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low rated
richlind33: These SJW bitches love being offended. It's hilarious.
MaximumBunny: Just saw all of the downvoted posts. Such babies on these forums. :P
It's like their mums never weaned them. o.O
tinyE: Trust me, there is a worse evil here. :P

I'll take a bullshitter over a fascist any day. :P
That sums it up about as well as you can in 2 short lines.

Breja: I know you'll probably hate me for it, but I think I'd rather see Trump win. And don't get me wrong- it has nothing to do with me "supporting" the wretched moron.....
I hear what you're saying and have thought something similar myself at times, especially just after Sanders lost out in the primary.

But yeah, its the "shit I gotta live here though" realization that makes me choose the short-term safe choice, hoping that a similar longer term disaster like the one you describe in your country doesn't come about as a result. And even more the "shit I gotta keep raising my kid here for the next 4 years" factor. Yeah given that I have no choice but to be all in for Hillary, since 3rd party candidates have no real chance under our system.

And of course it's hard to say how all this will play out - I'm sure you know there really isn't a parallel to this current situation in recent American history. Trump winning could well cause his brand of "ideology" (for lack of a better word, not sure what else to call that shit-heap of bluster and fear-mongering) to actually spread further here in the States. Of all the possible outcomes here that would certainly be the worst... whereas if/when he gets his ass handed to him in the general, well that will show at least some of his supporters that there is no realistic chance of someone like this winning, which may chip away at the numbers of that crowd. We really need this to be a comprehensive beat-down for it to have any positive effects like that, so thankfully that *is* how it's looking right now.

Certainly the impending landslide will cause the Republican party at least to come up with a better candidate for the next cycle, especially if they take hits across the board cuz of this. That would be a positive as well...

Bottom line is that we really fucked up in not nominating Bernie Sanders. We had a chance at putting in a real leader for once, somebody with vision, balls, and intelligence, who genuinely gives a fuck about the well-being of his countrymen. Tell ya, as a guy who's despised the politics of my country for the majority of my life, I got much more involved in it than I ever have before, trying to make that happen.
richlind33: Wow! Maybe there is a brain somewhere in that head of yours.
Too bad you still haven't given us any reason to say the same about you :P
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Ariod
low rated
richlind33: Wow! Maybe there is a brain somewhere in that head of yours.
Ariod: Too bad you still haven't given us any reason to same the same about you :P
Have you thought about taking a remedial English course? lol
Post edited October 14, 2016 by richlind33
richlind33: Have you thought about taking a remedial English course?
I take special English classes because my teacher says I'm special and that I have special needs.

I'm special.
Don't worry rtcvb32, I got this.

Tomorrow 76 Oct 3016 - 1 days
First hour - Gengar78 confirmed to be plutocrat working for the mob. Bernie Sanders is actually Ness from Undertale. Everyone burps at the same time, Coincidence? GOG caught smuggling coppies of Freddi Fish 2 across the border. Al Gore wants to kill you. Yes, you.
Second hour - "Wow, cool". Trump targeted for doing a thing. Ben Carson name's his son Ben Truckfather. The Earth is about to explode. Sally steals sea shells nowhere near the sea shore.
Third Hour - "Why am I still reading this?". Misha DOESN'T play Pokemon Go Everyday. Volcano eruptions are controlled by democrats to rig the elcection. Cynical near-furture book #7564781 is prophetic. Blorge Morge, who is spear-heading the Totally Spies reboot confirmed to be SJW Gamergater working for ISIS, Nazis, Neo Nazis, and Neo ISIS.
Fourth hour - "I could have been doing my homework". The Moon is made of used napkins. The NYTimes caught in bed with the DNC, the Illuminati, and an anime body pillow.

Full audio podcast (4 hours)
low rated
Gnostic: The truth cannot change, propaganda only can cover it.

Government, elites and the majority of media will not help us, we just find a way to save ourselves without depending on them.
MGTOW save lives, men feeling suicidal losing everything in divorce have a place to rant and be guided how to improve their lives.
Government and a large segment of society keep telling men there is something wrong with us not being a happy slave. People in MGTOW show us how it is natural not wanting to be a slave and how to avoid being one.

It is best to continue this conversation in private, but I cannot due to your privacy settings.
noncompliantgame: I hear you brother. You may find this helpful. Roosh V talks about some of these matters in his new podcast. You take care now.

To those who attacked me. You achieved nothing. My carelessness gave you the most minimal minor "victory". The Gog forums are barely a blip on the radar and one person's activity even less so. Just one amoungst many billions of "goyim". :)

EDIT - @budejovice
In a way I should thank you, altho I won't. This forum has a very limited audience and prolly isn't worth the effort. There are several other forums where I'm putting the world to rights ;^) and there ain't nothin' you can do about it. X^D

So come on ... " NAZI! RACIST! WHITESUPREMIST! ANTI-SEMETIC! THOUGHT CRIMINAL! KILL WHITEY! " Blah! Blah! Blah! Same tired old crap! Everyone is so over that rubbish.

