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high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.021 (added 19 February 2018):

- fixed quests sometimes getting parent set to their child and thus creating an infinite loop in some code (Mel)
- added unique levels support (Patreon thing -
- levels can now have set level modifiers
- now a level can always be in winter
- added support for unique monsters with set attributes again (Patreon thing)
- added support for unique NPCs - set name, personalities, enhancements, skills, etc (Patreon thing)
- added backstory to unique NPCs (Patreon thing)
- added unique renegades support (Patreon thing)
- added minor clans support (Patreon thing)
- added unique chests support (Patreon thing)
- added unique gravestones support (Patreon thing)
- added support for unique towns (Patreon thing)
- added Patreon button on main UI
- now evil avatars don't start spawning until level 5
- orc scouts should no longer use caltrops out of range
- now followers in your party are less likely to attack off screen enemies after they have teleported back to you (Romløk)
- added locked picked sound
- now player ran away stuff doesn't count if player is dead
- now thief lock pick skill will walk over to clicked on chest/door (Scrubwave)
- fog modifier now adds more fog to affected level
- fixed famine not being set to above ground only
- added Bard related personalities (Orc Schism)
- fixed highlight size of bulletin board tool tip not matching draw size (Romløk)
- removed 9 duplicate translations (DarthNihilus)
- added a comma to gate blocked quest text (Castruccio)
- removed duplicate LevelModifierCrystalGreen
- fixed missing translation NeedsLockableObject
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.022 (added 21 December 2018) - Part I:

- inventory now autosizes to prevent overlapping
- fixed Trigger::unlock starting an infinite loop if 2 unlocking triggers near each other
- fixed crashes when creating/destroying fake player
- fixed some radar stuff still being applied in some cases
- fixed always dark in coop player towns (=TEF= Alpha-9 the Ratman)
- fixed a rare infinite loop in trap activation
- fixed a crash when a level 100 npc goes renegade in a level 200 world - might happen any time an NPC goes renegade and is below the min level of that world (Buttermilk)
- fixed possible crashes in World::getLeftMainPathHorizontalPosition and World::getRightMainPathHorizontalPosition
- fixed buildTempData running before reading in database data needed - fixes crashes, also fixes bad tile blocks on opening screen
- fixed a rare infinite loop in generateCaveLevel
- sped up Level::finishGenerateOutdoorLevel a little
- fixed a slow down with inventory up, my test case went from 37.4 fps to 50.8 (Dragonface/Etto)
- fixed a leak of resource handles if added, then removed, before actually loading
- now cache footstep handles so don't load, free, reload, etc, test scenario old=70-90fps, new=100ish
- fixed a crash on load when trying to fix up loaded pointers but entity had been purged, clearEntityReferences not being called in correct place
- fixed an entity leak with status effects never getting cleaned up on inactive actors - might also be causing slow downs and crashes
- now monster promotions are slower once than hit unique level
- fixed a really rare crash in GraphicsSystem::drawTiles
- now get clan destroyed reward chest if kill clan members (not healthstone) (Dragonface/Mandark/*)
- fixed a possible infinite loop in tryWeakenGround (Cthulhu Fhtagn!/Boink)
- now free shader indexes so after a long game session a high shader index doesn't corrupt the sort integer, which can lead to random crashes (Mandark)
- quest monsters can no longer be converted over to follow player (
- fixed an angles issue that might have be generating a NAN and then starting a infinite loop
- made networking handle low framerate situations better
- now world saves use basic network compression (saves about 40%)
- now when holding down right click and kill target it will move to next target easier
- fixed a crash when sometimes shader sorting could have an accidental collision (which can cause lots of problems)
- fixed addObject in spawnAreaBlock to not reference modelResource so much less likely to pause waiting for resource to load
- fixed other players in multiplayer getting XP multiple times when a player's pet got a kill (Ninjakillzu)
- now traps can do explosions (can cause cave ins)
- now on hit skill projectile starts at enemy killed
- fixed on kill ring projectiles with cones not hurting anyone
- fixed orc shaman weakness skill now based on monster skill
- status effects now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
- changed to a better hash algorithm
- only partially build status effects on skill definitions until needed
