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Yunipuma: "Male" option was cut out. Bow there are "body type" and "voice type".
xgribbelfix: I know there is a body type and voice selection. But what do you get by picking male/male? Exactly, a male person. His biological sex is male. Whatever you pick as body type is going to be your biological sex.
No. What you get is a surrogate without even a "male" tag on it.
And it has no reasons to be as you start with only a minimal mods.
Once again - slow transformation of human being into cyborg is absolutely cannon in cyberpunk. But you have to start with your natural body mainly intact (as you do not have the money for mods) and your natural sex (not gender as gender is just an abstaction created by Freid's folowers).
And CDPR cut that out.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by Yunipuma
low rated
xgribbelfix: I know there is a body type and voice selection. But what do you get by picking male/male? Exactly, a male person. His biological sex is male. Whatever you pick as body type is going to be your biological sex.
Yunipuma: whine
Perhaps this game is just not for you.
lace_gardenia: whine
Perhaps the game which is made to please LGBTQ crowd is just not for me. But why then CDPR does not say it loud & clear?
So far we only get half-assed answers & videos, nothing concrete.
So I still have a hope that Cyberpunk will be made for common players and mass market, not for power-hungry minority.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by Yunipuma
Yunipuma: No. What you get is a surrogate without even a "male" tag on it.
And it has no reasons to be as you start with only a minimal mods.
Once again - slow transformation of human being into cyborg is absolutely cannon in cyberpunk. But you have to start with your natural body mainly intact (as you do not have the money for mods) and your natural sex (not gender as gender is just an abstaction created by Freid's folowers).
And CDPR cut that out.
How did they cut it out? If you pick male/female body type you get your natural body with selected genitals. If you pick male/female voice you get the gender by which you will be addressed by NPCs.

Voice type is not a body modification, imo. Nothing to do with cyborgs yet.
xgribbelfix: How did they cut it out?
I'e' there is no NOTION of true human sexes. Only biological bits.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by Yunipuma
xgribbelfix: How did they cut it out?
I'e' there is no NOTION of true human sexes. Only biological bits.
Biologically they are male or female, depending on your body type. Sex is determined by body type. So, male/female body type, male/female sex.
I'e' there is no NOTION of true human sexes. Only biological bits.
xgribbelfix: Biologically they are male or female, depending on your body type. Sex is determined by body type. So, male/female body type, male/female sex.
Sex is determined by human organism as whole. If you have male body with female voice and NPC adress this person as "she" - it's not male, despite having a penis.
low rated
Yunipuma: Sex is determined by human organism as whole. If you have male body with female voice and NPC adress this person as "she" - it's not male, despite having a penis.
The sex is still male. That's determined by biology, chromosomes etc.

I can start to talk in a higher pitched voice, identify as a female, but biologically i'm still male. I know, many of trans people ignore the biological sex, but others also know it's still important in certain aspects of their life.

For example, a male identifying as a female should not be allowed to compete in a women championship, because they are still biologically male which is a huge advantage.
Yunipuma: Sex is determined by human organism as whole. If you have male body with female voice and NPC adress this person as "she" - it's not male, despite having a penis.
xgribbelfix: The sex is still male. That's determined by biology, chromosomes etc.

I can start to talk in a higher pitched voice, identify as a female, but biologically i'm still male. I know, many of trans people ignore the biological sex, but others also know it's still important in certain aspects of their life.

For example, a male identifying as a female should not be allowed to compete in a women championship, because they are still biologically male which is a huge advantage.
Its unbelivable how narrow minded and ignorant this Yunipuma is.. like you talking to a brick wall :D

let him be because as i said everything you say hes just ignoring it and forcing his "truth". These people are the worst, they dont know they are stupid and delusional. Like a fanatic.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by Ryvors
low rated
cLaude83: dead image link cause hotlinking disallowed
You need some computer help there, boomer-sama?
Post edited January 04, 2020 by lace_gardenia
This has only even really become an issue because of the larger picture, there's a problem in general with people trying to push the silly 'gender is a social construct' idea. It might seem like a small thing to remove the label 'male' and 'female' from the game under normal circumstances since you're still choosing a character who is clearly male or female, but by them intentionally removing those labels, there's potentially an implication of support for the idea that the label 'male' and 'female' don't correspond to specific things in reality.

Because gender = sex, for all intents and purposes, saying that gender is a social construct is the same as saying that sex is a social construct, thus claiming that reality is malleable and you can change physical reality with only language. That's the main contention with the 'gender is a social construct' idea that has gained way more traction than it has any right to have. Ones gender identity can certainly be different than one's sex, but ones gender is the exact same thing as one's sex.

It is a fairly small thing, it's really the larger societal situation that's making people extra sensitive to these sorts of things; sometimes with good reason, sometimes not. The removing of the male and female labels is a red flag, to be sure, but it doesn't necessarily mean the rest of the game will be bad.
Guys, calm down, it's a video game, it's not real
Ryvors: Its unbelivable how narrow minded and ignorant this Yunipuma is.. like you talking to a brick wall :D

let him be because as i said everything you say hes just ignoring it and forcing his "truth". These people are the worst, they dont know they are stupid and delusional. Like a fanatic.
It's amazingly funny to read this post after all of your previous ones. But go on, I beg you! It's always fun to watch fools.Especially poorly lying fools.
xgribbelfix: The sex is still male. That's determined by biology, chromosomes etc.
Sex - yes. But I'm not talking about sex. I'm nalking about a notion of being male. AND thre is a BIG difference.

xgribbelfix: For example, a male identifying as a female should not be allowed to compete in a women championship, because they are still biologically male which is a huge advantage.
So - you DO understand the difference. But you are desperate to pretend that everything is different here. But this is not so. Everything is always the same in our world. Because it is built on certain principles of physics, biology and psychology.

Binerexis: Guys, calm down, it's a video game, it's not real
Do you know such a thing as "Overton windows"?
If you do not know - google it.
devoras: This has only even really become an issue because of the larger picture, there's a problem in general with people trying to push the silly 'gender is a social construct' idea. It might seem like a small thing to remove the label 'male' and 'female' from the game under normal circumstances since you're still choosing a character who is clearly male or female, but by them intentionally removing those labels, there's potentially an implication of support for the idea that the label 'male' and 'female' don't correspond to specific things in reality.
Exactly my point! But your English is naturally more good at formulating it.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by Yunipuma
cLaude83: dead image link cause hotlinking disallowed
lace_gardenia: You need some computer help there, boomer-sama?
Nice try, but I was developing both software and to a lesser extent hardware before your parents had the accident.

xgribbelfix: The sex is still male. That's determined by biology, chromosomes etc.

I can start to talk in a higher pitched voice, identify as a female, but biologically i'm still male. I know, many of trans people ignore the biological sex, but others also know it's still important in certain aspects of their life.

For example, a male identifying as a female should not be allowed to compete in a women championship, because they are still biologically male which is a huge advantage.
Ryvors: Its unbelivable how narrow minded and ignorant this Yunipuma is.. like you talking to a brick wall :D

let him be because as i said everything you say hes just ignoring it and forcing his "truth". These people are the worst, they dont know they are stupid and delusional. Like a fanatic.
That's some insightful self-analysis you're projecting there.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by cLaude83
lace_gardenia: You need some computer help there, boomer-sama?
cLaude83: Nice try, but I was developing both software and to a lesser extent hardware before your parents had the accident.
Post edited January 04, 2020 by lace_gardenia