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"fallout bethesda" returned 8 posts
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And if this trailer is anything to go buy, it looks like a dream come true.

The benefits of being on the Fallout 4 engine? FAR BETTER COMBAT!

Better gun animations, better melee animations, etc.

Hopefully this mod will also retain the older RPG Progression systems like S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and skills.
Post edited October 20, 2020 by Elmofongo
I don't care! Now, If they remade Fallout 3, NV and 4 (without base building) in Fallout 2 engine, that would be The News!
Post edited October 20, 2020 by GlorFindel
Looks awesome.

"About to be Remade via modding in Fallout 4"

Is it close to release? I'd imagine a project like this could take ages to complete.
Would it allow for a fully paused VATS? That was a big issues for me in Fallout 4.
Also i suspect the dialog system might be a bit too limiting to fully implement the dialogs of New Vegas.
GlorFindel: I don't care! Now, If they remade Fallout 3, NV and 4 (without base building) in Fallout 2 engine, that would be The News!
You mean to turn the games into actual fallout games instead of a generic FPS? Why that's unheard of!
I sure hope that they can pull it off. I don't like the mechanics of Fallout games before F4, but F4 sucks because the issues regarding speech and choices.

If this could someday lead to F1 and F2 being converted into F4, that would be awesome. The interface and glacial pacing of combat in those games really detract from the experience.
So I could play a DRM-free game, Fallout: New Vegas, using a DRM-ridden engine, Fallout 4?
Thanks, but no thanks.

Let us instead contribute to OpenMW to help it run more games based on the Elder Scrolls/Fallout engines.
Good news for the poor suffering Fallout 4 players (assuming the mod is decent). Personally i'd choose to play the original game (it is also available here on GOG fully DRM free) and carry on ignoring Fallout 4 happened ;)
Post edited October 21, 2020 by ThorChild