- magic modifiers now skip loading stat changes that can't happen
- now skip loading unused stat changes
- fixed reported relation change not getting to player sometimes
- fixed 2 caves having unusable braziers
- water can now spread
- water now stays around for 30 seconds instead of 10
- hazards can now apply status effects directly (instead of needing to be a trap or actor)
- hazards can now apply multiple status effects
- wet status effect now lasts 10 seconds
- now outside in rain gives you wet status effect
- now inside a house prevents rain/wet
- now full level fog adds fog status effect to sentients
- wet status effect now debuffs cold resistance also
- fixed a case when scale could be wrong if a shadow being drawn was using vbo but model not using a normal map
- unique monster and renegade quests that can be on any level now try to sync more times (now 200, was 20)
- fixed liquids getting destroyed, not removed, and then no longer working correctly
- projectiles no longer cause explosion effect on something that wasn't damaged
- caveins should now be immune from damage from other caveins
- now need to stand still to throw ice bombs and other similar things
- fixed some issues when wielding a broken bow
- ghost now counts as flying
- now add colored @ symbols to show which clan(s) are in a level
- auto extra projectiles now are homing
- now get fog status effect from fog from the weather
- fixed a state issue in RenderingState::setAlphaTestMode
- now grab maxTextureSize from openGL
- now check maxTextureUnits
- whirlwind now repeats correctly when using right click (Mortac)
- fixed a few things so that immortal clan members would work (treborx555)
- can now have multiple BlockTypeIndex/BlockTypeMult for the same index (now multiple together instead of replacing)
- now when spawning guards tries to find a valid position
- fixed sometimes monster getting double promoted or saying player ran away when the player died
- now inventory takes advantage of widescreen monitor if available
- changed changeling 5 to use dark orc berserker instead of orc (Orc Schism)
- fixed forest rock2a & rock2b collision
- fixed sounds in editor (might have also fixed some issues where sounds at player shift back and forth from left to right speakers)
- now projectiles explode when they hit world objects
- now goodPositionToSpawnThings checks if block is from a fake level
- now some dungeon sconces marked as CantPurge
- player dying can't solve plague/curse quests any more
- now when fixing an entities position, if can't find a valid location in the same level, will allow to move to a different level (a different level is better than invalid location) (Fulano)
- fixed split projectiles not working with many skills it was meant to (Mandark)
- fixed some spells not repeating correctly when used from a hotkey (Nyithra/Fulano)
- decreased tower spell range from 1000.0 to 800.0 (Boink)
- non ring projectiles no longer hit liquids & ground traps (vantil)
- fixed not getting NPCs at high level worlds (>100) (Destro*)
- non-moving monsters can no longer be converted over to follow player
- fixed some old damage mults no longer supposed to be used (will increase physical damage, and decrease poison & lightning damage)
- fixed crushing blow actually lowering damage in some cases
- fixed things like a firesword changing left/right speaker as player turns around
- Defy Death now has some inflation so higher levels are more useful (
- fixed constant has plans to raid quests popping up (Mithur)
- fixed possibility of _eventChance increasing over time when not supposed to
- fixed a way that NPCs could get stuck in activity if path failed in a certain way
- now elite weapons and armor vendors skew their items towards the player
- added Happy Chest (Patreon reward)
- decreased PlayerRanFromMonsterUpgradeChance from 0.1 to 0.05 (Boink)
- sped up GameShared::getSkillIndex some (decreased debug load time 4 seconds)
- sped up getPerLevelSkillDefinition some (decreased debug load time 6 seconds)
- sped up finding skill StatusEffect some (decreased debug load time 3 seconds)
- sped up MagicModifier::processDatabaseEntry by ignoring stats if has some kind of skill (decreased debug load time 125 seconds) (Fulano)
- increased chain lightning chain distance from 150.0 to 200.0
- fixed projectile chaining using start position instead of end position (Romløk)
- can now get more than 1 center print so less likely to miss important messages
- increased center print base time a little and moved to database
- now center prints stay around longer the longer they are (text wise)
- increased center print size and get rid of the background (unless fullscreen menu)
- added money sound when searching for an enemy from quest screen to show money changed (Boink)
- fixed getting a critical error when loading a game when currently using Spirit Evasion