Because of Roosh V Nature as a PUA, he is open to character attacks that people don't need to address his points made is valid or not.

I like this video that leave no opening for character attacks and deliver dialectic and rhetoric message.

It is usefully for spreading awareness, yet the only way to win is not play the doctored game.
Ariod: Too bad you still haven't given us any reason to same the same about you :P
richlind33: Have you thought about taking a remedial English course? lol
Hey, congrats man, that's as good as you've done with a comeback in here! Of course when you start at the bottom, anything is an improvement, right…. Ah, but there, I corrected it for ya, would hate to think you're not getting the same level of derision you've come to expect from me :P.

Oh wait, sorry - derision - used a word you're going to have to go look up now, my bad for making you do all that. Will try to keep it on your level next time, I promise :P
low rated
richlind33: Have you thought about taking a remedial English course?
Kleetus: I take special English classes because my teacher says I'm special and that I have special needs.

I'm special.
Yeah, but are you special enough to be an SJW?
low rated
Part 1

Nightly News - Wikileaks: Linking Saudi Arabia with ISIS, and Saudi Arabis funding 20% of Hillary's campaign, Saudi Arabia trained the hijackers for 9/11, 'truthers' were right all along. Bandar Bush. Million dollar birthday check to bill. WW2, funding both sides of the war, Arms dealer, Russia: Vote for Trump or Nuclear War, 9000 ISIS fighters to attack Russian troops. Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, Crime &amp; Punishment: Islam vs Saudi Arabia. T.S. Pettibone (): <i>'<span class="bold">This election is very important, This election will decide a lot. It will be devastating if Clinton wins, <span class="podkreslenie">Nothing will matter</span> if this continues</span>'</i>, [url=]Hatred Day (<i>book</i>), The intolerance and censoring, Incredible how biased the mainstream media is 'clear as day', Trump tape is 'a disproportionate reaction', '<i>Hillary is all words</i>'. Alternative media has been far more welcoming. The spinning and disinformation, the modern colonialism, contradiction on every point, NSA & whistle-blowers, Demons. Hillary wanted to drone Assange (<i>Wikileaks</i>), 'It's right there, concrete proof', the 28 pages, assassination (wet-works) in emails, cash register as a heart. More leak guesses: Chelsae.

other links:
Post edited October 14, 2016 by rtcvb32
I honestly think it's about time to close this thread, and if rtcvb32 continues to spam the forum as he/she has been doing, to revoke posting privileges.
low rated
jamyskis: I honestly think it's about time to close this thread, and if rtcvb32 continues to spam the forum as he/she has been doing, to revoke posting privileges.
If my calculations are correct, we will only have to suffer another 26 days of this.

Until then, it will likely intensify though. :|

However, I must say that I find the white-supremacist-misogynist-of-Armenian-descent vs. "voluntary" celibacy cult exchanges somewhat amusing.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Vainamoinen: Until then, it will likely intensify though. :|
Not really, preferably once daily unless there's something especially noteworthy.

The main reason I did a separate portions (part 1&2) is either a) the page number changed and it might not get noticed if someone only looks at the last page, and b) I try to update it and it refuses to update (pushing 10k? Yes there's that much text, at least half of it in links/references to match the videos), forcing me to put a new post. As such I'm not going to start pushing 3+ posts a day, that's not my intent, really it's not.

Vainamoinen: another 26 days of this.
Depends. It might go til the presidential office is handed over (Jan 20th), or if WW3 erupts I couldn't say. It really depends on events and how they unfold. I might also just get bored and stop tomorrow; Although this has forced me to get into shape again which makes me feel 10 years younger, stronger and healthier, so there's that (but leaves me no time to play :( )
low rated
jamyskis: I honestly think it's about time to close this thread, and if rtcvb32 continues to spam the forum as he/she has been doing, to revoke posting privileges.
I would think twice about that. Rep numbers might not mean jack shit around here, but actual rep does. You fucking push to close this shit and we're going to have words. LOTS OF THEM.

They came for the conspiracy theorists, and no one helped them because we were not conspiracy theorists. Then they came for the asshole censor mongers on the forum, and no one helped them because we were not asshole censor mongers.

Ring a bell yet, jackass?
Vainamoinen: If my calculations are correct, we will only have to suffer another 26 days of this.
Heh, you're optimistic. I doubt that this'll be the end we hear of it by 8 November. The political extremes have never had any respect for democracy, they only see it has an unfortunate necessity to gain power. If anything, after the election, I suspect that the conspiracy theories are only going to get worse, and possibly culminate in the advocacy of violence and terrorism in the name of "civil disobedience".
low rated
Vainamoinen: If my calculations are correct, we will only have to suffer another 26 days of this.
jamyskis: Heh, you're optimistic. I doubt that this'll be the end we hear of it by 8 November. The political extremes have never had any respect for democracy, they only see it has an unfortunate necessity to gain power. If anything, after the election, I suspect that the conspiracy theories are only going to get worse, and possibly culminate in the advocacy of violence and terrorism in the name of "civil disobedience".
Independent thought = terrorism. Yeah, I get it. We've been down this road before.