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Как скучно я живу...
Sanjuro: Однако.
Не знал, не ждал, теперь буду наблюдать, что из этого получится.
Тоже жду и верю в них. Надеюсь что здесь появится, пираний пиратить не поднимется рука. Придется консоль покупать.
Sanjuro: Однако.
Не знал, не ждал, теперь буду наблюдать, что из этого получится. Science Fantasy universe...
Я ждал, когда скрестят всё со всем!))
M.Sayfullin: Science Fantasy universe...
Я ждал, когда скрестят всё со всем!))
Эмм... Warhammer 40.000?
M.Sayfullin: Science Fantasy universe...
Я ждал, когда скрестят всё со всем!))
Sanjuro: Эмм... Warhammer 40.000?
It's not post-apocalyptic :P It's more like the Spanish Inquisition but in the futuuuuuurrrreeee :P
JudasIscariot: It's not post-apocalyptic :P It's more like the Spanish Inquisition but in the futuuuuuurrrreeee :P
Heeey! What do you mean by "not post-apocalyptic"? What about Age of Strife?
JudasIscariot: It's not post-apocalyptic :P It's more like the Spanish Inquisition but in the futuuuuuurrrreeee :P
Tell that to Death Korps of Krieg. :-P
JudasIscariot: It's not post-apocalyptic :P It's more like the Spanish Inquisition but in the futuuuuuurrrreeee :P
Sanjuro: Tell that to Death Korps of Krieg. :-P
JudasIscariot: It's not post-apocalyptic :P It's more like the Spanish Inquisition but in the futuuuuuurrrreeee :P
LynXsh: Heeey! What do you mean by "not post-apocalyptic"? What about Age of Strife?
They got past it didn't they? I mean it was 15,000 years or so ago :P To me, and feel free to dispute this, post-apocalyptic means that the effects of the apocalypse can still be very much seen, see the Fallout games, for example :)
JudasIscariot: They got past it didn't they? I mean it was 15,000 years or so ago :P To me, and feel free to dispute this, post-apocalyptic means that the effects of the apocalypse can still be very much seen, see the Fallout games, for example :)
Aren't they seen in all those religion-like relations with hi-tech and using thousand-years-aged armors-guns-titans (see "Brotherhood of Steel")? And if you read back carefully, almost all Imperium worlds are in "still-going-for-all-these-years-apoc" just like in Transmetropolitan (or worse).

Please excuse my bad English...
Post edited November 23, 2015 by LynXsh
Сегодня случайно зашел на сайт uplay и увидел там Risen 3. Радости не было предела, хотел купить и тут увидел надпись: АКТИВАЦИЯ ЭТОЙ ИГРЫ ЧЕРЕЗ STEAM™
Это писец, товарищи.
Morddraig: Сегодня случайно зашел на сайт uplay и увидел там Risen 3. Радости не было предела, хотел купить и тут увидел надпись: АКТИВАЦИЯ ЭТОЙ ИГРЫ ЧЕРЕЗ STEAM™
Это писец, товарищи.
Uplay + Steam? Это же новый "стандарт". И на мой взгляд uplay куда хуже стима.
JudasIscariot: They got past it didn't they? I mean it was 15,000 years or so ago :P To me, and feel free to dispute this, post-apocalyptic means that the effects of the apocalypse can still be very much seen, see the Fallout games, for example :)
LynXsh: Aren't they seen in all those religion-like relations with hi-tech and using thousand-years-aged armors-guns-titans (see "Brotherhood of Steel")? And if you read back carefully, almost all Imperium worlds are in "still-going-for-all-these-years-apoc" just like in Transmetropolitan (or worse).

Please excuse my bad English...
Dude, your English is fine, you should see my Russian :D (hint: it's damn near non-existent :/)

Are you sure it's all of the Imperium worlds and not just ones on the very edge of the Imperium? Granted, I am no expert on Warhammer 40K lore but if they can manage to sacrifice 10,000 psykers a day to keep the Emperor alive, I think they're a bit past the immediate post-apocalypse stage, again, feel free to correct me if I am in the wrong :)
JudasIscariot: Are you sure it's all of the Imperium worlds and not just ones on the very edge of the Imperium? Granted, I am no expert on Warhammer 40K lore but if they can manage to sacrifice 10,000 psykers a day to keep the Emperor alive, I think they're a bit past the immediate post-apocalypse stage, again, feel free to correct me if I am in the wrong :)
Or, maybe, just "FOR TEH EMPEROR!!1"? And, if we speak of counting deaders, do you remember Cadia? How many local (yeah, and non-local) folks there die every day? Or did you mean "only those who're killed in peacetime"?

And, as Sanjuro said,
Sanjuro: Tell that to Death Korps of Krieg. :-P
But yeah, you could measure WH40k's Imperium by only looking at Hive Worlds, I won't stop you. Let's just go and drink a cup or two of that wonderful amasec!
Sarisio: Uplay + Steam? Это же новый "стандарт". И на мой взгляд uplay куда хуже стима.
На мой взгляд всё хуже Steam, кроме GOG'а.

Morddraig: Тоже жду и верю в них. Надеюсь что здесь появится, пираний пиратить не поднимется рука. Придется консоль покупать.
Не надо консоль, там ведь локализации редко бывают. Про Spacetime вкурсе?
M.Sayfullin: Science Fantasy universe...
Я ждал, когда скрестят всё со всем!))
Post edited November 23, 2015 by Casval_Deikun