AdHonorem: Anyone cares to explain which are the major differences between Port Royale 1 and Port Royale 2? I googled and it seems there is a lot of people rather disgusted with some of the changes introduced to the combat, particurlaly that is terribly unfair now with up to five ships againt only one of your fleet at a time. In the economy part someone complained about having less options than Port Royale 1 but I don´t know what that means.
Any clarification shall be highly appreciated.
A Great Deal of diff:
combat can be 10x10 at the same time
Private city is gained early in the game and u get the whole lot in the form of a map Piece called Hideout from governor - no need to anex two towns and get only a portion then have to do another 4 or 6 to gain access to the full bit of land
Private city holds LIMITLESS amount of ANY Thing u stick into it
HUGE Variaty of Locations for the Hideout / private city
Riddles give skill points when u get the diarys to improve the captains points
Option to NOT have the game auto save constantly
Gambling is Fun and can be used to give urself a Great early start
Ship speeds are faster in Pr1... eg the Galleon has a speed of 13, the Liner (SOL) is 14
Has Fish as food
When u get someone who says I want as much cotton as u can get here... u can deliver 10.000 cotton and get the right prices rather then the measly joke of only wanting 60- 100 pieces
Payouts from treasure maps r fairly good.
Letters of Margue needed from all nations u dont want to agro EG: if ur french u will need both french and spain LOM to not lose rep from attakin the Brits if u do not get the Holland LOM they will go hostile towards u even tho U did nothing wrong.
you can buy what npcs build
you can gain admin control of any citie provided u control 75% of all the jobs
Mili convoys now attack each other which is an interesting addon
Military corvette is by far thee best ship in game (Frienchies)
Some might say this is a feature: 1 combat ship used at a time while they others wait to be called in
Letters of Margue now u only need it with just 1 nation rather then all who u do not want to aggro
ship repair times are Excessive
combat is tedious
Private city has to be earned thru axing of cities
Ground combat now includes a duel
Ship control is limited to 1 ship at a time and ONLY 5 Combat ships in a convoy which I think is total BS
Gambling is a Joke, 1 win and they guy wont go again? like Honestly What the Fig?
Ship speeds are lower to what they should be
cargo hold capacity is smaller
PR1 offers more freedom in many areas, eg, u can go up against a galleon in a bargue and if u know what ur doing u will take the Galleon home with u
And honestly I think is a superior game to PR2
Pr2 has a lot of unnecassary Fluff that for the freedom to Buy what others Build, and admin control of a city etc does not seem to me like PR2 has been all that well thought thru, They Limited a great deal for no good reason...
At the end of the day, give both a shot and make up your own mind