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"fallout bethesda" returned 10 posts
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Hate seems to require a certain degree of passion.
I dislike a few games for certain aspects, like TWD for lying to me, Far Cry 3 for treating me like an imbecile, Fallout 3 for its essential characters and attempt to make me care about Liam Neeson, Tomb Raider 2013 for being called Tomb Raider.
Impaler26: So it's probably not as great as most reviews say.
I figure that a lot of people who don't like things just keep quiet about it for some reason.
Well I only hate Bethesda's Fallout 3 and will of course hate Fallout 4 for the same reason! And the resaon is shooting and shooting, FPS, FPS. Press VATS, fire 3-4 shots and than strafe and shoot, shoot, shoot until they are dead. Walk some more and repeat. And this is RPG, sequel to the best game and RPG game ever made, Fallout 2. Not DOOM, Not Half-Life or Crysis! Or even Deus Ex!

+++ same goes for Fallout: New Vegas, but it is better because of Chris Avellone's story!
GlorFindel: Well I only hate Bethesda's Fallout 3 and will of course hate Fallout 4 for the same reason! And the resaon is shooting and shooting, FPS, FPS. Press VATS, fire 3-4 shots and than strafe and shoot, shoot, shoot until they are dead. Walk some more and repeat. And this is RPG, sequel to the best game and RPG game ever made, Fallout 2. Not DOOM, Not Half-Life or Crysis! Or even Deus Ex!

+++ same goes for Fallout: New Vegas, but it is better because of Chris Avellone's story!
uh... i did nothing but shoot people in the last three Fallout games I played. They pre-dated Fallout 3, so I call bullshit.
Post edited October 13, 2015 by darthspudius
GlorFindel: Well I only hate Bethesda's Fallout 3 and will of course hate Fallout 4 for the same reason! And the resaon is shooting and shooting, FPS, FPS. Press VATS, fire 3-4 shots and than strafe and shoot, shoot, shoot until they are dead. Walk some more and repeat. And this is RPG, sequel to the best game and RPG game ever made, Fallout 2. Not DOOM, Not Half-Life or Crysis! Or even Deus Ex!

+++ same goes for Fallout: New Vegas, but it is better because of Chris Avellone's story!
darthspudius: uh... i did nothing but shoot people in the last three Fallout games I played. They pre-dated Fallout 3, so I call bullshit.
Yea, you did shoot, but did you also use tactics, and terrain, action points depending on your skills and accuracy depending on your skills and not your FPS expertise and speed of your hand/mouse.
So Fallout 3 FPS yes, Fallout 3 RPG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GlorFindel: Well I only hate Bethesda's Fallout 3 and will of course hate Fallout 4 for the same reason! And the resaon is shooting and shooting, FPS, FPS. Press VATS, fire 3-4 shots and than strafe and shoot, shoot, shoot until they are dead. Walk some more and repeat. And this is RPG, sequel to the best game and RPG game ever made, Fallout 2. Not DOOM, Not Half-Life or Crysis! Or even Deus Ex!

+++ same goes for Fallout: New Vegas, but it is better because of Chris Avellone's story!
darthspudius: uh... i did nothing but shoot people in the last three Fallout games I played. They pre-dated Fallout 3, so I call bullshit.
Yea, shooting, but not with FPS expertise and speed of your hand/mouse but with tactics and thinking, two things that new games (sadly) bearing fallout name lack!
Post edited October 13, 2015 by GlorFindel
darthspudius: uh... i did nothing but shoot people in the last three Fallout games I played. They pre-dated Fallout 3, so I call bullshit.
GlorFindel: Yea, you did shoot, but did you also use tactics, and terrain, action points depending on your skills and accuracy depending on your skills and not your FPS expertise and speed of your hand/mouse.
Fallout 3 depends on your skill points far more than on your FPS expertise. If your skill is too low then you'll be missing all the time.

If you think that Fallout 3's combat mechanics prevent it from being an roleplaying game then I have a hard time taking you seriously.
GlorFindel: Yea, you did shoot, but did you also use tactics, and terrain, action points depending on your skills and accuracy depending on your skills and not your FPS expertise and speed of your hand/mouse.
0Grapher: Fallout 3 depends on your skill points far more than on your FPS expertise. If your skill is too low then you'll be missing all the time.

If you think that Fallout 3's combat mechanics prevent it from being an roleplaying game then I have a hard time taking you seriously.
Yeah, you'll be missing and then take out your stick/knife/sledgehammer and strafe all around your enemy (like NEO the Chosen One) and kill him without even thinking it through!
You can say what you want about RPG elements of Fallout 3 and there are some of those, but combat is 100% FPS, strife and speed of hand/mouse dependent!
And you can talk to me seriously about RPG-s if you want, since I play those from before computers! PnP style! ;-)
The Witcher. Mostly I just hate the writing. It practically screams "I blast Linkin Park out of my tricked out late 90s Honda Civic while smoking cigarettes and cursing quietly under my breath at people on the other side of the street, LOOK HOW FREAKING EDGY I AM MOM!".

Fallout 3. God awful writing, even by Bethesda's standards. Fails at following even the most basic parts of the established lore. The non-licensed music sucks. Graphically it's ugly as sin, even by Bethesda standards. Bad voice acting for every single character. The fact that Little Lamplight and Big Town were even thought of, much less actually implemented into the game. Stupid world in general. The only thing it has going for it is passable combat, and that's just passable. I tried to like it...but I don't.
I don't tend to buy/play games that I know I will dislike. But I do have a particular hatred for the fanbases of Bioware ("This game needs transgender genderfluid otherkin Dwarves or it's racist!") and Bethesda ("There were Fallout games before 3?").
Mass Effect 2, the biggest disappointment in my gaming life, thinking of this game genuinely makes me angry.

Games I've played but ended up disliking:

* Skyrim...the game-world was dull and uninteresting
* Fallout 3 & New Vegas...same as above
* Dishonored...same again
* BioShock 1 & 2 ...the visual design was ugly to me, I did not enjoy being in the game-world
* Dragon Age...too much generic Fantasy
* Diablo III...same as above
* Dark Souls...turns out I actually do care about having a narrative
GlorFindel: You can say what you want about RPG elements of Fallout 3 and there are some of those, but combat is 100% FPS, strife and speed of hand/mouse dependent!
If you define FPS combat as aiming at enemies with a ranged weapon from fpp then of course the combat is FPS. Calling the combat 100% FPS is a nonsensical statement because it's impossible to determine what one percent of the combat is.
You admitted that you'll be missing all the time, but now you're claiming that it is 100% strife and speed of hand/mouse dependent. You do realize that you've proven yourself wrong in the same post, don't you?

A random or character skill dependent hit chance is atypical for FPS, which is another reason why you are missing the point.

If you like making so bold claims, would you like to tell me how FPS combat mechanics prevent a game from being a role-playing game?

GlorFindel: And you can talk to me seriously about RPG-s if you want, since I play those from before computers! PnP style! ;-)
I assume then that you would also claim that life action role-playing is not role-playing because its combat depends purely on your personal fitness. (That would be just as incorrect as your statement from before.)