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Absolutely love this game, but I was struggling with a keyboard layout a little bit. I've been playing the game on an Apple Wireless keyboard with no numeric keypad and I find it very hard with all the keys scattered around the keyboard.

To fix this for me I've used the Karabiner app which can help you remap the keys to your liking.

The app's interface is horrible, but I couldn't find a better, more reliable and more customizable solution. On the other hand the app allows you to target specific processes with specific key bindings, so your remapping will only affect the GOG's Sword of the Samurai and wouldn't affect any other app or your OSX's system key bindings.

I spent an evening mapping the keys with the manual so if you feel techy enough to venture into this and think this will improve your playtime - you are welcome.


Please do it at your own risk, but frankly I doubt you can mess anything up seriously. The worst thing that can happen - you may overwrite your existing Karabiner settings if you use it already.

1. Download, install and run Karabiner.
2. Go to the "~/Library/Application Support/Karabiner" folder (cmd+shift+g in Finder) and edit the private.xml file located there. Put these settings in the file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::W, KeyCode::KEYPAD_8</autogen>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::S, KeyCode::KEYPAD_2</autogen>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::A, KeyCode::KEYPAD_4</autogen>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::D, KeyCode::KEYPAD_6</autogen>
<name>Up and Left</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::Q, KeyCode::KEYPAD_7</autogen>
<name>Up and Right</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::E, KeyCode::KEYPAD_9</autogen>

<name>Swordplay parry</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::QUOTE, KeyCode::RETURN</autogen>
<name>Swordplay slash</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::SEMICOLON, KeyCode::DELETE</autogen>
<name>Turn and march units</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::BRACKET_RIGHT, KeyCode::KEYPAD_PLUS</autogen>
<name>March units without turning</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::BRACKET_LEFT, KeyCode::KEYPAD_MINUS</autogen>
<name>Turn units</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::P, KeyCode::KEYPAD_MULTIPLY</autogen>
<name>Status Scroll</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::BRIGHTNESS_DOWN, KeyCode::F1, ModifierFlag::FN</autogen>
<name>Strategic Map</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::BRIGHTNESS_UP, KeyCode::F2, ModifierFlag::FN</autogen>
<name>Summary Scroll</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::MISSION_CONTROL, KeyCode::F3, ModifierFlag::FN</autogen>
<name>Save Game</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::LAUNCHPAD, KeyCode::S, ModifierFlag::OPTION_L</autogen>
<name>Load Game</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F5, KeyCode::R, ModifierFlag::OPTION_L</autogen>
<name>Exit Game</name>
<autogen> __KeyToKey__ KeyCode::F6, KeyCode::Q, ModifierFlag::OPTION_L</autogen>

3. Rightclik Karabiner (a square icon in your mac tray) and choose "Preferences..." press "Reload XML" and make sure the settings checkboxes are checked like in the image in the attachment.

It's pretty self explanatory and you can change the bindings to your liking or add more bindings if need be, please refer to Karabiner documentation for more help, I just did the bare minimum setup to suit myself.

WSAD - cursor movement in menus, swordplay, battle mode, plus added QE for a diagonal slash in swordplay
Quote - swordplay parry (in place of backspace)
Semicolon - swordplay attack (in place of return)
Right bracket ] - turn and march units in battle mode (in place of +)
Left bracket [ - march units without turning in battle mode (in place of -)
P - turn units in battle mode (in place of *)
F1 - status scroll (no fn press needed)
F2 - strategic map (no fn press needed)
F3 - summary scroll (no fn press needed)
F4 - save game (no fn press needed)
F5 - load game (no fn press needed)
F6 - exit game (no fn press needed)

Apple standard issue bluetooth keyboard model No A1314, I didn't encounter any conflicts with any of the keys already used in the game except for the save game names.

1. Obviously when you'll try to save your game you won't be able to use wsadqep[];' keys in your save game name because of the mapping, just use 1,2,3... as save game names
2. Some keys might not work if you play on a MacBook Pro internal keyboard, it's function keys have different ids in the mapping app and I was too lazy to map those too, message me if you really need this and can't figure this out yourself.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do =).
Post edited October 07, 2014 by l3l3l5l