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EndreWhiteMane: Good for you, glad to hear it was a great day!
You're exactly right, it feels like a holiday when out of nowhere you have a really good day.
I have just a few every year and they're much enjoyed.
Hope yours lasts forever. :-)
It does indeed! Thanks :) I hope you're having a great weekend yourself!
moonshineshadow: Nah, I am already at 38%, should not be a problem. Except if gog brings one of the 3 games I would instantly buy :P
ElTerprise: Lego Indiana Jones?

@Warner: I'm waiting for that!! ;)
I have the disks and they run on Win7 without a problem, so no reason for instant buy. I would only get them during a sale as backup.
tinyE: I just noticed this in my library. XD Man I need a life! :P
My immediate reaction was to be baffled by the number of games... then I checked my own GOG library, and I'm not all that far behind you (I would have guessed I had 400, give or take a few. Hadn't realized I was over 500. Yipe!)
moonshineshadow: I have the disks and they run on Win7 without a problem, so no reason for instant buy. I would only get them during a sale as backup.
Of course...was only a wild guess - mainly because i'm currently missing my retail copy of it :/

And you only have three possible instabuys here? :)
Post edited September 20, 2015 by ElTerprise
moonshineshadow: I have the disks and they run on Win7 without a problem, so no reason for instant buy. I would only get them during a sale as backup.
ElTerprise: Of course...was only a wild guess - mainly because i'm currently missing my retail copy of it :/

And you only have three possible instabuys here? :)
Yes, because there are only three games I never could get working correctly on my Win7 computer and everytime my old Win98/XP one shows me another bluescreen of death or other stuff there is this fear of it dying and therefore no playing of that games anymore :P
My wife just put on the audiobook for Hugh Howey's "Wool" for napping along to with the pup. This is the most perfect backdrop for a little visit to New Vegas. :)
tinyE: Yeah, because I need another game. Shit, I had no clue I had that many. XD Like I could ever play them in my lifetime.
EndreWhiteMane: You have 99 more GOG games than me but I have countless others in other places so in the same boat.
Always nice to have a lifetime supply of things, literally. :)
Owning so many games is not really a problem. I think it is worse to look at them and not be able to decide which one to play. I've been looking at my collection here and in other places for the last couple of hours and I can't make up my mind on what to play.
moonshineshadow: Yes, because there are only three games I never could get working correctly on my Win7 computer and everytime my old Win98/XP one shows me another bluescreen of death or other stuff there is this fear of it dying and therefore no playing of that games anymore :P
I see. Well then let's hope those games show up here before that actually happens :)

I found my old German language learning package and found the CD with the game I've been trying to remember! The game is "Who Is Oscar Lake", and is apparently a mainstay (or was) in certain language learning packages. It's a point and click-ish adventure FMV and I remember it being fairly decent for what it is. Now to see if it'll work on Windows 8.1...
--Conversational Free For All Thread Song of the Day--

I CAN'T DRIVE.... FIFTY FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tinyE: I just noticed this in my library. XD Man I need a life! :P
-laughs- I've got 285 more than you do. Don't feel too badly.
Here's some more music to break the silence... I hope all are doing (or sleeping) well!

Rollerskate Skinny - "Speed To My Side"

My loves are fast asleep on the couch, I'm back in headphone mode. It's been a lovely day and I'm not ready to let it end, so I'm being stubborn about the whole sleep thing. There's always tomorrow for that. ;)
Yay, it's turned into a "nerves are shot, wish I drank more frequently" evening.
Arr the stormes have raged and pirateys are a-comin' ashore!
Sorrie for not greeting ya fine peoples yesterdays. I had me duty with rum and lootin' keepin' this smelly ol' swashbuckler busy.

Now me forgot what me was sayin'
Ah.. Cap'n' an' all, I bringeth loot to share...
*shares strange but authentic Turkish coffee with everyone*
LaPtiteBete: Good evening, dead thread !! :))
**Big hugs all around**
l0rdtr3k: Gotta hug fast!

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Uhm... what's that language? :D
l0rdtr3k: Hugs for you to!
Thank you! :)