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Definitive Edition and still no Linux support...
The dead silence from Larian speaks volumes, especially the final kickstarter update post for Divinity Original Sin 2 which has a grand total of nine words about "working on ports to other platforms" in the final section.

Bolded the relevant text from the final kickstarter update post.

Update #48: Definitive Edition! The Final Kickstarter Update

Hi everybody!
Three years ago, 42,713 of you - our most dedicated fans - supported us and believed in our game when it was still in its infancy. To say that since then the game has come a long way would be an understatement.

As we’re getting ready to release the Definitive Edition this Thursday, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you once again.

Without a shadow of a doubt, Divinity:Original Sin 2 would not be the game it is if it hadn’t been for the community that supported us throughout and after development. You all have been amazing and we’re very grateful for having such a wonderful, positive and supportive community.

Swen returned to the place where it all began to record this final Kickstarter update. He tells the tale of how sometimes drastic measures are necessary if you want to release a game...

Live Stream
To celebrate the release of the Definitive Edition, we’re organizing a massive live stream from PAX West. We’ll be showing the game, answering any questions you might have and hopefully also bringing in a few surprise guests. It should be a lot of fun, so be sure to tune in.

The stream will go live at 10am PDT / 6pm GMT and you can find us directly on our store page within the steam application or on their website.

The Definitive Edition
As Kickstarter backers, you should already have Divinity: Original Sin 2 in your Steam or GOG library. Once we go live on the 31st, the game will update, adding a launcher window that will let you choose between the original version of the game or the Definitive Edition.

You can continue playing the existing version and use your existing saves, but if you want to try out the Definitive Edition, you will need to create a new character.

This update is 100% free and everyone that owns the game on the 31st will receive the Definitive Edition automatically.

You will also get free access to our new mini-companion DLC, Sir Lora.

If you want to know what’s in the Definitive Edition, check out this 53 page document containing all the changes. (Warning: Massive spoilers ahead.)

Our Last Kickstarter Update
This will be the last Kickstarter update for Divinity:Original Sin 2.

We’ll obviously continue to support the game with patches and we are still working on ports to other platforms, but content wise we’ll be moving on to new things. Expect to hear a lot more from us once we’re ready to announce our new endeavors.

It’s been a great ride.

You are all fantastic.

Thank you.
morrowslant: Yes.
The dead silence from Larian speaks volumes, especially the final kickstarter update post for Divinity Original Sin 2 which has a grand total of nine words about "working on ports to other platforms" in the final section.

Bolded the relevant text from the final kickstarter update post.

Update #48: Definitive Edition! The Final Kickstarter Update

(... ... ...)

We’ll obviously continue to support the game with patches and we are still working on ports to other platforms, but content wise we’ll be moving on to new things. Expect to hear a lot more from us once we’re ready to announce our new endeavors.

It’s been a great ride.

You are all fantastic.

Thank you.
I know it's frustrating but I think as for D:OS they'll finally deliver a Linux release.

Be patient peoples, Linux isn't a big thing in computer game world (and you know it). It's a little for now but years after years we have more and more games complient with Linux.
It has been over 6 months since that last post of mine in this thread. Totally forgot about Divinity Original Sin2.
Just another oddly huge download size game in my backlog that will never be played.
I am in the process of retesting games. Currently on letter D. Last time I tried this game, it was almost playable, but with white initial textures on many objects. Only those that allowed switching (e.g. multi-page books) eventually showed any graphics. I don't remember changing much of anything since then, but now everything seems to work. This game is finally playable on Linux, at least for me. Stable 4.0.1, dxvk-1.2.1, latest mesa on amdgpu/Raven.
I'd still be really interested in a Linux port. Will it ever happen?
PopeRigby: I'd still be really interested in a Linux port. Will it ever happen?
By now I would say no chance. Its finally off my wishlist. Moving on.
Just adding my +1 for Linux support.

Failing that: Official support through regularly updated instructions and testing of the Windows version via WINE/Proton in order to allow those on Linux to play, would be great!