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"fallout bethesda" returned 19 posts
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Fever_Discordia: Zenimax / Bethesda Softworks / id
Forgot to mention one of their recent titles; The Evil Within.
Fever_Discordia: Impossible Creatures (Microsoft - Nordic)
Grargar: Yes!
OK removed Impossible Creatures and The Moment of Silence from the Nordic section
Fever_Discordia: Zenimax / Bethesda Softworks / id
Grargar: Forgot to mention one of their recent titles; The Evil Within.
Added, thanks
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Fever_Discordia
I think it's safe to say GOG needs the original '94 release of Raptor by 3D Realms.

Also, Wolf 3D is under 3D Realms, GOG has that now under Bethesda.
Fever_Discordia: snip
You should remove the Wolfenstein 3D entry from Apogee, as the game is already here thanks to Bethesda.

Also, since Warner Bros. has purchased Monolith Productions, you could perhaps include Get Medieval and (which were both developed and published by Monolith Productions themselves), in the Warner Bros. section. And since they also purchased Midway Games, you could also include [url=]their catalog, as well, in the section.
Post edited February 21, 2016 by Grargar