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"fallout bethesda" returned 57 posts
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Dejavous: I have absolutely no issues other then the "gameplay" related type with FO4 or SkyrimSE my issue is with CC and CC only.
Yes as of right now you can get free mods for them because they have been out on the market for over a year.. I'm talking about future items like Fallout online which ironicaly will be a hot mess and with CC dictating what you can or can not do "mod" wise. [...]
amok: any source on this?
fallout mmo?
fallout 5?
fallout online coming?
fallout 5 leaked?
no. a source on how bad it will be and that CC is stopping moding etc.

the Fallout online thingy is old news
toxicTom: And it still works? Impressive...
GR00T: Yep, although I'm getting some stutter now and then, which is likely the hi-res texture pack. Which I think I'll disable and see how it goes. But other than that it's working great. I made sure to clean the mods and resolve the load order with LOOT as well though.
amok: ...and that CC is stopping moding etc.
GR00T: Of course, if it's an MMORPG, then it would only stand to reason that they'd stop or restrict modding though.
aye, but they can do like WoW does, they are calling it addons, though - , but it is the same as mods. it tends to mostly graphical, and any gameplay changes are illegal.

edit - basically of Fallout Online used CC, then a form of modding is built into it.
Post edited February 14, 2018 by amok
amok: no. a source on how bad it will be and that CC is stopping moding etc.

the Fallout online thingy is old news
There is not really a source required but observation to be unsure about this type of games future. First they created the CC, next they want it to be more popular than Nexus, should that happen change future games to be CC only and restrict heavily on what are good mods and what are bad mods (and of course profit). If or if not that all will happen only on SP games, on an MMO or a hybrid is still open; but to believe anything other than the CC being Beths wish for 100% control and monetization on all mods... come on, you have been around here at least as long as I am.

Not that all that would stop me from getting Skyrim & FO4 should they ever get released here; I think that how you are handling it (getting the game but never clicking the CC button) sends an equally strong message.
GR00T: Funny this game should be brought up: I just installed it and about 80 mods (all from Nexus) last night.
amok: have you tried the Sim Settlement? I was wondering about doing a new play-through with stuff like that, but want to do a complete 'pristine' run first. that settlement micro management is getting a tad tedious...
Are you nuts? Fallout 4 is really annyoing in "pristine" condition.

You need at least the unofficial patches, to make it less buggy. Pristine, my ass.

And get Sim Settlement. It fixes the settler system, transfering imbeciles into settlers. This is one of the MOST annoyning "pristine" design failures of BUGthesda.

.. Oh, and replace at least the dumbed down dialog system, with one, where you actually can see, what your char is about to say. The "pristine" system is only sufficient for retards.
Post edited February 14, 2018 by mkess
amok: no. a source on how bad it will be and that CC is stopping moding etc.

the Fallout online thingy is old news
anothername: There is not really a source required but observation to be unsure about this type of games future. First they created the CC, next they want it to be more popular than Nexus, should that happen change future games to be CC only and restrict heavily on what are good mods and what are bad mods (and of course profit). If or if not that all will happen only on SP games, on an MMO or a hybrid is still open; but to believe anything other than the CC being Beths wish for 100% control and monetization on all mods... come on, you have been around here at least as long as I am.
Yeah, I know there will be no sources on this yet, as it still in development and no one knows anything yet. When it comes to observations, it all depends on the disposition on the person making them, and from my point of view it will not happen as it will lead to the cold death of Bethesda. This is very obvious and I give Bethesda the credit of realising this. What I think will happen, is that CC will be modeled in future games on the structure we now see in F4 and Skyrim SE, there is are observations made that predict otherwise at the moment.

Yes, off course Bethesda would like a monopoly and 100% control, but that can be said about every single company out there. gOg would really like a monopoly on PC games... does not mean it will ever happen, nor that it will be constructed towards it. People, (even big companies) tends to think profit first and there will be no profit getting to that point, only grief. Yes, it does mean that Bethesda will find many different way of "encouraging" the use of CC, but I seriously doubt they will ever create a full system lock-in and thereby alienating a major contributing user base, as they are know for the modding freedom their games have. They have a very long tale on PC games partly due to this, and they know it.

Don't forget that one of the rationale for CC is also modding for consoles, where using something like Nexus is more difficult.

anothername: Not that all that would stop me from getting Skyrim & FO4 should they ever get released here; I think that how you are handling it (getting the game but never clicking the CC button) sends an equally strong message.
aye, and this I forcast will be the way it will work in upcoming Betehsda games as well.
If a game is offered on both steam and gog, gog wins out, and I have no problem re-purchasing a game originally bought on steam if it comes over here...Though I might buy a game if its good enough on steam as long as it's not infected with the denuvo virus and it's featured with a 50-90% discount.

OldOldGamer: I don't understand this internet problem.

You have bandwidth to download 45GB games, but you don't have enough bandwidth to let steam client to check online you DRM.

The only argument I can understand are forced huge updates.

Aside this: not having "access" to your wife is no DAMN close to not be able to play a game.

