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"fallout bethesda" returned 83 posts
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rjbuffchix: [...] Modern Bethesda games as far as I can tell are all focused about your character being The Chosen Supreme Awesomest Jack of All Trades Who Conquers All the Content in the Game. [...]
Geromino: Cant say I ever felt specifically powerful in either Morrowind or Oblivion, the only Bethesda games I've ever played.

You could learn all skills and max them so you could be master at everything, but that didnt translate to being esspecially powerful.

Unlike for example a Toreador in Vampire Bloodlines, a Disciple in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, or a Sorcerer in Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, all of which sometimes felt like godmode.
Kind of funny though about Morrowind. Unlike skyrim, one can mod Morrowind to live in the game world and have enough land for it to make some sense. Skyrim is far to cramped and Starfield, has instant everything to negate any sense of random encounters.

In spite of a broken system and shortcomings, Morrowind has enough to balance the good with bad. On a bad side though, it is ironic that the player character can kill, not 1...not 2....but 3 demi gods lol

That makes me never play to beat the game, but to live in the game until I get tired of playing it. The fan land is a good example. I usually build or buy a farm and kill mudcraps while tending my farm and horses(yes, in morrowind).
Shmacky-McNuts: I was remarking about games like Skyrim. While it is good looking. I hate the skill tree system. Similar games that make character gains via unrelated methods annoy me greatly as well. Such as gaining in combat skills, will somehow equate to picking a lock.....or vice versa.
I just find it odd you're using Elder Scrolls as the example since it's one of the few series that is better at what you're complaining about. You have to use lockpicking to be able to level it up. In most RPGs you can slaughter some mods for XP and then level up lockpicking, but in Skyrim you can't really do that. You have to use the skill enough to unlock its perks. So I don't really get it using Elder Scrolls and Bethesda as the example here.
Shmacky-McNuts: I was remarking about games like Skyrim. While it is good looking. I hate the skill tree system. Similar games that make character gains via unrelated methods annoy me greatly as well. Such as gaining in combat skills, will somehow equate to picking a lock.....or vice versa.
StingingVelvet: I just find it odd you're using Elder Scrolls as the example since it's one of the few series that is better at what you're complaining about. You have to use lockpicking to be able to level it up. In most RPGs you can slaughter some mods for XP and then level up lockpicking, but in Skyrim you can't really do that. You have to use the skill enough to unlock its perks. So I don't really get it using Elder Scrolls and Bethesda as the example here.
Playing a variety of games lately, got my games mixed a bit. You are correct. My distain for skyrim is still there, but I confused DnD with the odd buffs in skyrims tree system. No matter. Good talkin with you all the same.
NomaDz-2K: so bad we don't even have it on GoG XD
No. I think it ain't on GOG b/c Bethesda ain't done with it. There's still gonna be patches, DLC's, expansions, and whatnot.

I bet GOG would take a Complete Edition with no DRM, if Bethesda offered.

I mean, we did get most major 1st party Bethesda games here with Complete Editions: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY Deluxe, Skyrim LE/AE, Fallout 3 GOTY, Fallout 4 GOTY.

And I also mean: DRM-FREE Starfield would do gangbusters of sales for GOG, if it ever hit here. Probably won't be here for numerous years I'd guess, though.
Post edited March 24, 2024 by MysterD
MysterD: No. I think it ain't on GOG b/c Bethesda ain't done with it. There's still gonna be patches, DLC's, expansions, and whatnot.

I bet GOG would take a Complete Edition with no DRM, if Bethesda offered.
Not sure how long that will last with MS taking them over, but we'll see I guess. I'll give the game another shot once it's fully finished or whatever, despite hating it originally.
NomaDz-2K: so bad we don't even have it on GoG XD
timppu: GOG is a perfect place for failed(?) games to try to recoup at least some of the lost money, as a last resort.

I'm waiting for Forspoken and Immortals of Aveum to appear on GOG at some point. I'm sure I will buy them even though I've heard so many bad things about them, or at least them destroying the studios that made them due to poor sales. (Immortals actually seem to have rather favorable reviews, but I recall it was panned for being too mediocre shooter; Forspoken is what it is, bad characters, technically good but generic locales (like Starfield?), tainted by Black Girl Gamers consultancy (hence the bad characters and protagonist) etc.).

Then again, if the studio who made those games is no more, who makes the GOG build? GOG themselves?
I'd guess Square hold Forspoken, so they'd hired someone like maybe QLOC maybe to port it to GOG, I'd guess? [shrug]

As for Immortals - it's an EA Game, when do we get new EA Games since the EA Origin/EA Desktop App era? I'd love to see it happen of course and love to see more EA games here, but....I'm not holding my breath here.

MysterD: No. I think it ain't on GOG b/c Bethesda ain't done with it. There's still gonna be patches, DLC's, expansions, and whatnot.

I bet GOG would take a Complete Edition with no DRM, if Bethesda offered.
StingingVelvet: Not sure how long that will last with MS taking them over, but we'll see I guess. I'll give the game another shot once it's fully finished or whatever, despite hating it originally.
Given that Microsoft's Xbox is failing as a platform, some retailers now won't carry Xbox console and games.

So yeah, I see M$ when games flop sales-wise need to hit every place possible - including likely even Playstation of all places; GOG, Steam, and Epic on PC and even more PC stores; Nintendo Switch if possible (I doubt Starfield would work on an OG Switch though); etc.

Also, I think that's why you see more Sony games hitting PC. They didn't buy Nixxes (PC port-masters) for nothing. AAA to AAAA games costing $100-300 million and even some cases in the $1-$2billion here (Rockstar spending!) is NOT good for the industry. Not every game can spend that money and make it back on release-day to early on (i.e. first few weeks to months) like COD and Rockstar's GTA's and RDR2 did.
Post edited March 29, 2024 by MysterD
MysterD: I mean, we did get most major 1st party Bethesda games here with Complete Editions: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY Deluxe, Skyrim LE/AE, Fallout 3 GOTY, Fallout 4 GOTY.
Arena/Daggerfall were already free

Morrowind was released in 2002 and got a GOG release in 2015 (13 years later)

Oblivion was released in 2006 and got a GOG release in 2017 (11 years later)

Fallout 3 was released in 2008 and got a GOG release in 2017 (9 years later)

Skyrim was released in 2011 and got a GOG release in 2022 (11 years later)

So, Starfield was released in 2023. Guessing it might get a GOG release in 2032, 2034, or 2036?
MysterD: I mean, we did get most major 1st party Bethesda games here with Complete Editions: Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind GOTY, Oblivion GOTY Deluxe, Skyrim LE/AE, Fallout 3 GOTY, Fallout 4 GOTY.
lupineshadow: Arena/Daggerfall were already free

Morrowind was released in 2002 and got a GOG release in 2015 (13 years later)

Oblivion was released in 2006 and got a GOG release in 2017 (11 years later)

Fallout 3 was released in 2008 and got a GOG release in 2017 (9 years later)

Skyrim was released in 2011 and got a GOG release in 2022 (11 years later)

So, Starfield was released in 2023. Guessing it might get a GOG release in 2032, 2034, or 2036?
The above list was missing Fallout 4: originally released in 2015, GOG release in 2023 (8 years later).

Realistically, it depends on how soon any (if any) expansions for Starfield are released, and how sales on other platforms evolve over the next years.