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39,000 signatures from Vatican City for second Brexit referendum.

Population: 800

Talk about whiny little sore loser bitches. Be sure to let these people make the decisions for you, guys.
Zabohad: Well, he is wrong. In the world where Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has to be censored for its "blatant racism", being labeled a racist means absolutely nothing.
noncompliantgame: They're censoring Huck Finn now? FAAAAAAARK!!!
Oh, not now. It started years ago. And don't be overly alarmed, by "censoring" I mean redacted versions "more suitable for schools" or attempts to remove it from the curriculum entirely, not actually removing it from libraries. Here is the start, look under "controversy"
My whole point was that once the meaning of the world is stretched too far, it lost any meaning whatsoever.
dtgreene: The really bad part is Leviticus, which actually does specify punishments for various things; even something like tearing your clothes or not keeping care of your hair is punishable by death. It also forbids things like wearing clothes of mixed fabrics, or trimming your beard (if you have one), picking up grapes, working on the Sabbath (Orthodox Jews take this rule to ridiculous extremes), and even selling land.
F4LL0UT: In case of Christianity the stuff described in Leviticus was superseded by the New Covenant.
But then why do conservative Christians quote the anti-gay verses from Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13) as a reason that gay people should be denied their rights, and sometimes, killed?

(Also, why don't you see Conservative Jewish people, who don't follow that New Covenant, screaming about how homosexuality is so immoral? (Note that I am specifically referring to the Conservative branch, not the Orthodox one.))
tinyE: You said, "Being labelled a racist means you are doing something right. " I think we can all agree that the people in those vids are racist, so again I ask, what are they doing right?
Being a racist today is not the same as it was 50, or even 10 years ago.

Being called racist today means you're pissing off the right people, not that you think some races are more or less than others.

Besides, don't think staying away from any racial topic whatsoever will save you from being called a racist. If it hasn't happened yet, it will.

Just like Race the Sun, this is not a game you will win. You WILL crash.
F4LL0UT: In case of Christianity the stuff described in Leviticus was superseded by the New Covenant.
dtgreene: But then why do conservative Christians quote the anti-gay verses from Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13) as a reason that gay people should be denied their rights, and sometimes, killed?

(Also, why don't you see Conservative Jewish people, who don't follow that New Covenant, screaming about how homosexuality is so immoral? (Note that I am specifically referring to the Conservative branch, not the Orthodox one.))
I think that's more of an issue with Protestant fundamentalists in the US...I don't think that fixation on anti-homosexual passages in Leviticus can be said to be typical of other Christian traditions.
In any case the point was that there is no body of all-encompassing religious law in Christianity as there is with Sharia in Islam. Even canon law in the middle Ages didn't have that status.
tinyE: this is totally pointless :P

I'm 40 years old, independently well off, and I have three miniature donkeys who adore me. Why am I in here talking about this IN A GAME FORUM?! :P
i think i have the answer to that question:

Community / General discussion
so its allowed to talk about almost anything, normal moderation always applies and foul or abusive language will always be removed and if needed a proper warning might begiven by mods.

in Dutch we would call that : Community /Algemene discussie (sometimes they translate community aswell, but we dutch use a lot of english words together with dutch words, we dont translate everything to dutch.
The only dutch i speak and write is when talking to other dutch, i dont like translated software, i been using english version of windows since win95, even 3.11 was english, i dont like software being translated to dutch.
I use english microsoft office for years (since office '95).

Algemene discussie is translated as general discussion

check attachment
tinyE: this is totally pointless :P

I'm 40 years old, independently well off, and I have three miniature donkeys who adore me. Why am I in here talking about this IN A GAME FORUM?! :P
gamesfreak64: foul...language
Care to define what foul language is? :P I get abusive but there is no such thing as a bad word, I'm sorry.
Post edited June 26, 2016 by tinyE
gamesfreak64: Community / General discussion
so its allowed to talk about almost anything, normal moderation always applies and foul or abusive language will always be removed and if needed a proper warning might begiven by mods.
Only problem is that "normal moderation" doesn't really exist on this forum; foul and abusive language is generally not removed and warnings aren't given.

In fact, the only recent case of a warning I heard of involves a certain popular user here who is steadily losing Rep for no good reason (and who, as far as I can tell, has not actually posted in this thread (see Edit 2)).

Edit: Actually, that user just posted here right while I was typing this post.

