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"fallout bethesda" returned 100 posts
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tfishell: I wasn't asking for clarification in that thread, I was (a little too sarcastically in retrospective) implying that if Bethesda is actually anti-DRM then they shouldn't have any problem with bringing their highly-desired games to GOG. It was locked b/c the mod "kind of felt like it was trying to pile on Bethesda with all the stuff swirling around the paid for mods issues."

I don't really want to press my luck on those forums as the last thread I made just became an argument about DRM and ultimately got locked, but perhaps I should make a thread specifically asking for clarification.
Ah OK, misunderstood you there.

If Bethesda is going to go ahead and basically admit to planning paid mod support for Skyrim and newer Beth games, we should petition them to release the source code for the engines of Oblivion and earlier out of good will. The games would still be for sale obviously but it would allow for modders to rejoice and have a freaking field day making free stuff to old games they love, all the while not hampering the profitability of paid mods for newer games.
dontpokethebear1: Idea:

If Bethesda is going to go ahead and basically admit to planning paid mod support for Skyrim and newer Beth games, we should petition them to release the source code for the engines of Oblivion and earlier out of good will. The games would still be for sale obviously but it would allow for modders to rejoice and have a freaking field day making free stuff to old games they love, all the while not hampering the profitability of paid mods for newer games.
Problem with that is the fact that the engines they used aren't owned by them to do that

Id Software (as an example) could release the source codes because they made those game engines themselves
tfishell: Just FYI: talking to the mod that locked the thread, she explained herself and I explained me, and I'm okay with it being locked. I asked for clarification on Bethesda's "anti-drm as we can be" statement but of course I doubt she'll be able to get them to clarify. ;)

If somebody else wants to make a thread (in the Beth forums) that wasn't so sarcastic as the one I made, feel free and I'll post a message of support in it.
Your thread was not sarcastic and that mod looks like the dumbest mod ever, despite the stiff competition.
tfishell: Okay, I made a more respectful post both calling out Bethesda and asking for clarification on their stance.
I don't think your thread was sarcastic or provocative at all and wonder when the new one will be closed down.
tfishell: ...
jamotide: Your thread was not sarcastic and that mod looks like the dumbest mod ever, despite the stiff competition.
tfishell: ...
Klumpen0815: I don't think your thread was sarcastic or provocative at all and wonder when the new one will be closed down.
Thanks guys, but I mean, in the thread from two days ago I was kind of acting like, "Hey Bethesda, since you're so anti-DRM you won't mind bringing your games to GOG! :D"
Post edited April 30, 2015 by tfishell
tfishell: Thanks guys, but I mean, in the thread from two days ago I was kind of acting like, "Hey Bethesda, since you're so anti-DRM you won't mind bringing your games to GOG! :D"
And that doesn't warrant a thread lock, I strongly believe this! ;)
tfishell: Thanks guys, but I mean, in the thread from two days ago I was kind of acting like, "Hey Bethesda, since you're so anti-DRM you won't mind bringing your games to GOG! :D"
mobutu: And that doesn't warrant a thread lock, I strongly believe this! ;)
Ha ha, well okay, thanks. ;)

In any case, I do encourage those with Beth forum accounts or willing to make them to post a message in the thread below calling out Bethesda to be truly anti-DRM and bring their games to GOG (or something like that).
InaneKorruption: At this point I don't even know what Bethesda's doing anymore. If they are the so-called anti-DRM, what's keeping them from releasing all their big games here. I mean, more money for them, right?
I've not read the article BUT, declaring being anti-DRM doesn't mean that the company doesn't want to protect their products from being stolen (pirated).
mobutu: And that doesn't warrant a thread lock, I strongly believe this! ;)
tfishell: Ha ha, well okay, thanks. ;)

In any case, I do encourage those with Beth forum accounts or willing to make them to post a message in the thread below calling out Bethesda to be truly anti-DRM and bring their games to GOG (or something like that).
I aggree, talking about it here is like preaching to the choir, we should do this on the publishers boards more often, sadly I cannot post comments on the blog since it has a region lock and I can't even see the English version of it.

OldOldGamer: I've not read the article BUT, declaring being anti-DRM doesn't mean that the company doesn't want to protect their products from being stolen (pirated).
Yeah and as we all know DRM is so effective in preventing anything from being pirated. :)
It's not like there are any Steamworks "protected" games on torrent sites, god forbid on the day of release. xD
Post edited April 30, 2015 by Klumpen0815