- fixed item text not being able to get smaller on primary highlight text
- now show full info on item skills
- now client handles sending too much data up to the server much better
- can now target skills towards another player by highlighting their name/health bar on side of screen (Etto)
- fixed crafting items bought from a crafting vendor not adding to your inventory correctly (Destro/Fulano)
- server should now handle a rejoin after a crash better (Mandark)
- now if you have a selected target arcane swarm will select random targets near your intended target instead of near the player (Mandark)

- items inside of reward chests can no longer break (Mandark/Fulano)
- fixed orc ego enemy on items not being Dark Orcs (Orc Schism)
- fixed Slaughter skill not repeating correctly when on left/right mouse
- fixed first level sometimes not calling levelBuilt correctly because it got built before worldSetup finished (this can cause various issues like objects stuck in inaccessible locations) (Fulano)
- now cache monster combat sounds
- now precache weapon sounds
- now precache turnedToZombie.mdl if monster is a zombie
- now precache ground items
- increased speed of escorted NPCs so they keep up a bit better
- now cache texture of status effects on entity client
- now keep old music handle to prevent reloading it if played again soon
- sped up finding music datatbase entry
- now don't let music load without hard pause before playing it
- optimized ResourceSystem::findResource a little
- now if try to load a resource and already have correct handle, just returns
- can now precache textures
- sped up StatusEffectBase::processDatabaseEntry (test went from 23 to 12 seconds)
Post edited December 22, 2018 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.022 (added 21 December 2018) - Part II:

- now gameShared->getPackedDatabaseEntry uses database hints - should speed up loading some
- no longer calculate hash multiple times for DatabaseEntry::getAllValues type calls (overrides/addsTo/base)
- now when looking up each database entry base, uses the hint from the current subdatabase to speed up search
- now static models (1 animation with 1 frame) always go down static vbo path (test went from 50.8 to 60.8 fps)
- now all dead monsters of the same type shares the same vbo (test went from 66.2 to 71.0 fps)
- fixed infinite loop if change SERVER_FRAME_TIME
- can now change the server frame time with serverFrameTime user var (default is 50)
- fixed explosion precaching not working correctly
- improved projectile precaching
- now make sure don't get in an infinite loop when precaching (don't think it has even happened yet, but as it gets more complex it would happen without protection)
- now precache hazards
- now precache objects
- precached a bunch of small things better
- now precache swipes better
- now precache money sound and soulstone model
- now precache footstep sounds
- now precache basic elemental effects
- precached status effect assets better
- now precache level ambient objects
- sped up skill & magic modifier build times
- traps are no longer triggered by a dead player
- now play monster pain sounds on dots and death
- added effect to cripple status effect
- made skill name draw larger
- added on kill chance print on skills
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 76
- changed save version to 226
- increased volume of monster pain sounds
- fixed orc and zombielord sounds in bestiary
- no longer show cost of next point when at max
- can now specify that effect is attached to a tag on an item model instead of parent model
- changed bloom clamping from GL_CLAMP to GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
- some short desert plants no longer fade out when "in way"
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- pets no longer trigger town attack sound/icon
- fixed 1 DarkLord texture capitalization issue (Linux is case sensitive)
- fixed 9 PlagueLord texture capitalization issues (Linux is case sensitive)
- no longer show @ on level name for clans not met
- fixed effects on items not always carrying over after a world win/loss
- now highlighting a slider shows you current value (minimum - maximum)
- now open bag circle blinks when you have the cursor over slots in the bag
- fixed small gap in minimap
- fixed a parsing error in UIWidget::parseTextSources
- now can right click on inventory button to open bags only
- cleaned up some widescreen handling code
- fixed trap FirstThinkTime
- hitting a statue no longer shows effect
- statues no longer do dying animation
- fixed a bunch of blocks in opening screen area being marked as has house
- changed wampir blood to a green effect
- now cache canSee checks for Actors if it is their current enemy
- ENTITY_STATE_HAS_ENEMIES now only gets updated every 1/2 second or so
- added Patreon page to credits page
