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BeatriceElysia: To be fair, being new on the forum can be so bewildering people don't do themself a favor. I was among those who ask for a games without reading OP, especially when I came here. It's something to learn.
Agreed but, in this case, when you're at the top of this page, the "PLEASE READ THESE BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING." is visible.

I have a feeling some of these folks are just creating new accounts to get the game.

It would be interesting to see the IP addresses associated with these new accounts. I'm sure there's some repeats and/ or proxies in there.
Dejavous: Secondarily if you are granted a game from the lists, you should reciprocate and donate to the several giveaways that are hapening on the GoG forums, to keep them going, it's not mandentory but feeding the beast will keep it from dying...
Some of us just quietly give games away when we see folks asking about them. :)

Or we did when the wallet worked. *grumble*
Post edited April 16, 2018 by drmike
Cavalary: Ok, I'll be taking a harder line here and say those who don't read the OP (and the lists after it) should just be ignored.
drmike: I disagree with that. One forum I work with, if you do something like this, they have to make a video of themselves doing the chicken dance and post it to youtube.

Folks learn real fast. :)

If you ignore them, it's not a learning experience and they'll just continue on screwing up.
They, Cavalry, does'nt mean ignore as in completely, they mean the request for the game should not be concidered, pointing out that you failure to read post one should be not over and over and over but it should happen.
BeatriceElysia: To be fair, being new on the forum can be so bewildering people don't do themself a favor. I was among those who ask for a games without reading OP, especially when I came here. It's something to learn.
drmike: Agreed but, in this case, when you're at the top of this page, the "PLEASE READ THESE BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING." is visible.

I have a feeling some of these folks are just creating new accounts to get the game.

It would be interesting to see the IP addresses associated with these new accounts. I'm sure there's some repeats and/ or proxies in there.
Dejavous: Secondarily if you are granted a game from the lists, you should reciprocate and donate to the several giveaways that are hapening on the GoG forums, to keep them going, it's not mandentory but feeding the beast will keep it from dying...
drmike: Some of us just quietly give games away when we see folks asking about them. :)

Or we did when the wallet worked. *grumble*
Same here, even tho Zeo makes it hard to anonymously donate when he tells people who gave what LOL
Post edited April 16, 2018 by Dejavous
Dejavous: Zeo makes it hard to anonymously donate when he tells people who gave what LOL
If it's an anonymous donor, he'll say just that as far as I know, right? Now the recipient will see who the code is from, that's from GOG, but then it's on them to respect the donor's wish and not say publicly who the game's from...
Dejavous: Same here, even tho Zeo makes it hard to anonymously donate when he tells people who gave what LOL
If you ask him not to, he won't publicly state who provided the key.
high rated
zeogold: The only exceptions I'll likely make are daggered games where there's a crapton of copies of them I have to give away anyways.
The amount of people who showed up immediately after I said this is almost startling.

I'll get to requests a bit later, kind of busy at the moment (so don't feel neglected if you asked for something), just stopping by to answer some posts.
Cavalary: Ok, I'll be taking a harder line here and say those who don't read the OP (and the lists after it) should just be ignored. I mean, should come a point when it'd be too obvious it's pointless to keep explaining. Everything's there, read it carefully, mull over whether you meet the criteria, then maybe ask for an available game.'s worth explaining at least. As has been pointed out, some folks are just new and jump the gun. It's not like we're ever going to run out of new people. Sometimes people will end up being long-time donors like this. The exception would be if they already had it explained to them yet still persist.
Dejavous: Secondarily if you are granted a game from the lists, you should reciprocate and donate to the several giveaways that are hapening on the GoG forums, to keep them going, it's not mandentory but feeding the beast will keep it from dying...
I disagree with that somewhat. It feels kind of wrong to me to suddenly oblige somebody to buy another game just because they got one for free. It's a giveaway, not a pseudo-trade. I mean, if they want to, it's nice, but they shouldn't feel obligated or pressured into it.
Dejavous: Zeo makes it hard to anonymously donate when he tells people who gave what LOL
Cavalary: If it's an anonymous donor, he'll say just that as far as I know, right? Now the recipient will see who the code is from, that's from GOG, but then it's on them to respect the donor's wish and not say publicly who the game's from...
Yes, this is how it works.
Post edited April 17, 2018 by zeogold
Hence why I said it's not mandatory, but a lot of "new" people may not realize that this is a donation based giveaway, just making a PUBLIC statement to that fact.
drmike: If you ignore them, it's not a learning experience and they'll just continue on screwing up.
Not if you keep ignoring them constantly. Btw: we are not here to educate those new here. It might sound harsh but EVERYBODY should understand that there is a beginning and an end to each story and in every thread. Add to this that the OP is now shown on every single page. If you cannot see that imo you should neither get a game nor a reply. But I know zeo will still reply in detail because he is just too good for this world :) I won't critizise this, I just wanted to add my own opinion here (which is mean and harsh but so is the world ;)).

Dejavous: Same here, even tho Zeo makes it hard to anonymously donate when he tells people who gave what LOL
You will always have the opportunity to donate anonymously. Zeo will then not tell your name.

Edit: Which was already said here so forget this ;)
Post edited April 17, 2018 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: Not if you keep ignoring them constantly.
I see your point (I really do) but with what folks have access to, it;s going to backlash. They'll head over to youtube, facebook, etc and start screaming into the camera or TYPING IN ALL CAPS!! about how horrible we all are and there's no tech support here and f this and f that etc.....

Having said that, it's really up to Zeo how he manages this thread.
drmike: I see your point (I really do) but with what folks have access to, it;s going to backlash. They'll head over to youtube, facebook, etc and start screaming into the camera or TYPING IN ALL CAPS!! about how horrible we all are and there's no tech support here and f this and f that etc.....
But why should I - or anybody for that matter - care? There are enough idiots on youtube alreadyy - I doubt they will even be noticed ;)

drmike: Having said that, it's really up to Zeo how he manages this thread.
Of course it is and I never wanted to say anything else - I would not dare to do so :)

Post edited April 17, 2018 by MarkoH01
Post edited April 17, 2018 by Fairfox
Fairfox: i dont think they will? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
honest lee i think its fine. they need to be skooled hard
in teh face
with xtreme prejudice
an' cake

(stale cake)
Fairfox pls, stale cake is still cake. Moldy cake on the other hand...
Fairfox: i dont think they will? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
honest lee i think its fine. they need to be skooled hard
in teh face
with xtreme prejudice
an' cake

(stale cake)
SpartanSloth: Fairfox pls, stale cake is still cake. Moldy cake on the other hand...
And here begins the mystery if you need to interpret this in Fairfox language or usual English ... most of the time she uses her language which means that we probably have to juggle the letters around until we see the true meaning but in some cases she also uses "normal" English... what will it be here?
Seems like reading the rules is too hard...

No seriously, if ALL CAPS and bold text isn't enough to get some peoples attention I don't know what is, sorry for the rant and/ or derail, but I had to mention it, sorry. :P
NuffCatnip: No seriously, if ALL CAPS and bold text isn't enough to get some peoples attention I don't know what is
Maybe adding "please read the rules" to the title as well? If not, I'm all out of ideas.
NuffCatnip: No seriously, if ALL CAPS and bold text isn't enough to get some peoples attention I don't know what is
plagren: Maybe adding "please read the rules" to the title as well? If not, I'm all out of ideas.
or saying something like "FREE Boobies" in bold caps in the title then to keep them reading like a Turrets rant say something off every couple of sentenses like, "#$@$%T@ I hate when my underware rides up my crack!".
Post edited April 17, 2018 by Dejavous