teleport and the fourth utilizing Teleport scrolls. It makes for geat fun. Next time I play through I think I'l spec Beast as a tanks (don't have him this time through) Thanks for your response.
pleasenoname: I'm playing with a friend that prefers arrows. Still on act 1 or map 1 or whatever it is called.

-So i am a summoner.

-Red Prince is Warfare/tank like with scoundrel +2 from some armor. Got the scoundrel skill that knocks off some magic armor. He also has some poly morph and pyrotechnics.

-Sebille is a cleric (My friend for some reason prefers arrows though and he put many points in strength so its like cleric /ranger.)

-Ifan is total ranger

There is other ways then to make another tank, If you are able to learn rain and lightning bolt and teleport you can create a stun surface and move them back when they get too close. Though personaly i like having two melee fighters plus two long range fighters.
StoneFist: I am one those that love arrows. In the first D:OS I played a Ranger with Geomancer spells as a secondary. I loved it. Right now I have 3 of 4 characters with teleport and the fourth utilizing Teleport scrolls. It makes for geat fun. Next time I play through I think I'l spec Beast as a tanks (don't have him this time through) Thanks for your response.
Ifans wolf summon can work as a good melee fighter, as well as other summons. Also after casting rain, you can freeze it and the enemy will slip on it if they move, don't think that requires wearing the enemy armor down.
Post edited January 06, 2019 by pleasenoname