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richlind33: So it's my fault that you can't quite manage to say what you mean, and I'm just being a terminology nazi? o.O
No, it is your fault that what you say makes very little sense, and you seem to think terminology is somehow more important than the ideas it represents. May wanna work on that one....

richlind33: Generally speaking, my not-quite-brilliant friend, conclusions are something that are made in conclusion, whereas assumptions are a starting point, and that's a rather important distinction if you aspire to be something more than a dunce. ;p
There, you proved my point again. Nice! I can just easily cut n paste now:

"Funny, its always the small-minded types who like to focus on things like terminology over concepts."

Well man, you clearly don't have much to offer to the discussion here other than playing your little word games, so apologies in advance if I start to ignore you. I mean this was fun for a min, but these pointless exhanges get old fast for me. I'm guessing its not the same for you, so go ahead and post more nonsensical ramblings....
Post edited October 06, 2016 by Ariod
low rated
ciomalau: also PLEASE guys leave science away from this discussion - it's ridiculous. i seen some people saying proudly that they believe in science like it was some kind of god - there's no science to be had, it's just common sense which we all need to wake up
Ariod: Sure, let's have a discussion about conspiracy theories without using science, that makes sense.

Hah, sounds like a conspiracy theorists wet dream right there - throw all the theories around without all that damned "science" coming up again and again to prove them wrong.
dude everything in science can be verified - whatever we say here on a forum can't be verified ok? we can put arguments to make our opinion more credible but it's just that - opinions. or we can talk about facts which already happened - facts you can also see on tv. if it can be proved that US helps ISIS, you'd see this on TV which has all the science you want. and yes, russia today tv channel says this - that's official information, closest you have to science. so why talk on this forum if you want science?
low rated
richlind33: So it's my fault that you can't quite manage to say what you mean, and I'm just being a terminology nazi? o.O
Ariod: No, it is your fault that what you say makes very little sense, and you seem to think terminology is somehow more important than the ideas it represents. May wanna work on that one....

richlind33: Generally speaking, my not-quite-brilliant friend, conclusions are something that are made in conclusion, whereas assumptions are a starting point, and that's a rather important distinction if you aspire to be something more than a dunce. ;p
Ariod: There, you proved my point again. Nice! I can just easily cut n paste now:

"Funny, its always the small-minded types who like to focus on things like terminology over concepts."

Well man, you clearly don't have much to offer to the discussion here other than playing your little word games, so apologies in advance if I start to ignore you. I mean this was fun for a min, but these pointless exhanges get old fast for me. I'm guessing its not the same for you, so go ahead and post more nonsensical ramblings....
My point all along has been that it is logically incorrect to use a conclusion in place of an assumption, for the very obvious reason that one is written in stone and the other in pencil, which leaves no room for scientific objectivity, and you've presented nothing that shows otherwise. If you think I'm mistaken then please explain how that sort of distinction is merely a trivial and minor observation.

Let's not forget that it's you and your hive-minded chums that are making sweeping generalizations that you will never in a million years prove to be true, not I, nor anyone who has an understanding of informal logic.

Good day.
Post edited October 06, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Today: 6 Oct 2016 - 32 days
First hour - UN Peace day (total hypocrisy), agenda 21/2030. 2 Minutes from Doomsday. No-fly zone, questions from congressman that believes islands float and could capsize. Cynthia McKinney. War with Russia as big as WW2. Russia doing WW3 drills with 40million people. Staged/fake event, with child actors. Hillary's Jihadi atrocities. They rig, they rig, they rig. Aurora was staged. StopRape.
Second hour - Hillary '<i>doesn't like email because you can't hide it from investigators</i>'. Using Child Actor in staged town hall attack on Trump. Clintons are the worst people. Chelsey called out parents, got on fund and goes silent. 44 Afghans go missing, Sick Hillary won't have rallies for 2 weeks. More StopRape, No-flyzone and war. MSNBC Ron Allen thinks Climate Deal '<i>designed to stop</i>' storms.
Third Hour - MSNBC says Carbon/climate control tax to reduce storms? Hillary's healthcare in 1993, was worse than Obamacare. Dissimination of fake town hall and actors. EU demands '<i>stop pointing out Muslim terrorists are <span class="podkreslenie">Muslim</span></i>'. Facebook to decrypt secure messages, defeats the purpose. Callers. [url=]Weapons 15 years ago. Return of Hitler Dog. FEC: Democrats rejection call to protect internet news, upcoming censorship? Media hype and clowns.
Fourth Hour - Syria failed state, it's liberal while killing Christians. Islam. StopRape updates. Pence and Trump, not perfect but good. Aide to Haiti. MSNBC calling small town 'white only, uneducated'. Leslie Cochran is getting a statue?. Austin was an organic thing, parasites and predators. FoxNews is in trouble. Hank Johnson '<i>Guam tip-over and capsize</i>'.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Leaks say Washington considering airstrikes, Russia armed air defense. US/Russia tensions rising. Russian Reset '<i>failed</i>', suspending 16-year plutonium treaty. 40 million Russians doing nuclear drills. Tech billionaires believe we are in a computer simulation. Don't compare me to a Sim. UFO/Aliens? Weird light St Louis. Structure/10th planet? Kaine has lowest VP rating in history. Hillary brushes off allegations of considering 'drone strike'. Clinton sought state contracts for Chelsea's Friend. Child actors at fake town hall meeting. Martin Luther King, the dream lost focusing on race, Birth of a nation is an epic fail. Morgan Freeman on racism '<i>stop talking about it</i>', But Universities Are doing the opposite and no white's allowed retreat; Race is an excuse to fail, 'Making it a bigger issue than it needs to be'. Pope-kid, Child Actor, Desperation, lies, prescripts and distractions, Nazi Plant at rally. Pro Trump twitter accounts getting shut down. Johnson bashing trump.

