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lol. I love Groundhog Day, but Andie McDowell to me was the weakest link. I've never really liked her in anything. Not even St Elmo's Fire, and she was pretty damn important there. Well, at least for Emilio's character, anyway.

Two other games that try different things with the "Groundhog Day" formula are Ephemeral Phantasia. Very much doubt either will ever see an official PC release. :(
Any word about Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander?
Their kickstarter FAQ promised DRM-free version.

e. Found it myself.
"Hello backers!

We're very excited to announce our game has launched today on Steam! And later on GoG for those waiting for DRM free keys (we're waiting on GoG to set us up)!

First off, we want to thank all of you for your support and believing in us last year and we're thrilled to be here with the finished product ready to deliver into your hands!

If you somehow don't have your Steam key yet, please email us at and we'll help you get that sorted out. As for DRM Free keys, we're waiting on GoG to set us up there, then we can send out the DRM Free keys."
Post edited September 10, 2016 by murkki
Put me down for Groundhog Day the Video Game instead! :)

Runic's new game "Hob" should be voted for more as well. The gamescom and PAX presentations looked pretty cool, and I'm taking PC Zelda games from the Torchlight makers any day. :)
According to this article it seems that the new Bioshock Remastered Collection will be free to those who already own the original games (like what will happen with the remastered Skyrim).
Honestly, considering that so many people already own the original trilogy on Steam (or the DRM-free first one) I think it would be a waste of time and resources for 2K to publish such a new thing if it were just to be available for a few people who still haven't bought the originals on Steam.

I suspect this makes it likely that it may include a DRM-free publishing to attract people like the GOG customers.
What do you people think? Just more hopeful thinking?

We'll know the truth next week, anyway.
karnak1: snip
As a die-hard Bioshock fan I want this to be a reality but I am 99% certain it will not happen. My guess is the Bioshock 1 DRM-free release on Humble was a test that failed. Anyone who wants it on PC will either buy it or already have it via free upgrade on Steam. They are looking to recoup costs thanks to console versions which I am sure will sell very well.
It still would be nice to see Bioshock 1 on GOG someday. It truly was a great FPS game that every gamer should experience!
HeDanny: Andie McDowell to me was the weakest link. I've never really liked her in anything.
Not even in Four Wedding's And A Funeral? You monster.
New company in the catalog: Massive Damage, Inc. for Halcyon 6:
Massive Damage, Inc's Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander™ is a retro sci-fi strategy RPG with a unique blend of base building, exploration and deep tactical JRPG style combat system with capital starships and their idiosyncratic officers, all captured in stunningly beautiful modernized pixel graphics.
karnak1: According to this article it seems that the new Bioshock Remastered Collection will be free to those who already own the original games (like what will happen with the remastered Skyrim).
Honestly, considering that so many people already own the original trilogy on Steam (or the DRM-free first one) I think it would be a waste of time and resources for 2K to publish such a new thing if it were just to be available for a few people who still haven't bought the originals on Steam.

I suspect this makes it likely that it may include a DRM-free publishing to attract people like the GOG customers.
What do you people think? Just more hopeful thinking?

We'll know the truth next week, anyway.
The reasoning is solid; like with Skyrim it would make sense. But somehow I think; I'm nearly convinced; the ppl behind have far more fun throwing away the money with both hands and later complain that there is not enough money to make in the PC market (before you get to the point 'splaining steam (while big) =|= PC market they already have the fingers in the ears and yell "lalalala cannot hear ya have to go").
Post edited September 12, 2016 by anothername
karnak1: According to this article it seems that the new Bioshock Remastered Collection will be free to those who already own the original games (like what will happen with the remastered Skyrim).
Honestly, considering that so many people already own the original trilogy on Steam (or the DRM-free first one) I think it would be a waste of time and resources for 2K to publish such a new thing if it were just to be available for a few people who still haven't bought the originals on Steam.

I suspect this makes it likely that it may include a DRM-free publishing to attract people like the GOG customers.
What do you people think? Just more hopeful thinking?

We'll know the truth next week, anyway.
If this turns out to be true... WICKED! I own all 3 Bioshock games on Steam and would definitely welcome remastered editions however I would also hope that any remastered versions show up as separate titles in the library so that the originals could be launched separately if desired and to preserve the history of things.

As for the GOG side of things, you do make an interesting viable speculation for sure, and if i'm not mistaken I believe someone found an accidental leak of a bioshock support page on months back which quickly got 404'd shortly afterward, along with Mirror's Edge, and various other games many of which have not yet seen the light of day here on GOG.