- fixed some skills not automatically getting added to use slots
- torches can now be purged if already reseting the level spawn
- fixed raid gate sometimes spawning inside collision
- fixed clan guards sometimes spawning inside collision
- fixed block and energizing block not animating correctly
- now hide time on fog and darkness icons since so short and gets redone constantly
- no longer move when typing 'a' in multiplayer chat (Fulano)
- fixed an adding follower issue with no parent (Nick)
- blinding flash no longer works on inanimate objects
- can no longer use the lock pick skill on spider webs (Karol13)
- fixed resurrect UI blinking away sometimes
- made so center prints have to be unique to add another one
- fixed wrapping when going down to a smaller font to fit highlight text on screen
- text wrapping now keeps initial indentation
- now an item can specify no random modifier power (crafting items now use this)
- fixed NPCs not starting out with full health (Etto/Fulano)
- Blixt and Mortus avatars no longer use a weapon
- player can now walk through their gate, stashes, healthstone, bulletin board, and crafting station (DrJoeFitz)
- auto targeting stuff will no longer target crystals (you still can if you highlight them directly)
- can no longer use ice bombs and other throwable items when you're dead
- turned off most of the effects on an unactivated gate so it looks more distinct from an activated one
- moved spider web effect up so more noticable
- fixed on old whirlwind effect being referenced
- fixed god altar blessing prints (Orc Schism)
- changed god altar text to gold instead of white/green (Orc Schism)
- fixed whirlwind text no longer being up to date on number of enemies
- fixed missing SkillTime translation
- fixed missing GoodAvatars translation
- item name in item highlight text is now in larger font
- changed item description color
- made item bonuses more noticable (different color and shifted over a bit)
- added empty line before at current skill level info
- added empty line before next skill level cost info
- changed skill level info text color to stand out more
- changed next skill level info text color to grey
- got rid of a several places could get an extra blank line in skill text
- simplified current/next skill level text
- now hide current skill level/next skill level if no per level info
- no longer show mana needed for basic attack skills
- added empty line before max skill level line
- moved extra enemies to target section
- now status effect text on skill text is much more clear
- now show skill icon in highlight text box
- got rid of a couple more empty lines in quests
- fixed skill prints on item to be indented and colored
- fixed +durability prints on item to be indented and colored
- fixed aura/status effect text indentation
- reworded RightClickMainSlot slightly
- added "and only one can effect a person at a time." to protection skills text (Thunt_Cunder)
- added a splitter graphic to status effect text to make it a bit easier to read
- changed Game Options to UI Options
- fixed DarkOrcBerserkerUnique1-3 translation (Orc Schism)
- added a splitter to skill text
- fixed PlayersListDesc
- improved CultDesc (Boink)
- improved AggressivePetsDesc
- improved clan destroyed reward chest print
- quick tips are no longer numbered (Dragonface)
- removed a \n from Fire Strike description that messes up formating
- improved removeNewLinesAtEnd to handle color/font codes
- fixed typo on 3 leech skill descriptions
- fixed Redemption description (Orc Schism)
- added ui_allConditionsTrue so I could see all widgets at once (easier to rearrange)
- added support to log stuff without translating
- no longer build ctx files in debug build (faster debug loading)
- added printResourceName debug command
- detail models in longer hide in model editor
- detail models always drawn in editor now
- improved "Could not find widget" warning
- made all center print stuff go through same code path (less code, more consistent location & length)
- fixed a crash in GraphicsSystem::drawString (probably only happens in developer build)
- now d_printFilesWaitingOn and profile debugging tools print frame number
- added profileSuppressBelow so can make profile tool print less non-interesting info
Post edited December 22, 2018 by HypersomniacLive
Just bought this game based based on my previous experience playing Din's Curse, a nice sale price, and the fact that you keep the GOG version updated. Thanks!
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.023 (added 20 August 2019) - Part I:

- added shadow mapping
- fixed a possible crash when loading if build a level and then free the level before the end of the game setup
- hopefully fixed a crash in generateBlendedTileGeometry
- fixed a possible multiplayer crash if have lots of entity deletes since last message (only developer testing modes?)
