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"toolset" returned 4 posts
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How to I access and use the Toolset for NWN2 as installed from GOG? Just can't find how...
Duffer: How to I access and use the Toolset for NWN2 as installed from GOG? Just can't find how...
You can find the exe in the installation directory (C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete, if you used the standard directory). Just double-click on the NWN2ToolsetLauncher.exe. It may take a while for the Toolset to open, but it is working.
Duffer: How to I access and use the Toolset for NWN2 as installed from GOG? Just can't find how...
Gaunathor: You can find the exe in the installation directory (C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete, if you used the standard directory). Just double-click on the NWN2ToolsetLauncher.exe. It may take a while for the Toolset to open, but it is working.
I am having the same problem but i have no toolsetlauncher.exe
The toolset requires this old version of the DirectX runtime. It will run fine alongside your later versions of DirectX. On the disc version of the game, it comes with it.

You may also need the older .NET framework, but try just this.
Post edited March 07, 2013 by touched