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A lot of people say one thing about Postal: It's good at what it is. What it is is a psychopatic murdering game where the player mows down 2D characters like ants with a nearly infinite amount of weapons. I disagree with the fact that it would do it well. Sure, if you like killing 2D sprites, Postal will provide good fun. However, this doesn't mean it would be a good psychopathic murdering game, as it never gives you any reason to play it. The gameplay on it's own doesn't hold you for over 30 minutes, the "story" is jibberish and very uncaptivating as it's never revealed in-game according to all I can remember, and the graphics aren't exactly something you awe over.
Postal doesn't have any hook to keep you killing aside from the killing itself. If you go and play this game for over an hour and still enjoy it, you like killing little sprites. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's, in my opinion, a rather marginal crowd that enjoys that. Or atleast I hope so. I personally do not enjoy killing sprites, and hence I didn't enjoy this game at all. It has no content other than to shoot and little difficulty or challenge. You just shoot. Kill. If you're into that, then this is well worth your money. Other than that, there's little fun to be found in Postal.
AVATAR://upload/avatars/2009/04/154a15eb649aea0d0c003921bb23e99be080f5d7_t2.jpg #Q&_^Q&Q#USERNAME:messenjah14#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4A lot of people say one thing about Postal: It's good at what it is. What it is is a psychopatic murdering game where the player mows down 2D characters like ants with a nearly infinite amount of weapons. I disagree with the fact that it would do it well. Sure, if you like killing 2D sprites, Postal will provide good fun. However, this doesn't mean it would be a good psychopathic murdering game, as it never gives you any reason to play it. The gameplay on it's own doesn't hold you for over 30 minutes, the "story" is jibberish and very uncaptivating as it's never revealed in-game according to all I can remember, and the graphics aren't exactly something you awe over.
Postal doesn't have any hook to keep you killing aside from the killing itself. If you go and play this game for over an hour and still enjoy it, you like killing little sprites. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's, in my opinion, a rather marginal crowd that enjoys that. Or atleast I hope so. I personally do not enjoy killing sprites, and hence I didn't enjoy this game at all. It has no content other than to shoot and little difficulty or challenge. You just shoot. Kill. If you're into that, then this is well worth your money. Other than that, there's little fun to be found in Postal.

Ok, but how do the weapons feel? what you describe sounds like you didn't even play the game, just read about it.
like Farcry 2, I haven't gotten very far in the game, but just running around with the flame thrower is genius, I mean, I don't even really want to progress just set shit on fire..
do the weapons feel stale? do they behave accurately? how exactly does peeing work? and how about that left turn glitch?
c'mon if you're going to one star a game, make your review five star quality.
I have played it for quite a few levels, only it was two years ago, so my memory can be rather sketchy.
I have quite an issue with your thinking. So if I dislike a game, get no enjoyment from it, I need to make a review covering all aspects of it? I mean if there's one aspect of the game that makes it unplayable to me because it's impossible for me to take any enjoyment out of it, why delve into the game any further? That's the problem and that's as simple as it is, I can't give a game that I don't enjoy anything above a single star. As far as the weapons go, I don't know much about factual accuracy as my weapon experience is limited to handguns and knives mostly. But yes, they feel rather stale in the sense that even though they all do different things in a way, it never really feels different. You just shoot, you don't have to adjust your playing style accordingly if my memory serves me right. This only adds to the lack of challenge that I mentioned. I can't recall a glitch of some type, and can't remember peeing either until the second game (which I guess I'll review too if it comes up at some point here).
messenjah14: I have played it for quite a few levels, only it was two years ago, so my memory can be rather sketchy.
This is the number one reason why this is a bad review, play the game again so it's fresh in your mind. Don't write a review based on info from two years ago, where you can hardly remember anything.
a good review addresses everything in the game, what you posted wasn't a review, it was just unnecessary insults to the game based off of two year old memories.
I'm not saying you "need to review a game because you hate it." I'm saying if you're going to do a game, include all aspects to let the readers make a decision. Your "this game is bad, because I remember it being bad, although I might have played a different game two years ago, it doesn't matter, it's bad because I said so." is a horrible approach.
Play it again, and make sure it's fresh in your mind, then come back and do a GOOD review, I'm not saying you have to say nice things about the game, you can say anything you feel like, just remember to be fair and recognize a good aspect (if there are any) and address most of the issues.