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matterbandit: Waking up to a bright sunny day and blue sky, with nothing on today's agenda but time to myself. :) As much as I enjoyed spending the last three days helping Mom with her garden, it feels great knowing that today I get to chill with my chores and routines. :P
I know how that is...I have all the time one could ask for, yet I always seem to have schedules slip into the mix somehow. I guess our minds just like to have our lives ordered no matter what we have to say about it? ;)
(well at least I finished several games this year, including a few longer ones)

matterbandit: That reminds me, I got some love handles I need to kiss goodbye. xD
Good luck with that(I am also trying to lose a wee bit o' weight).
Getting a reply from a game developer always makes me happy.
Thinking about summer holidays vacations.
I have the complete pre-Disney Futurama on DVD now, and only a Blu-ray upgrade can tear it away from me.
LegoDnD: I have the complete pre-Disney Futurama on DVD now, and only a Blu-ray upgrade can tear it away from me.
Does it include a copy of Amy's obscene tattoo and a Lucy Liu bot?
It's a used copy and includes every disk across 12 cardboard slips with relevant art and all in a 2-part box with more art in the same style. A fake tattoo (with a quote via word-bubble?) would be interesting, but how would the robot fit in?
LegoDnD: , but how would the robot fit in?
A refrigerator box brought in through the front door obviously
Day two of a twelve-day vacation. Just gonna relax, play some games, spend time with my nephew, and maybe go to the movies. Life is good.
Just put in several hours of hard work sorting through stuff while spring cleaning
Tired as fuck right now but it feels satisfying to see the progress made
Finally solved a coding issue that has been haunting my new team for a couple of sprints. Not the most elegant solution but you know what? After nearly a week of no progress I'll take what I can.
At about 9 p.m. yesterday night, I cycled about town until around 2 a.m. :)

The heatwave was too unbearable when the sun was out, that I decided to wait and go biking under the stars. It was surreal, cycling alone through empty streets, except for the odd sketchy person (I wonder if they thought the same of me?!). Silence, street lights and lots of shadows. Almost felt I was on the set of an 80's horror movie. xD
matterbandit: At about 9 p.m. yesterday night, I cycled about town until around 2 a.m. :)

The heatwave was too unbearable when the sun was out, that I decided to wait and go biking under the stars. It was surreal, cycling alone through empty streets, except for the odd sketchy person (I wonder if they thought the same of me?!). Silence, street lights and lots of shadows. Almost felt I was on the set of an 80's horror movie. xD
Cycling can also be good in a heatwave, the feel of the wind tunnel breeze and the like
Visited Mom yesterday evening and came home with a lovely bunch of peonies flowers from her garden, some white, some pink and some purple. I placed these delightfully fragrant flowers in my bedroom because that's where the sun shines most and woke up this morning to a room smelling sweet and rosy! :)