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ZenWan: Just read this in one of my morning newsletters, it's some very good advice from a person who survived a serious stroke: I need to take this to heart. :-)

"as a general principle, stop taking life so seriously. Wear the world like a loose cloak because you never know if there’s a tomorrow.
Worrying about things you can’t change is actually a dreadful waste of energy.

Always remember that this too shall pass."
Sound advice, to be sure. =)
ZenWan: Good morning, souper, always good to see you. I caught a few of your HP posts from yesterday, and smiled to myself. ;-)
<Gives souper a big mug of Ethiopian coffee>

You're up early, have you started playing your games yet, or are you still working this week? I work from home, so the days are much the same for me.

Hope you get some sleep this weekend, plenty of time for that and games also. :-)
Good morning! Sorry, had a busy morning at work...
Ah working ftom home, sounds nice :)
Thank you for the coffee!
I'll try to get some sleep at some point :)
Good morning, thread!

*good morning hugs with tea*

CarrionCrow: Does this mean you now have to have a long conversation with yourself about financial responsibility? ;)
That conversation is long overdue.^^ I spent waaay too much money in this Insomnia.
Yezemin: Good morning, thread!

*good morning hugs with tea*

That conversation is long overdue.^^ I spent waaay too much money in this Insomnia.
Good morning. =)

Hmm. How much stuff did you end up getting?
Yezemin: Good morning, thread!

*good morning hugs with tea*

CarrionCrow: Does this mean you now have to have a long conversation with yourself about financial responsibility? ;)
Yezemin: That conversation is long overdue.^^ I spent waaay too much money in this Insomnia.
Me too! ;)
I have awesome games from this... but .. but..
Maybe one more...?
Certainly can't afford any beer for a month now :)
Yezemin: Good morning, thread!

*good morning hugs with tea*

That conversation is long overdue.^^ I spent waaay too much money in this Insomnia.
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Hmm. How much stuff did you end up getting?
This much
Yezemin: This much
-applauds- That is one nice pile you've got there. =)

Look at it this way - with that much stuff, you'll be good when it comes to games for quite a while.
Good morning everyone.
Yezemin: This much
CarrionCrow: -applauds- That is one nice pile you've got there. =)

Look at it this way - with that much stuff, you'll be good when it comes to games for quite a while.
Yup. If I only could convince myself of that when the next game from my wishlist comes around. :P
CarrionCrow: -applauds- That is one nice pile you've got there. =)

Look at it this way - with that much stuff, you'll be good when it comes to games for quite a while.
Yezemin: Yup. If I only could convince myself of that when the next game from my wishlist comes around. :P
Impossible, might as well give up now.
Though I haven't bought anything after the new games appeared.
Yezemin: Yup. If I only could convince myself of that when the next game from my wishlist comes around. :P
With all the stuff left on your list, you won't be able to wipe it all out in one shot. (Assuming it all showed up.) Try to think long-term. There'll be another big sale in just a few months, you can jump back in and hit it hard again then. =)
Post edited March 23, 2016 by CarrionCrow
*hugs and waves*
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
-good morning milkshake waves back- =)

How're you doing today?
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
CarrionCrow: -good morning milkshake waves back- =)

How're you doing today?
Tired and normal ;-)
How about you?
moonshineshadow: Tired and normal ;-)
How about you?
About the same. Can't complain. ;)