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viperfdl: So far it runs fine. I don't have any problems with the performance. It's also shorter than Blade of Agony and has harder combat because you are mostly using melee weapons. And the carry weight is limited so you become slower if you carry to much which makes combat even harder.
Ammunition is very rare and distance weapons hard to find. So you have the problem when a weapon runs out of ammo to decide whether to carry it around for the case you might find more ammo or just throw it away to have more room for other stuff.
Most melee weapons are also breakable and you have to carry either replacements or things to repair it with you. And some melee weapons can't be repaired at all. Additionally you have to carry food and medicine with you which also adds to your carry weight. Total Chaos is also a survival game after all.
Sounds very good thank you, I might have to check it out then. Your description kind of reminds me of Condemned, which was excellent, though that was pure horror and not survival.
First glance at Iron Harvest - 1920

Noticed Epic's free game this wkend was frostpunk which i wanted to try out for a while now so that was an no-brainer. Epic was so kind to provide a extra 10 euro discount coupon, they are really good guys ;) anyways and with Iron Harvest with a 50% sale and a valid discount coupon that one also was an easy choice made ;)

Gameplay seems comparable with company of heroes, graphics are quite demanding but are pretty oke when using the fps limiter, still, even with 30 fps i'm using low settings. The game looks are on the same level as company of heroes on high so there's that.....

On another note, < no screenshot > also gave Mechanicus a quick glance. the game really caught my eye atmospheric wise, especially the quality of the spiel between the different participants all done in the machine code language managed to trigger my feeling of wellbeing.

Last night also had time to revisit star sector and much to my amazement there seemed to be a lot more responsiveness going on during the fights. Before i had very sluggish behavior from the missile carriers for one and this time around all missile elements fired like they where onto drugs or something. The strange thing being that i didn't made any upgrades or patches what so ever during the time i did not touch the game, windows magic? intel genius? not sure what to make of it but it almost made me boot up another game < no screenshot )

If it weren't for my current campaign in Total War Warhammer that is!

Had some major battles done and now it seems the Tomb Kings are almost done for. The Skaven are effectively annihilated leaving only the fragile truce with the lizardfolk in place. With a rapid declining good behavior during negotiations it seems that the Lizardfolk are anything but happy to have the Chevaliers de Lyonesse as current rulers of Araby
Cleaninig some stuff from one of the USB HDD I stumbled upon an archived Minecraft world. Instead of deleting it, I decided to check what was that, so I launched my not-used-in-years MC account and before I knew it I was stacking blocks again.
Turns out to be some old & modded ver. 1.12.2 with suprisingly big and developed base (lot of crops, birch tree farm, automated sugar cane and melon farm) plus lot of other technical stuff and gear from Industrial Craft 2 and Buildcraft, which - ironically - I don't even remember anymore how exactly they work and what exactly they suppose to be doing...
Anyway, I have fun wandering around and making charts for (apparenltly unifnished) map room, fiddling with energy production and wiring/piping for IC2/BC machines and just finding nice vistas.
Seems like playing with bricks never really gets old...
map_room.jpg (245 Kb)
nw_view.jpg (263 Kb)
se_view.jpg (343 Kb)
Still playing X-Rebirth a bit although there isn't much left to do than getting a jump drive. I only have two stations of which one was part of the main story. I have more than enough money to build more but why should I? I find the accumulation of money for its own sake not fulfilling.

Also finished Total Chaos and can say that in the last 3 or 4 chapters of a total of 9 one should be able to find more than enough ammunition to make it easier.
- Just arrived back at my temporary base, on the top floor of an apartment block, after 2 days of exploring the countryside. The weird blue tiles going outward represents the sky (because I'm on the top floor) viewed through the open windows. After one sight of sleeping in an abandoned RV, and the other in my 4x4 parked behind some grain silos, it will be nice to sleep to in a proper bed again for the next few nights.

I found a lot of good loot on the trip, killed tons of zombies, saw some scary sights (fungal tower, mi-go structures in which NPCs are held hostage, and some kind of growing blob thing around a square described as 'a tear in reality'), and scouted various possible locations for a permanent base. There is a refugee center not terribly far away towards the southwest, on the edge of a large city. I'd preferably want to set up a permanent camp within easy driving range of it. But first I need to repair my gear, and modify my 4x4 to increase its storage space. Or perhaps scout the surrounding streets for a working van/truck, or at least one I can fix with my mechanics skill. Then it's the arduous task of sorting all of my loot and putting it into my truck before heading off to a new location.

- Map of local region also attached (the refugee center is about 2 to 3 screens further down). The building I'm in is represented by the little white '<' square in the middle of the screenshot

- Example of an alternate tileset
Post edited June 11, 2021 by Matewis
Had an interesting night in NFS Heat , drove a couple of rounds, had to shake some cops , all in all pretty memories to the first 2 underground games EA released back in the day
settling on a new look



HDR in case you might be wondering about it, haven't checked so far if dolbyvision is an option
Post edited June 12, 2021 by Zimerius
ksddtuk.jpg (335 Kb)
borisburke: .
but what is the game?
XCOM EW with Long War.

It all started when radar detected very big contact flying NOE and going towards Europe. I was expecting Ayyys coming for the terror mission, so I was actually kind of relieved when UFO landed in the middle of nowhere. Some pretty easy mission against alien research crew, right?
Oh, how wrong I was...
Thanks heavens above that in the last minute I decided to load my best foot soldier team aboard Skyranger for this fight. Guys (and ladies) landed next to the frackhuge ship, take their first turn and then all the hell break loose...

52 aliens. Fifty-frikin'-two. Including 2 Sectopods, 6 big Sectoid mechs with Sectoid Commanders support, 10 Chrysalids and the whole menagerie of almost every other Ayyy species (only Cyberdiscs were absent). I lost count how many turns it takes. There were enough plasma gunfire flying around to fry the birds in the air. I run out of grenades in first 5 minutes. Why oh why I didn't load MEC for this fight?!?...

But my soldiers made it. In fact, they do great. Massive investment in soldier mobility and protection pays off - that heavy Titan armour and walking servos save their asses on that ship. It allow them to swallow plasma bolts to the face and carry on. This and that brave SHIV (only casualty on my side). RIP you glorious robotic bastard who lured whole pack of Chrys to your position away from my team, wreck the living sheet out of half of them with your sentry turret and reaction fire before you fell, and allow my long range guys and gunner to mince the rest into fine alien paste. You saved the day and you will be remembered.

And the eggheads under that German domina and resident Foundry ogres better be happy with thal loot. I think that's more Elerium and alloys that they ever have in stock from the day one of this war...
borisburke: .
Zimerius: but what is the game?
Zimerius: but what is the game?
nvm thnen :)

its been a while since i played that game, the dancing in realtime with traps and such did not sit well
Hong Kong Hustle... aka Sleeping Dogs
I'm quite liking this one. Zipping around the streets and alleys on a souped-up bike is pretty fun - cars are for chumps. The combat is also much more engaging than your typical GTA type game. Some of those environmental kills are pretty gnarly.
see_ya.jpg (339 Kb)
Post edited June 13, 2021 by Mr.Mumbles
This is not a normal day in the bureau anymore.
Just for the hell of it I decided to create a composite screenshot of all the items I put into my restore 4x4 on my way to my new base in CDDA. This game has a ridiculous number of items, and this somehow only represents a small fraction of it.