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"fallout bethesda" returned 2 posts
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As you know both New Vegas and KOTOR 2 are made by the same guys Obsidian and both games have a history of troubled development.

KOTOR 2 in this case had to cut out a lot of content that was deemed essential to the game, modders have ended up restoring said content.

Does Fallout New Vegas have anything similar to that? Any content that was cut from the game but has been restored via modding?
They have a page on the FAllout series wiki they dives into content that was cut from New Vegas or left in from Fallout 3


Sorry, for some reason whenever I try to remove the irl tags the forum just puts them back in so you will need to copy paste.

There are mods available on Nexusmods that attempts to restore some of the cut content if you wish to try them out (They are called "uncut" mods.
Post edited September 08, 2020 by wolfsite