I'm definitely interested in picking up such game drops like this here on GOG if I don't already own them on Steam, or perhaps picking up GOG copies down the line when they're heavily enough discounted even if I do own them on Steam, or lucking out with GOG connect if they're offered through that though too. :)

In fact, since GOG has been getting more AAA games and lots of surprises we never expected in the last 2 years, I am now getting extremely cautious over buying games for Steam even if they are great deals because it's disappointing to buy a game for Steam even at a good deal and then it comes to GOG a week/month/year later DRM-free. That happened to me for shit loads of games so far! Trying to avoid it more and more over time though and getting very picky about what games I'll buy for Steam nowadays.

The way the bundle sites bundles have been sucking rocks increasingly over the last two years has been a big help for avoiding buying Steam games though. If the bundles continue to decline into sucklitude then it wont even take effort to avoid them. :)
skeletonbow: If this turns out to be true... WICKED! I own all 3 Bioshock games on Steam and would definitely welcome remastered editions however I would also hope that any remastered versions show up as separate titles in the library so that the originals could be launched separately if desired and to preserve the history of things.
They will be separate.
skeletonbow: As for the GOG side of things, you do make an interesting viable speculation for sure, and if i'm not mistaken I believe someone found an accidental leak of a bioshock support page on months back which quickly got 404'd shortly afterward, along with Mirror's Edge, and various other games many of which have not yet seen the light of day here on GOG.
Nope, you're mistaken. The list with the deleted support pages can be found here:

No Bioshock in sight.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Grargar
Reading up more on the 2k blog, it would seem to suggest that people who own the 3 original base games will also get all of the DLC for all of the games for free also. I don't own the Infinite DLC, so if they give me remasters of the first 2 games and free copies of all the DLC I never bought then I'm going to be pretty friggin happy about that, and 2K games will get bumped up a notch on my game company reputation list for sure. If so, and the games do come to GOG then I will definitely wishlist them for a potential future re-buy down the line here.

If only more companies would do cool things like this sort of stuff. I don't expect them too nor feel entitled to any of it, but it ups my trust and positive thoughts towards them and it's definitely very appreciated when they do awesome shit. :)
skeletonbow: If this turns out to be true... WICKED! I own all 3 Bioshock games on Steam and would definitely welcome remastered editions however I would also hope that any remastered versions show up as separate titles in the library so that the originals could be launched separately if desired and to preserve the history of things.
Personally, I hope that it will be three separate games instead of just one big launch-everything, kind of like the recent Van Helsing: Final Cut.

But I would only buy it anyway if the trilogy represents a completed cycle. And it seems that this is likely since the rumoured BioShock 4 will not be developed by Irrational Games. (I don't really like sequels made by teams other than the original one.)
Tyrrhia: Personally, I hope that it will be three separate games instead of just one big launch-everything, kind of like the recent Van Helsing: Final Cut.

But I would only buy it anyway if the trilogy represents a completed cycle. And it seems that this is likely since the rumoured BioShock 4 will not be developed by Irrational Games. (I don't really like sequels made by teams other than the original one.)
Prior to launch I'd be skeptical of a sequel developed by a different company also, but some have turned out to be quite good in practice too so I'm not completely opposed to the idea either. It depends also on the type of game it is too and many other factors. Some franchises for example, the games in the franchise chronologically are not necessarily sequels of each other. None of the Far Cry games are related to each other for example at least as far as I'm aware of, they're all completely different unrelated games in every way except using the "Far Cry" name and the Crytek engine (and I'm not even certain they all use that even). I haven't played all of the Far Cry games personally but I enjoyed both of the first two, and have heard nothing but great things for the most part from the rest of the franchise.

Then there are games like Sherlock Holmes which are more "a new adventure" than a hard sequel of sorts. I believe all of the Myst games are also more or less unrelated other than similar game style and genre.

But even though I point out the idea that their could be exceptions, I understand the generalization you're making and definitely put some skepticism out there for upcoming sequels of well known games or franchises being developed by a different party. In general they have big boots to fill in doing that, and will need to live up to it for their game to be a success. It's like a popular well known band that's been around for years and years getting a new lead singer suddenly - everyone is skeptical and the new singer will potentially have a tough time to be accepted by some of the fan base and win over the hearts of the die hards.
New company in the catalog: for [url=]Conga Master (release this Wednesday):
Blending the likes of calculator classic Snake with the skeleton of a rhythm game makes Conga Master a fun, if brief, experience. As you pick off singular dancers, you circle them for long enough for them to join your conga line. The longer your line gets, the easier it gets for you to ensnare other unwitting dancers into your melodic, mesmerizing conga line. If you manage to cut off the opponent’s conga line, their line will get shorter, and anyone they lost is up for grabs – all within the rhythmic tunes of conga.