- fixed an infinite loop related to explosion traps and cave ins (Mandark)
- fixed a crash in ResourceSystem::freeNextResource (I triggered it in the editor, but it might be random crash in many other places)
- fixed a crash in Quest::switchCombatants when a purge happens during switch (probably rare in real games)
- fixed a crash when a player leaves a multiplayer game and then a monster damaged by that player tries to reference the player's clan
- fixed a crash if X the entire window while in multiplayer game
- fixed a way multiplayer game maps could be out of sync in multiplayer (hella)
- fixed never dropping legendary rings, jewelry, or necklaces (Destro*)
- now if load game and the main monster of a quest is in a secret level shift to it somewhere more reasonable - this can happen if I change the layout of the worlds and what used to be a normal level ends up being a secret level after the layout shift (Wayne)
- now on load if monster level and quest level doesn't match for some reason (most likely because world layout changed) fix quest level (Varkon)
- now if an actor clan loads and is based in an area that no longer exists it will be moved to a valid location
- now if load game and the main monster of a quest is in an invalid location shift to it somewhere more reasonable - this can happen if I change the layout of the worlds and what used to be a normal level ends up being a secret level after the layout shift (Mandark)
- now non-player critical hits are 1.5X instead of 2X
- difficulty damage mult now applies to projectile, radius projectile, direct damage, and status effects
- added a few more safeguards to prevent corrupting character
- safe guarded another place in save code to prevent corruption
- now postpone building collision grid until models are loaded (should prevent a bunch of hitches)
- removed lightIndexes being a local array in renderSurface (test went from 54.3 to 56.7 fps, 4.4%)
- made getTileObject caching work better (test went from 57.8 to 58.9 fps, 1.9%)
- no longer cull each surface separately (now per entity) (test went from 48.3 to 49.0 fps, 1.5%)
- now cull minimap blips better (test went from 57.7 to 65.4 fps, 13.3%)
- culled some more minimap blips better (test went from 69.2 to 71.5 fps, 3.3%)
- cull tiles a little better now (test went from 71.4 to 71.9 fps, 0.7% - also simplifies code a bit)
- cache model matrix instead of just angle (test went from 78.4 to 79.8 fps, 1.8%)
- now some ResourceHandles marked as temporary and they don't go through add/remove user (test went from 78.4 to 79.4 fps, 1.3%)
- no longer add lights from models (old feature) (test went from 78.9 to 79.4 fps, 0.6%)
- optimized bindTexture slightly (test went from 79.4 to 80.0 fps, 0.8%)
- sped up a bunch of getDatabaseEntry calls in CovenantBase (didn't test speed, too erratic)
- changed a couple dynamic_cast to static_cast (test went from 79.0 to 80.3 fps, 1.6%)
- sped up getting instigatorQuestDatabaseEntry (test went from 55.4 to 55.8 fps, 0.7%)
- sped up creating world map a little bit
- made status effect texture precache a little smarter
- entire clan is no longer active if some of them are raiding another clan (Destro*)
- fixed not being able to move guard locations (Zomb)
- now enemies attacking a monster that gets demonic control cast on them stop attacking (BlastProcessing)
- fixed clan door armor values
- NPCs that have Savage Strike will now use it way less (teleport too powerful) (Varkon)
- doubled MonsterSpawnChanceMult on several quests
- now when immovable entities (torches, etc) spawn they will push any other entity out of the way (fixes some collision issues) (Varkon/Excellion)
- now if a monster kills your nemesis that monster will become your new nemesis
- fixed secrets being easy to see on maps
- now when right clicking to attack and happen to be highlighting a non-attackable object it will try to target the next nearest attackable thing
- now NPCs in clans that are hurt will not sleep so that they regenerate/heal (fixes several issues)
- decreased Thaden lightning blessing DamageMultPhysical from 0.5 to 0.2
- now hurt NPCs more likely to roam around during activities (also more likely to heal at healthstone) (rainbow)
- fixed system control not saving/loading correctly sometimes
- now MonsterCausedTrouble taunts are time limited like MonsterRandomTaunt taunts (Castruccio)
- no longer add level modifiers if the monsters they would add can't be added
- now on a new world, expedition points are brought up to 0 if below (Bluddy)
- increased BaseTornadoChance from 0.03 to 0.05
- increased ModifiedNumberMultChests from 4.0 to 8.0 for mining level modifier (Orc Schism)
- added cursed resistance item modifiers
- can now buy an entire stack of items by pressing ctrl when buying (Doesn't Learn From Mistakes)
- fixed a targeting issue with skills like heal not being able to target player if previously has another valid target (Fulano)