If you have a really broken line, you still have to go trough the pain of downloading the game from GOG.
I have been locked out of a few games when I lost my internet for 5 years due to a bad installation so having access to my game installers offline completely negates the need for steam's existence, and why I chose gog above all else as you can install your game OFFLINE...So fuck that bloated walrus newell!

Also, you can simply download the install files via a public wifi on a thumb-drive with gog, unlike with steam as you need to be online to install the game!

Timboli: Clearly you do not have Internet or Steam Client issues. But thousands do. And why should one have to have that or the risk of it, as part of a bargain of buying a game?

You can pick and choose when, where and how to download games. You don't have that luxury with the Steam client.
Perhaps you share your web connection with someone or even a whole apartment building, and so you have a window only for downloading, then need to use it offline. There are many scenarios, some in the previous postings of others, that illustrate things exactly. With GOG games, once you have downloaded, there is no more need for the web, unless using multiplayer. Perhaps you share a PC, and need to play your games on another offline one. Why should one be limited with options?

Ok, a WIFE and a GAME don't compare, but the fact that there are similarities at all in the two situations, should be really concerning. What I said was to make one think, about what is similar and what isn't.

Sometimes updates, whether HUGE or not can be forced upon you, and you may prefer a prior version. As I don't work from GOG like many work from it or Steam, but rather keep my own backup of games on HDD, then updates need never bother me at all. When I do get an update, it never replaces the earlier versions, it is in addition to them.

At the end of the day it is about freedom of choice, and yours no doubt, is to use Steam in the manner you have said. My view, is to not encourage or give license to something like Steam. It sets a bad example or precedent for where things could get even worse.
This, I have resented steam ever since FONV and bethesda mandated their Fallout games via steam, and now with the double dipping DRM between steam and the denuvo virus?

Fuck these assholes, I was locked out of 6 titles due to that shitty virus's random re-authentication phoning home for nearly a month...It's why I've downloaded an unofficial backup for those games as I never even knew the denuvo virus existed when I bought those games!
Post edited May 11, 2018 by takezodunmer2005
I remember when Steam was forced onto me, when I got around to playing Fallout NV. I suppose its provided access to a lot of games for less than the retail hard copy but I try to support GOG at all times. I suppose gog are vulnerable to piracy but I do like the idea of being able to install games from my personal usb should I visit a friends house. Never got around to that with steam games.

Strangely enough, in ten years I've only installed games maybe once or twice from my usb. Most people I know in person aren't into gaming.
low rated
Certainly doesn't help give an accurate representation when people are being downvoted for saying they like Steam on this thread.

Have games on Steam, GOG, UPlay (The worst IMHO and the one I hate using the most), & Origin. They all have their pros and cons but over the years I've had the least (cons) with Steam.
Post edited July 11, 2018 by GreasyDogMeat
Never liked it. Tried it back in the day for Fallout: New Vegas. Interesting to note that in the last six years I completed a single Steam game, namely Fallout 4. All-round a massive disappointment. But then again, I never expected anything good from Bethesda.
According to my profile I have 14 games on Steam, 8 of them from giveaways. Will not purchase there in the future. Also, I am not willing to install that client (or any other) on my main rig.
To put it briefly, it's GOG and Playstation for me.
Post edited November 10, 2019 by patrikc
MysterD: Games are rentals anyways these days w/ their DRM schemes and I normally do not replay them anyways
dtgreene: You see, this is where I differ. I replay games a lot, and may even spend more time replaying games than playing games for the first time.

Hence, I like my game purchases to last, and DRM gets in the way of that.

There's also the fact that I consider game preservation to be important, to the point where I wish GOG would offer offline installers for old versions of games.
Oh, I definitely get it. You buy your games; want to literally own them; and actually want to replay them. This is all definitely fair and all.

I wish other publisher and services thought like this, not lacing their games w/ DRM - but meh, most don't...unfortunately.

I'd even be happy if game companies, once their games got old and/or can be bought real dirt-cheap; and there's no longer major DLC's and/or no more game updates coming - that would be the time to remove said annoying DRM.

Heck, I'd even like for MP-based skirmish modes - i.e. think like COD's MP stuff; and other MP-based modes - had offline skirmish modes where I could fight bots and AI, so that actual art & content did not go to waste, once a MP-game gets...well, abandoned by players.

My problem is - well, I have an insane backlog & I keep buying games; it doesn't end. I blame most of Bundle sites (Fanatical, Humble, etc) and sales, for having sales and bundles that entice me to "Jump".

I must have over 2500 Steam games; another 300+ on GOG; and tons more on other services (Origin, UPlay, Battle.Net, Bethesda.Net, etc etc).
Post edited March 04, 2021 by MysterD
If a game works better and has more content on Steam, then I'll buy it on Steam. Likewise for GoG.
It depends on the game, for example I got the modern Fallout games on GoG because they're better, (supposedly), optimized for modern systems. But a game like Dragon's Dogma got a later update that the GoG version never got, so I went for the Steam version.
Whoever gives me a better experience and less headaches will be the one I choose. But I do prefer the option of a DRM-free release if the game on both stores is basically the same.
Companies will often take advantage of consumers, so we as consumers, have to inform yourselves and make the best decision based on the info we have.
As Becket said it's nothing personal, it's just good business.