Edit 2: Actually, it seems this user has been active on this thread. (Yes, people make mistakes, and I am no exception.)
Post edited June 26, 2016 by dtgreene
tinyE: Okay fine, but I just want an answer to my question. :P He said being called a racist means you are doing something right. Putting aside the fact that "right" is an ambiguous term at best, all I want to know is what exactly does someone do that is "right" which in turn gets them labeled a racist? XD

It's a simple question but you'd think I was asking for a viable refute of Einsteins Law or Relativity! :P
noncompliantgame: I haven't read your whole conversation with him ... but I might guess he's talking about the white genocide thing, esp since he links to some South African vids. Ergo, and again I'm kinda guessing, wanting to protect one's own race in particular from being genocided is being racist - but fighting genocide is doing the right thing?
Could you still please answer my question?
And what has the "White Genocide (Wikipedia)" to do with this?
"Human races" are just a social construct (Wikipedia).
Gede: the way they write the time and date (MM/DD/YY? It may sound nice, but it does not make much sense).
adaliabooks: Eh... we don't do that.

We write the date like normal people (i.e. anyone not American) DD/MM/YY
25/06/16 for today.

Anyway, the more and more I see and read the more I'm sure this was the wrong choice for the country and a decision made largely by uninformed morons and racists.

Well done UK.
I really like the Bristish, i think they are funny, loved to see all the english shows and Monty python aswell.
I also like the americans, the only thing they might improve is the mm/dd/yy
Its weird, you either go from large to small : YY/MM/DD
or small to large: DD/MM/YY
Who came up with the confusing MM/DD/YY ?

I think DD/MM/YY is used widely, it also makes sense.
As for AP and PM i think that is weird, i prefer military time: 07:00 = 7 in the morning (7 AM) 19:00 is 7 in the evening (7 PM)
i have englus/us windows so i am stuck with AM /PM i really hate that cause we use 24 hours: 12:00 00:00
21:00 / 09:00 (or 9:00) in the netherlands, i guess we use it all over Europe.
gamesfreak64: foul...language
tinyE: Care to define what foul language is? :P I get abusive but there is no such thing as a bad word, I'm sorry.
Certain words have been used as slurs against certain groups of people, and as a result have acquired a very hostile connotation. As a result, those words should not be used unless you are trying to reclaim them (and only do this if you are in the group targeted by that specific word).

Examples of such words include "nigger", "fag", and "tranny".

(Note the use-mention distinction: I am only mentioning those offensive words; I am not actually using them.)
low rated
tinyE: Care to define what foul language is? :P I get abusive but there is no such thing as a bad word, I'm sorry.
dtgreene: Certain words have been used as slurs against certain groups of people, and as a result have acquired a very hostile connotation. As a result, those words should not be used unless you are trying to reclaim them (and only do this if you are in the group targeted by that specific word).

Examples of such words include "nigger", "fag", and "tranny".

(Note the use-mention distinction: I am only mentioning those offensive words; I am not actually using them.)
I was thinking more along the lines of dick shit motherfucker pussy and snot.
adaliabooks: Eh... we don't do that.

We write the date like normal people (i.e. anyone not American) DD/MM/YY
25/06/16 for today.

Anyway, the more and more I see and read the more I'm sure this was the wrong choice for the country and a decision made largely by uninformed morons and racists.

Well done UK.
gamesfreak64: I really like the Bristish, i think they are funny, loved to see all the english shows and Monty python aswell.
I also like the americans, the only thing they might improve is the mm/dd/yy
Its weird, you either go from large to small : YY/MM/DD
or small to large: DD/MM/YY
Who came up with the confusing MM/DD/YY ?

I think DD/MM/YY is used widely, it also makes sense.
As for AP and PM i think that is weird, i prefer military time: 07:00 = 7 in the morning (7 AM) 19:00 is 7 in the evening (7 PM)
i have englus/us windows so i am stuck with AM /PM i really hate that cause we use 24 hours: 12:00 00:00
21:00 / 09:00 (or 9:00) in the netherlands, i guess we use it all over Europe.
Here are some other things about non-US conventions I find silly:

#1: People from the UK like to use weight units to talk about money. This results in the statement "I lost 30 pounds" having completely different meanings depending on whether the person saying it is in the US or the UK. (One Twitter post suggested that maybe the UK should sell its method of losing pounds to the US.)
#2: Using commas instead of a decimal point. Consider the phrase "1,5 million Euros". Is it 1 million Euros or is it 5 million Euros? There is a big difference.

Also, when it comes to dates, there is actually an ISO standard for them: The standard uses year-month-day format.

(Incidentally, one notable benefit of using this standard is that, if you use it when naming files on your computer, the alphabetical sort will put them in chronological order.)
low rated
goddammit cock pussy fart and doodoo
tinyE: goddammit cock pussy fart and doodoo
Has George Carlin taught us nothing?
Post edited June 26, 2016 by Siegor