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Went to attack an orc scout, but didn't see the army behind him. Another battle lost.

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Day 24? of the Dead!

Dead bodies are mindless peons to our necromancers, but our orcish
allies are skilled military tactitians.They know how to set baits for their
enemy by exposing a single unit just on the edge of his vision range.

Humans disappeared from our sight after capturing a big dwarven town.

A dark elf, suffering from insomnia offered to dedicate his sleepless
nights to us for a small amount of gold. Tirlas Nightguard will now be
rewarded with a special weapon for making this wise decision.

Frostlings head North towards the Dwarven capital. Are they paying
a friendly visit to their dwarven allies or are they planning to put some
red color to the snow?
Day 25, Humans

It seems our sea-power is serving us well - though the Undead are no less spread than us in their explorations.


Another city falls to the Undead. An Elven hero arrives to try to turn the tide.

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Day 25? of the Dead!

While battles occur between Dwarves and Undead Dwarves, Humans control the whole sea
and Frostlings conquer all the northern forests. Peace was beneficial to them. But what will
happen when there is nothing more to conquer? Who will fire the first arrow?

Tried to take back our city. The entire Undead garrison is gone, but our ram broke.

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Dwarves Day 27

Tried to retake our surface city, but were defetaed again.

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Day 27 of the Dead!

Interesting debut battle for Tirlas Nightguard, but he has a lot more to prove.
Dwarves learn that attacking has less advantage than deffending and will
soon turn into part of our own fleshless army. In the undergrounds they set
guards by the entrance of the cave where our dwarven town is. Wise move.

Humans set a garrison in the biggest city, but why? Will the try to attack the
syrons? If the manage to put them down, our orcs will emerge from the
tunnels and flood the valley.

Humans destroyed a graveyard town by populating it with... orcs? That
was surprising. Frostlings seem to use giants and dwarves just the way
Dwarves use frostlings at their command... An alliance of the shorties is
being forged right before our eyes...
Dwarves, Day 28

Human and Frostling scouts have reached our lands.

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Day 28 of the Dead!

Today we attacked a prison so we can enslave the prisoners and use them in battle.
We were so disappointed when we saw them, that we decided to eat them.