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"fallout bethesda" returned 16 posts
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.Keys: Agreed, that's true.
In the past it would be more like:

Bill: "Dave, where is that master copy of (game)?"
Dave: "I believe the interns are using it to prop up the microwave cabinet, Bill"

Now it's more like:

Bill: "Did we back up that old game of ours enough time yet, Dave?"
Dave: "I think we did....we made like 5 backups. Eh, better make 3 more, just to be case we lose a few and need a copy when it comes time to make the remake/remaster"


Lone_Scout: I didn't even know there was another game based on Terminator's franchise. Bethesda is full of surprises...
Yup, and I believe it's either the sequel or prequel to the one you mentioned.
Post edited May 13, 2021 by GamezRanker