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I don't think I finished it at the time, it will be done in a few weeks. :)
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Matewis: Don't think so, since I remember that from one of my playthroughs. The cool thing about the game is that when you start a new game it randomizes several variable - who is and who isn't a replicant. So any two playthroughs are likely to be different.
In this case I have missed it during my previous playthrough.

Corpse Party

Turns out you can create dark and scary atmosphere with such simplistic graphics.
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A few exotic screenshots from Far Cry 3.
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Anyone here who knows this game?
Firefly, The RPG... aka The Outer Worlds

Decided to give that XBox Game Pass thing another try because there are some games I'm interested in playing but most of which are unlikely to ever pop up here. So if I'm going the "rental" route I might as well go with the more reasonable (read: much cheaper) option. ;)

The gameplay definitely makes it feel like a more streamlined but also more refined (lack of bugs) Fallout. Not that that's a bad thing. I quite enjoy the writing in this one. The music is nice, too. :)

Somehow I keep naming my female protagonists Zelda over these last few years. I just really like the name, and it has little to nothing to do with a certain Nintendo-owned franchise.
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Post edited August 02, 2020 by Mr.Mumbles
Mr.Mumbles: Somehow I keep naming my female protagonists Zelda over these last few years. I just really like the name, and it has little to nothing to do with a certain Nintendo-owned franchise.
Maybe yer a fan of Zelda Rubenstein(women from Poltergeist series)?
The Outer Worlds is at least coming to Steam later this year. Why not GOG too but half a year later?
What happened to this guy? :D
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Racing '11 Hispania F111 around Albert Park, Australia.

Sarafan: What happened to this guy? :D
Poor diet? Maybe a fan of Slender Man?
Dark here...
viperfdl: Dark here...
Reminds me of Aquanox and it's precursor game.....I love that sort of theme sometimes. :)
viperfdl: Dark here...
GameRacer: Reminds me of Aquanox and it's precursor game.....I love that sort of theme sometimes. :)
Sadly SubWar 2050 isn't as fun as Archimedean Dynasty because it has an annoying bug with it's cockpit focus and drive physics that doesn't make much sense to me. Also the mission briefings are sometimes unclear, the mission designs sometimes just annoying and there is no story that holds everything together. Yes, it wants to be a simulation but in my eyes it fails miserably in that regard.

Concerning Aquanox 1 and 2: For me they are just egoshooters with submarines and therefore rather bad sequels to Archimedean Dynasty.
Post edited August 05, 2020 by viperfdl
viperfdl: Concerning Aquanox 1 and 2: For me they are just egoshooters with submarines and therefore rather bad sequels to Archimedean Dynasty.
Only played bits of A1, but thought it was decent enough(silly voice acting in some bits, though).

Aside: I also like similar games(water or space shooters) like Freelancer and times.

(didn't play the first game as I didn't know it was even a part of that series until after I played A1....though I will some day)
Just a screenshot demonstrating what a cheat can do (Major Final Fantasy 5 SPOILER).

Note that being alive with 0 HP is not the cheat; it's actually what's supposed to happen in this particular battle.

(Also, in case you're wondering, after the fight everyone is alive with 0 HP; at the start of the next battle, if the cheats are turned off, everyone dies immediately, and then the game decides that it's over.)