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You need to be more descriptive in your words, then. Are you getting input lag? Is it a sensitivity issue? Response time? As I said, it may be a mouse problem, not a problem with the game. Okay, so you used a thesaurus to get more adjectives (although I don't know how a mouse can be "lacking alertness," but whatever); it doesn't change the fact that calling the mouse "sluggish" isn't the most helpful description of the problem.
Olde72: You need to be more descriptive in your words, then. Are you getting input lag? Is it a sensitivity issue? Response time? As I said, it may be a mouse problem, not a problem with the game. Okay, so you used a thesaurus to get more adjectives (although I don't know how a mouse can be "lacking alertness," but whatever); it doesn't change the fact that calling the mouse "sluggish" isn't the most helpful description of the problem.
No, Christ. It's nothing technical like that. Just the way it plays it feels a lot less fluid than newer and even some earlier shooters (like DN3D, ROTT, or Quake 2). Nothing that can be done about it on my end, it just feels off. It just doesn't feel good to play for me.

I also never said the mouse was lacking alertness, just pointing out "Sluggish" doesn't always mean slow. A lot of words have more than one strict meaning. I also didn't use a thesaurus, I just know what a lot of words mean. :\
Post edited December 09, 2014 by emphaticleech.183
tinyE: If I may bring the conversation down to a more polite level. :P

I first played AvP #2 years ago and loved it and for some reason thought #1 would be a huge step backward but like the OP I am amazed how good it looks, smooth it runs, and how GREAT IT SOUNDS! I also appreciate how it borrows from the original Alien over the 2nd Aliens which are both great movies but the1st tends to get lost in the wake of the second.

However that's not why I'm posting here. XD

Am I the only one who thinks #1 is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY harder than #2. That's not a gripe and I plan on reinstalling 2 after I finish 1 for a replay, but #1 just seems much darker and more confined and flat out scarier.
johnnygoging: I got the exact opposite impression; that the game was almost directly patterned after the sequel, of which it takes place some while after. It's Alien: Isolation that's very evocative of the original film.

But I agree the game is remarkably relevant thanks to its great usage of the ip and its unusual characteristics like the very unforgiving but authentic balancing. I gave up and uninstalled it after failing on the 4th Marine mission on Director's Cut a bunch of times. At that difficulty, it's just too down to luck.

The only gripe I have about the game (other than the difficulty being a bit much at times), is the fact that they didn't really commit on the predator vision mode. Given that you're always using one of the mask modes anyway, I don't think it would have been such a bad idea to replicate the style we saw in the film and not just put in the normal mode for the game. But it's a minor concern and I don't know the lore.
If you are having trouble with the 4th Marine mission on Director's Cut Difficulty, here is a video showing you how to beat it:
The graphics alone are impressive for a game that was made around the year 2000.

The best thing about the game is how you can play as an alien or predator and not be restricted to just playing as humans. Being able to crawl everywhere as an alien is an experience that is very difficult to find in other first person games, because they can only rely on their tails and claws they have to stick to stealth more than Predators and Humans to effectively kill their prey.

It took time to figure out the controls due to lack of a tutorial, but once they were solved, the rest of the game flows naturally.

I'm in the process of beating the Predator and Human campaigns. Which I'll eventually do on higher difficulties as well. Didn't know there were cheats in this game, it will be fun to unlock those. It is fun when games have cheats you need to unlock rather than just allowing you to use cheats anytime by typing a hidden code on the main menu.
I agree with you, the game aged remarkably well indeed.
Shame there was sequels like COlonial marine.
I'd never played this before but I rember playing games like Jedi Knight and Half-Life. This one is up there with them in my opinion.
Indeed. Always wanted to try it when I was younger, but now that I have, I have been pleasently suprised by it's quality, despite it's age.
Yes, it has. I've made the Xenomorph my mythical spirit animal....