Bob-NZ: If this is true:-
I find it very sad. That CDPROJECTRED would do this. It is against the GOG principles. That I believe they started out with.
So do we now we have Bethesda two. Another game producer forcing what it wants over what I want.
Another Game producer to stop buying games from.
I hate BULLIES. We have enough of them in Russia. With Putin, and his supporter.
I have my game setup the way I want MY Game to be. CDPROJECTRED, you screw it with auto updates you come here and fix it.
Give me the CHOICE to change MY game. MY purchased and paid for game. The one I bought from you. That I now own.
If you have ever perceived, I have given you permission to change my game I rescind it here and now.
I was looking forward to the new changes. I PRESUMMED it would be a new game. "Witcher 3 Ultimate version". Not we'll update it no matter what you want.
Or if you have mods in it put them in the mod folder so they can be removed. IF I don't want them.
I had enough with Bethesda stopping me from playing Skyrim SE unless I updated it to the next version. I had it exactly the way I wanted it. Hours of trial and error with various mods.
Thanks to the rollback that modders made I can now. But it took a darn long time for the moding community to sort it out. And we lost many modders who had great mods because of Bethesda's bullying. They will be missed. They are already missed.
Butcher of Blaviken
Kill at least 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.
Common · 70.9
2 December 2015
CDPROJECTRED Give a choice. Don't dictate.
Cheers Bob.
Regarding CD project - they are already in americand hands then they will do what US "entertainment" industry will dictate with all PC and ideological content. Poles sold piece of their culture and now that piece will be "formated" to adhere to US market.
Keep your political BS for yourself and out of forum. Regarding "Bullies" let just wait when USA and their little gnomes will "bring democracy" to another country by butchering civilians and carpet bombing cities. If you have no idea what you talking about then just leave because there is nothing more cringy than someone who playing now "shockingly surprised" by by current events. Disgusting twisted hypocritical stance.