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I'm not sure if this issue has been figured out, but I get the message "Not Enough Disk Space" when starting the gog version of BG1.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a drive that is over 2TB in size and the game is so old that it doesn't detect it properly. I've tried using compatibility modes and the game just refuses to load and sometimes won't even show the error and just quits.

Anyone know of a work around?
thesmack: I'm not sure if this issue has been figured out, but I get the message "Not Enough Disk Space" when starting the gog version of BG1.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a drive that is over 2TB in size and the game is so old that it doesn't detect it properly. I've tried using compatibility modes and the game just refuses to load and sometimes won't even show the error and just quits.

Anyone know of a work around?
Have you tried putting it in a smaller parition? Barring that, you could always ask GOG's support staff and see if they have a handy answer.
thesmack: I'm not sure if this issue has been figured out, but I get the message "Not Enough Disk Space" when starting the gog version of BG1.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a drive that is over 2TB in size and the game is so old that it doesn't detect it properly. I've tried using compatibility modes and the game just refuses to load and sometimes won't even show the error and just quits.

Anyone know of a work around?
Is this during installation of the game? If so, you can safely ignore that message and click to continue the install anyway. I remember the original release of the game used to do this for modern hard drives, but the error message could be safely ignored.
thesmack: I'm not sure if this issue has been figured out, but I get the message "Not Enough Disk Space" when starting the gog version of BG1.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a drive that is over 2TB in size and the game is so old that it doesn't detect it properly. I've tried using compatibility modes and the game just refuses to load and sometimes won't even show the error and just quits.

Anyone know of a work around?
TheEnigmaticT: Have you tried putting it in a smaller parition? Barring that, you could always ask GOG's support staff and see if they have a handy answer.
I haven't yet, but I noticed now that if I change the OS of the compatibility mode options while having the program set to run as administrator it will run once. After that initial startup where the game works if I close the game and try to run it again it fails with the "Not Enough Disk Space" error...until I go into the program preferences and change the OS compatibility to something else, then it will run again, but only once.

I'm gonna try to run it off my smaller boot partition and see if it works...I'm guessing it probably will, as I've noticed drives over 2TB need to be formatted differently from smaller sized drives and I think that is where the issues are coming from.
thesmack: I'm not sure if this issue has been figured out, but I get the message "Not Enough Disk Space" when starting the gog version of BG1.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have a drive that is over 2TB in size and the game is so old that it doesn't detect it properly. I've tried using compatibility modes and the game just refuses to load and sometimes won't even show the error and just quits.

Anyone know of a work around?
Lobsang1979: Is this during installation of the game? If so, you can safely ignore that message and click to continue the install anyway. I remember the original release of the game used to do this for modern hard drives, but the error message could be safely ignored.
No, this is during the start of the program after it has been installed with gog's installer.
Post edited May 17, 2011 by thesmack
As TheEnigmaticT says a smaller partition would be the simplest solution.

However it doesn't have to mean re-partitioning. At least in Windows 7 (not sure if Vista is an option)

1) I've made a VHD file through Computer Management->Storage->Disk Management->(Right click) Create VHD.

2) Mount the drive (make sure it's smaller than 2TB

3) Install or move the game to the new virtual drive.

4) The drive doesn't mount at system start up. So if you want write down these two scripts :


' Argument from command-line
strFile = WScript.Arguments(0)

Dim objShell, objFSO, objFile

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FileExists(strFile) Then ' Check to see if the file exists
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFile)
strCmd = "powershell -nologo -command " & Chr(34) & "&{" & objFile.ShortPath & "}" & Chr(34) ' Chr(34) is ""
objShell.Run strCmd, 0 ' 0 hides the window
WScript.Echo "ERROR: " & strFile & " does not exist." ' Display error message if file does not exist
End If

Save it as silentpowershell.vbs (used to wrap the next script and prevent pesky powershell prompts popping up while logging on.)


function Mount-VHD
Mounts a VHD file
Mounts a VHD file with diskpart
Mount-VHD .\this.vhd
# The file to mount

# If set, makes the VHD read only

process {
$resolvedFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($file)

if (-not $ResolvedFile) { return }

$diskpartScript = "
select vdisk file='$ResolvedFile'
attach vdisk $(if ($readOnly) { 'READONLY' })
$diskPartScriptPath = "$env:Temp\DiskPart.$(Get-Random)"
$diskPartScript | Set-Content -Path $diskPartScriptPath -Encoding ASCII
diskpart /s $diskPartScriptPath



Save it as automountvhd.ps1 (Remember to change the path and file name at the bottom.)

And finally create a Task in Task Scheduler Library add this

Program/script: wscript
Add arguments (optional): "X:\path-to-script\silentpowershell.vbs" "X:\path-to-script\automountvhd.ps1"

And again change paths and file names to what you have.

Finally make sure the Task runs "At log on"

P.S. This works for all the Infinity Engine games which cannot start whenever the drive you have installed it on is 2TB or larger.
Post edited March 08, 2012 by 2mmy
Sorry to resurrect it but...
IMO this is a security permissions problem (in Windows 7).
I was installing IWD 2 from the modern dvd, not the old cds and it didn't like me installing it on the external hard drive.
If you install to a root folder on the C:\ drive, such as

C:\YourName\Programs\Icewind Dale

then you will have no problems and not get this error but (IMO)
if you install to the default \Program Files\ folder, or to an external drive or go using an Apple Mac emulator or go using an iso file and mounting it, then you are asking for trouble. So, be careful.