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This is just a quick progress update - unfortunately, Act 2's release won't be in July. All location, character art and voice-over is ready, so the stage is set, but bug-fixing and finishing touches take longer than expected.

We will reveal a specific date as soon as we're certain about it. However, thanks to your feedback, the whole game, including Act 1 will be more polished and immersive than ever before.

UI Testing
We’re testing a new way how to communicate probability in the UI mixing icons and percentages to better represent the importance of different story beats and make choice-making more fluid, with the goal of immersive role-playing in mind. For those who enjoy their number crunching and min-maxing, the numbers only UI option will of course still be available.

Dialogue choices, where dice rolls result in indecision and not outright failure, do not clutter the screen with percentages. This could let you focus more on what you’d really like to do or say.

Of course if you want to bring back the exact probability and tooltips with breakdowns, you can change the UI settings back in one click. The way it works in the new setup is, you’ll slow down to evaluate the probability only if your character is indecisive:

So what we’re collecting feedback on is whether displaying percentages only next to actions where failure consequences can be critical, makes for a more enjoyable role-playing experience.

As always, thank you for your patience and support. We wouldn’t be able to get this far, if not for you, an amazing and supportive community.

Act 2 Testing
If you can’t wait for Act 2 or want to test out the new UI, head over to our Discord, gain access to the Act 2 testing build (with the new UI) and become part of our testing community and leave feedback.

Thank you for your support and patience.