- Earthquake, Darkness, and Fog machines can now start uprisings (Bluddy)
- now allow MoraleChangeWhenHurtNoEnemy to go below 0 (NPCs should run away from things like fires better) (rainbow)
- NPCs now start with random XP within their current level
- fixed a bunch of status effects getting applied as permanent monster enhancements but then disappearing quickly (Destro*)
- now demon gates are limited to spawning demons
- now zombie gates are limited to spawning zombies
- decreased monster Fleet of Foot bonuses by 20% (Bluddy)
- decreased monster Power Burn enhancement by 20% (Bluddy)
- Torva Shaman fire aura now only buffs friends (Bluddy)
- fixed a problem on some gates/dungeon entrances not showing correct quest info (Varkon)
- fixed gates to unknown destinations showing the destination name
- fixed xp listed in quest text not taking into account world modifiers that change it (usually pacing modifiers) (Nyithra)
- fixed beam attack not passing along which skill was doing damage (was probably causing several beam related problems) (Varkon)
- fixed Strength calculation on status effects
- fixed wisps being able to buff themselves (probably fixes other monsters doing similar things)
- now clan will always be destroyed if drop to 0 members for whatever reason (Dungeon Explorer Lan)
- fixed particles not using combined surfaces like they were supposed to
- fixed liquids not triggering multiple times correctly
- triggers now more consistently do something (Dragonface)
- now quest items that aren't needed but are picked up are removed instead of dropping back to ground
- now skills like Whirlwind can't hit enemies that you can't see (Dragonface)
- flying entities no longer trigger ground traps
- mutated NPCs can no longer be infected (Bluddy)
- now projectiles show explosions even if hitting a neutral or allied entity (even if they won't do any damage)
- now monster resistance/imbue enhancements get some resistance added (instead of just a multiplier)
- fixed several faction reputation issues
- decreased cast time debuff on monster taunts from 0.25 to 0.2 (Fulano)
- now areas can have desired monster types (was only archetypes)
- now can cast most projectiles at enemies that character can't technically see (it will still likely hit the sight blocking obstacle though)
- some monsters can now open doors
- now doors will automatically close after a few seconds if a monster/NPC opens them
- fire thrower fire can now hit objects
- now ambushers get an attack/defense bonus for 10 seconds
- now renegades get a 10% reduction in attribute requirements for items
- now monsters get a 25% reduction in attribute requirements for items
- now keep monsters away from gates a little better (Boink)
- shifted reaver unholy strike passive from cold damage to weapon damage (eliotno3)
- now monsters have to be able to see victim to do a melee attack (Destro*)
- made god retaliation more extreme
- NPCs are more likely to join in a fight if someone they dislike is fighting (join fight against them)
- now if a monster is purged (too many entities), put original position instead of current position on respawn list
- flying/hovering monsters can now fly over barrels and chests
- can now switch bags where one is inside the other (Fulano)
- item skills no longer affects stand still stuff
- boosted Herbology resistances, mana regen, and health regen (ricmadeira)
- now initial monster hate is the faction reputation (Fulano)
- now starting hate scales with level better (so similar at low and high levels)
- decreased MaxDamagePercentTakenAtOnce from 0.75 to 0.7 for Lucky mutation
- decreased ParasiteGroundAcid chances from 0.25 to 0.2
- decreased SpawnChance of liches from 2.0 to 1.5
- fixed collision size of large dungeon stone block with brazier on top
- doubled amount of money dropped from Pirate treasure map chest
- now damaging a gargoyle statue causes noise like damaging a door
- increased StatueHitDurabilityMult from 7.0 to 10.0
- increased gargoyle/statue armor bonus from 10 to 25
- decreased spawn chance of zombie dark elves by 50%
- monster wars now cause more problems
- player NPCs and summons are now less likely to break dangerous objects (hella)
- fixed bounty hunters not changing levels correctly (Giri)
- made battles get constant flow of reinforcements so much more interesting
- improved wander pathfinding quite a bit
Post edited August 21, 2019 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.023 (added 20 August 2019) - Part II:

- decreased chances of renegades randomly popping up (without direct cause and not at start of world)
- greatly increased chances of uprisings from gate quests
- quests from gate quests no longer sync level/seed (means they can spawn in different levels from gate)
- fixed some quest dontEndNearPlayer issues
- fixed game trying to donate an item if you moved a vendor item into the bottom left normal slot (Fulano)
- fixed a couple bulletin board issues with not near/only near npc quest things
