From my first play i found the AI is competent enough and know the rules and usually make good choices when it moves, and of course Talisman is being dice&luck dependant so the AI will get stronger or weaker exactly the same way as the player will.
I wasn't really lucky on my play test and so started to get behind 2 of the AI present on the board in the power curve (got transformed into a toad and the turn after i was forced to move and AI luckily landed on the location on which i had been forced to leave all the items)
Then i noticed those 2 AI were starting to compete with each other as they were the most likely candidate to go for a victory, by example the wizard AI targetted the troll AI with spells very often and 2 times i noticed the troll AI going to the wizard location to fight instead of moving elsewhere.
The druid AI that was close to death and way behind everyone due to a serie of bad luck often went to heal itself instead of risking to lose it all, like a player would do.
So all in all it seem the AI can adapt to the situation instead just playing randomly.
After that, the boardgame adaptation is very faithful from what i played, it reminded me a lot of the original boardgame we tried at a friend back in the days.
Can't say about the dlc and expansions, only playing the base version
Post edited May 25, 2024 by Sanc