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The Return of the Insomnia Sale completed
Wish granted!
No! Never-ever again a sale like this!
HEY! I missed it folks... Please repeat once again, thaaaanks! xD
That was magnificent, GOG. Let's do it again soon!
Unreal tournament 2004 :D
Unreal Tournament 2004 Or Unreal 2
I <3 that description.
Outlast? :)
Gimme some heroes of might and magic <3 prefferably 3 or 4
I just want theme hospital but I'm going to sleep now and I don't even know if it's out there in the sales :(
I want a HEROES of migh and magic game on the sale ;D
enough with the repeats !
want new offers & possibly throw in some Rune copies as well :>
Yes, we Keane!
Childish petulance be damned, this is a very fine sale.
If you don't like the sale, don't participate. Just consider this to be a gog gem deal for whatever game was on offer when you loaded the page.
For those saying no on this thread, visit my Death to Insomnia Sales wish and vote.
I hardly think 140 votes constitutes popular demand...
Evil and most foul.
123 people just ruined a sale.
Are we going to have the D&D games on sale? I'm dying to get baldur's gate and neverwinter but I cant afford it :(
Shouldn't this be marked as In Progress? :)
I'm really not Keane on this idea.
Insomnia, I have it on a regular basis already so might as well.
I didn't like the insomnia sale. Some people have jobs... Any sale should be available for at least 8 hours imo.
Let the greatest thread grow again!
please .. not... again ..
Could definitely go for another one of these. Didn't snort enough coffee the last time around.
YES! Keane shall live again!
Count me in. It makes time at the office fly by.
31 comments about this wish