- improved quest level syncing when the world is really large
- now item skills can hit dead monsters
- now attack that does no damage but enemy is dead counts as a success
- assassins and scouts can now teleport back to target level if they leave it for some reason
- decreased fairy light height from 128.0 to 64.0
- made "only on armor" text colored consistenly like "only on weapon"
- fixed normal maps on 4 of 5 naga/naga priest variants
- force shadow mapping on Zombasite (just first time on old configs)
- now add a green # to a level name to denote that another player is in that level (hella)
- changed green * in front of player name to a green # to show in your level
- no longer show symbol in front of your player name to show that you are in the same level as yourself
- zombies are now marked correcly to not be able to be zombified (again) (blightfang)
- sconces on wall no longer have collision
- fixed skeletons not drawing alpha, normal, or specular maps correctly (Bluddy)
- now other players names are green so a little easier to tell them apart from NPCs (hella)
- npcs with bows (or wands in Din's Legacy) now use bow attack instead of melee attack with range
- fixed getting multiple clan doors sometimes (Fulano)
- no longer show help text on fading out objects (like clan doors)
- fixed mouse buttons above 3 not registering correctly without also moving the mouse (Mandark)
- fixed non left/right mouse click not working correctly when moving
- changed setUseTextureAlpha to correctly be per texture unit
- added tag_chest to healthstone so effects target a reasonable place
- rewored champion skill text a little to be more clear what it affects (Destro)
- fixed another way that blocks like bridges wouldn't get set up correctly (Fulano)
- made transition to idle animation a little smoother
- fixed not showing correct skin when using a unique item (the fix won't work until game is run for the 2nd time with new patch) (hella)
- added character options to character exports (Destro*)
- added destroyed effects to monster traps
- changed select gold amount in trade menus to have separate gold, silver, and copper input boxes
- scale changes on entities is now animated (Bluddy)
- added normal/spec maps to gargoyles
- made acid more visible behind objects (Throwback)
- fixed some transparent entity sorting issues (Mandark)
- changed yellow crystal effect so looks less like yellow elite effect (Orc Schism) (Fulano)
- Block skill text now includes effect when you block an attack (mothbones)
- now when highlight a blip on world map that blip is drawn last (fixes duplicate problems)
- fixed highlighting entity blips with quests available or solved and blip is a priority
- made blue and purple gates the correct color on minimap
- fixed gates not updating their exact location on minimap correctly (fixes another duplicate problem)
- added buy stack tip
- minimap now shows blips farther out especially in town where you have full map (Destro*)
- pressing ctrl no longer cancels player actions except attacking and moving
- fixed duplicate scout word in scout killed message
- fixed it so don't get 2 quests to kill a newly zombified NPC
- objects in the way alpha out a little farther now
- made skills with additional (instead of mult) of stunning blow, critical hit, crushing blow, and deep wounds more clear
- fixed vbulletin character export having extra color commands that don't get parsed correctly
- fixed animation issue with destroyed statues (trying to share model with normal killed monsters)
- now rain puts out campfires instead of destroying them
- whirlwind and other similar melee skills no longer hit untargetable objects (like oil on ground)
- fixed not getting any hit sounds when hitting a statue (
- now random object size and rotation are consistent across save/load
- now when a health bar blinks it doesn't blink out all of the way
- stuck door/chest message no longer goes to event message queue
- fixed bulletin board getting status effects
- fixed skeletons not being visible while "hidden"
- fixed followers on lurker, plague bringer, zombie plaguebringer, zombie dark elf, and zombielord
- fixed noisy/quiet level not working correctly with monster idle sounds
- now fire throwers, shadows, death knights, stalkers, imps, and screes taunt less (since this list is bigger, taunting as a whole will go down some)
- now torvas, orcs, and dark elves taunt more
- no longer get xp for finding direct neighbor of starting town
- added special anim to all monsters in bestiary and added theme music
- added a loot filter (can specify min rarity items to show) (Sephumbra and probably many others over the years)
- added 7 more unique chests from Patreon
- added description to shared life status effect
- now in-game health bars will blink for player and allies when have low health
- added description to pierce status effect
- added light to elemental totems
