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"fallout bethesda" returned 24 posts
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I am entirely convinced that Microsoft should be thankful to for the big promotion of the Windows system here.
Lot of good games within Bethesda. Expecting "new/old" titles, and supporting demands of fellow Gogers.

Here we go gathering nuts in May
Nuts in May, nuts in May
Here we go gathering nuts in May
On a cold and frosty morning

Here we go countering Nazis in May
Nazis in May, Nazis in May
Here we go countering Nazis we may
Finish all before the morning

edit: ♫
Post edited May 19, 2022 by user deleted
high rated
For anyone wondering: as far as I'm aware, the version numbers given for Arena & Daggerfall in the library are GOG's old installer build versions (from before they started using parenthetical 5-digit numbers to represent their internal installer build; in my experience with DOS-era games here, GOG pretty much never lists the actual game version in the library). This would be why both games are stated as being version 1.07. EDIT: Actually, those version numbers are both (for a wonder) correct -- apparently, it just so happens that the last official version of Arena was 1.07, and the last official version of Daggerfall just so happens to have been 1.07.213 (commonly referred to as v2.13). In other words, those are not the GOG installer builds; however, this does mean that they stupidly truncated the version number of Daggerfall in the library and on the filename of the standalone installer, which has caused and will continue to cause confusion.
I've never actually installed GOG's versions (there are better packages out there), but I have read in multiple places in the past that each of these games here is presented in its last official version (in marked contrast to the versions released to Steam a short while back -- which are apparently v1.0 -- or the "DIY" edition that's been available directly from Bethesda for many years, and from which Steam's copies seem to have been lazily prepared). I'm just mentioning this because I've seen people claiming lately in various places that GOG's versions are the same as Steam's, which -- unless something's changed -- I'm pretty sure they're not.

(Not that Daggerfall's v"2.13" solves anywhere near all its problems, mind you -- at the very least, a community patch is recommended -- but it's still gonna be better than playing the completely unpatched original release version.)
Post edited May 20, 2022 by HunchBluntley
Even if I could purchase anything from GOG I wouldn't because I own every game from Bethesda on GOG at the moment. We need moar games!
dtgreene: Good games, but be aware that these games are buggy.

In fact, Daggerfall was buggy enough to be nicknamed "Buggerfall", and it's here that the developer earned the title "Bugthesda".

The games can still be fun, but you do need to be careful:
* Save early, often, and in multiple slots. (Why does Daggerfall only have 6 save slots, when Arena has 10?)
* Don't just blindly assume everything works as described; many things actually don't work properly, doing nothing, having the opposite effect, being so weak they might as well do nothing, or even crashing the game.
* Before accepting a quest, make sure to save beforehand.
* In Arena, if you choose to decline part of the main quest, you should still be able to change your mind and accept it later. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It is possible to be softlocked out of the main quest if you refuse part of it, as the game may crash when you go back to change your mind.
* Also, don't play Daggerfall 1.0 if you're aiming for an enjoyable experience; it is incredibly buggy. (2.13, the final official version (IIRC), is much improved, though still not without its bugs.)

(Worth noting that, while there are major exploits in these games, it's not quite as blatant as Morrowind, which provides absolutely zero resistance to exploits. At least in Arena/Daggerfall, things are capped.)
Tarhiel: Bethesda, we are all grateful for all of these, but majority of us own majority of these.

Can you, please, release here some other new (and old) games you have?
Like Skyrim, new Dooms, and all the other wonderful games people have been clamoring here for some time now? :)
dtgreene: Um, shouldn't you have died when you landed from your Icarian flight?
Also, the DaggerfallUnity source port is incredible and fixes most bugs, as well as introducing moddability to the game. Worth checking out!
Considering that we received Arena and Daggerfall everytime we bought a Bethesda game, I own them both about 30 times. Is there anyone that didn't already have these from buying a Bethesda game?
... meh

blotunga: So no Skyrim and Fallout 4?
Good to see Arena and Daggerfall getting their own game cards.

lupineshadow: Also, the Bethesda sale is poor and the discounts are not as low as they have been in previous sales.
Fallout 3 is a good offer with the newsletter discount code.
Post edited May 20, 2022 by eiii
It can't be for want of trying I reckon, that GOG struggles to get more Bethesda games here, as surely they get a good return for the ones they do have here. I imagine it is just purely down to Bethesda and associates, Microsoft now apparently, that are holding out on us. No doubt they are still making good profits with the DRM versions, or like being a pain in control ... a shame really .... but maybe it is just a matter of time ... hope so. Depends on how much of a control freak Microsoft are going to be I guess.

As someone else here suggested, most of us probably already have all or nearly all of Bethesda games available here at GOG.
Thank you very much for the Bethesda sale. Really appreciated.
However, I already own most games from them offered here.

What I would really like is to get here some other game from Bethesda's catalog. Maybe one which begins with 'Sky' and ends with 'rim'... I'm not holding my breath, though...