Infowars App

other links:
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Paul Joseph Watson
Mark Dice
The Savage Nation Podcast
Stefan Molyneux
Post edited October 07, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
i don't think we have any chance to prevent whatever will finally happen. it's all in vain. i said this before, when i was young and was just able to read, my father shown me a paper with war and chaos and the message was that if you want to save yourself, then join that illuminati pyramid. that was like 2 decades ago... so whatever's happening, it goes along an extremely elaborate plan. we're just individuals we're not even united! they are not only united as whole countries, but they have experience, they have genius minds working for them, they have the money and they do this day by day hour by hour planning and thinking. we can't possibly even hope to defend against such danger. maybe the age of normal humans is over. maybe we'll disappear just like dinosaurs and our bones will be displayed in museums for little shithead children to look at and learn of our history. we're not sorry for dinosaurs right? if they'd still live then we wouldn't even exist. so nobody's going to feel sorry for us
low rated
I vote for this thread to become a sticky.
low rated
rtcvb32: ...
i didn't bother much with your thread so far, as it is kind of hard to stand all the idiotic downvoting of your posts. as you can see now, most of the gog forum user base is extremely ignorant,arogant and uninformed, about a half of them are just morons. so i would recomend to not waste the time on here. anyway i was told that the net has some infos about isis being created and/or at least funded by cia sa division, what do you think of that?
rtcvb32: ...
apehater: i didn't bother much with your thread so far, as it is kind of hard to stand all the idiotic downvoting of your posts. as you can see now, most of the gog forum user base is extremely ignorant,arogant and uninformed,
Hey, what the hell? Why are you assuming we are stupid and incompetent, instead of assuming we are a part of a global conspiracy? If you're going to take the nutjobs side here, at least be consistant about it!
low rated
apehater: i didn't bother much with your thread so far, as it is kind of hard to stand all the idiotic downvoting of your posts. as you can see now, most of the gog forum user base is extremely ignorant,arogant and uninformed,
Breja: Hey, what the hell? Why are you assuming we are stupid and incompetent, instead of assuming we are a part of a global conspiracy? If you're going to take the nutjobs side here, at least be consistant about it!
hahaha, as i said it ignorace and arogance is a big problem in here and it was since the beginning of gog. btw whats up with that chat block, with which of my actions did i upset you so much that you blocked me?
low rated
apehater: anyway i was told that the net has some infos about isis being created and/or at least funded by cia sa division, what do you think of that?

I don't know. You tell me.
low rated
i totally think that the cia has done it, i mean cia also funded the contras and the khmer rouge. this would also explain why the us gov criticize russian actions in syria as they are successful in fighting against isis.
apehater: btw whats up with that chat block, with which of my actions did i upset you so much that you blocked me?
Just plenty of instances of you being an asshole. You can applauding the the witchsmeller pursuivant here to the list.
Post edited October 07, 2016 by Breja
low rated
Breja: ...
apehater: btw whats up with that chat block, with which of my actions did i upset you so much that you blocked me?
Breja: Just plenty of instances of you being an asshole. You can applauding the the witchsmeller pursuivant here to the list.
so i'm a witchsmeller pursuivant. we'll then i recommend to ignore my posts if they are so unbearable for you. i appreciate you because of you're great knowledge on sci-fi tv shows.
Post edited October 07, 2016 by apehater
I'm totally not paying attention.
low rated
bad_fur_day1: I'm totally not paying attention.
If WW3 starts, i don't know if you can ignore it after that... We'll have to see if it escalates or not.