- increased fire elemental and towers light
- fixed yucca tree not fading out correctly
- simplified set item text so text on set items is a good bit shorter
- added Mandark's Direia Tribute Britches (Patreon item) (Mandark)
- added Mandark’s Tower Tribute Bow (item from Patreon) (Mandark)
- a permanently broken item will no longer show as a better item (green plus)
- fixed 1 lever type that was inconsistent and showing object type (Varkon)
- added god pissed message when an evil god retaliates
- fixed shadow options
- now auto pickup bonus XP objects
- fixed skipping salvage message if a repeat of a recent salvage message (Dragonface)
- now get xp if pull a lever and it disarms a trap (should cover other similar ways)
- no longer add an enemy that is too far away, fixes a few issues like retreating with a dot and then taunting the player for running (Fulano)
- biggest accomplishment is now a completed quest not necessarily a solved quest
- now win screen tells you quests completed instead of quests solved
- now NPCs and members of other clans can count as most impressive kill
- made it so more text could be displayed per line on win screen
- made bronze, silver, and gold chests more consistently use their effects
- last event line no longer draws in larger font if that will make it go off the edge of the screen (Crisses)
- renamed achievement of destroying 100 clans from Destroyer to Clan Destroyer (Fulano)
- fixed another reference to warriorSwipe6.swp
- fixed teleport sounds not always playing when gating
- fixed some missing punctuation in war quest text
- added description to Mana Shield status effect
- fixed life steal proc description indent/wrapping issue (also a few other similar descriptions)
- fixed some old references to ships that somehow have survived (Castruccio)
- fixed bad wording in replacement unique quest text (Dragonface)
- changed save version to 228
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 84
- fixed a contention issue in AreaResource::getTileObject
- changed setProgramEnvParameter4fv vector parm to const
- cleaned up LightingSystem::getLightData
- cleaned up generate2dGeometry a little (one text goes through)
- now on vertex/fragment errors just print rest of problem line
- separated DamageType and SourceType
- added No Replacements button in editor UI to make adding things like grass safer
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- can now set DontSave on user var definitions to override it already being set to Save
- updated copyright date
- fixed font tool not compiling correctly
- made font tool smart enough to automatically bump up texture size if too small for all characters (milithien)
- added cheat_repairAll to make my life easier :)
- added cheat_playtestTeleport - teleports around every few seconds to stress test lots of different things
- moved isInsideTownWalls from Game to World
- fixed some issues with cheat_completeAllQuests
- added showLevelGeneration debug command

Zombasite: Orc Schism [DLC] also updated.
high rated
CHANGELOG Patch 1.025 (01 October 2019)

*fixed a crash in isBlockEdgeOpen, showing up in Zombasite multiplayer but could happen other times (Lyranaar)
*fixed a crash in WorldMap::getTileAlphaByte
*fixed lag on character, bestiary, and mutate from specialty screens when shadow mapping is on (Darkness/Invader Xom)
*now quests bump base spawn rate of monsters if too low so more likely to find some quest monsters (idontwannaknow0/Espr)
*now uprisings occassionally spawn an extra monster of the appropriate type - makes sense, makes that particular monster a little more common, and fixes some weird scenarios like not having any spawn points in a level (kon345/Logorouge)
*decreased monster spawn rate for battles (so didn't complete shadow all other quests)
*made highest graphics setting in Zombasite turn on Shadow Mapping instead of advanced shadows
*fixed passive effect on skills like Multishot not working correctly (Twogs)
*made lighting bolt sound quieter (Dreamcatcher)
*can now drop a potion on a party member when party member dialog not allowed
*fixed fake dark orc berserker (Changeling) being able to have uprising and other quests (Espr)
*no longer try to safeguard use slot 1 to be some kind of attack (That Pro Logic)
*now if kill a monster within a block of correct level still counts
*removed a world database lookup when already have it
*fixed a way that tiles could get spec pass done twice
*fixed a & vs && issue in quests (don't think impacting anything though)
high rated
And here's the one before Patch 1.025:

Changelog for Patch 1.024 (added 01 October 2019):

- fixed getting automatic win when don't have expansion (Alien/Mehsyga)
- updated donation lists from Patreon

- Windows and Linux standalone installers updated (1.023 ⇒ 1.025): 02 October 2019.
- Mac OS not updated yet.
The 1.026 patch from appears to work on the GOG edition (version number says 1.026 anyway).
Post edited July 25, 2021 by doctorfrog