Posted October 10, 2015
Title says it all: I do have the scavenger hunt quests for these two diagrams, I even stand right before the chests but I can't loot them.
At first I thought it might be just one of these reload-or-restart-bugs but that didn't help -- since the first diagram (Chest) was underwater near some ruins close to Fyke Isle I reckoned it might be some sort of targetting bug and I went for the boot-diagram in the grotto instead.
Well..same here, the area is where I can find the diagram is marked on my map -- I am standing right in front of the treasure chest but once again: Can't loot it (the popup for looting won't even show)
So, simple bug? Has it to do with me playing NG+ or did the last patch mess stuff up?
At first I thought it might be just one of these reload-or-restart-bugs but that didn't help -- since the first diagram (Chest) was underwater near some ruins close to Fyke Isle I reckoned it might be some sort of targetting bug and I went for the boot-diagram in the grotto instead.
Well..same here, the area is where I can find the diagram is marked on my map -- I am standing right in front of the treasure chest but once again: Can't loot it (the popup for looting won't even show)
So, simple bug? Has it to do with me playing NG+ or did the last patch mess stuff up?