Baggins: The sub simulator stuff works ok in dosbox. It's actually easy to exploit.
What you do have to worry about is the card game though, as guy you play it with can tell if you are saving and restoring and then punish you for cheating. It's possible to still win, but its tough. Make sure you make backups of your saves.
The game has lots of dead ends, as in if you forget to do something early on, it will haunt you later on.
As for the sequel. It was called Codename: Phoenix IIRC. It was actually following an air force pilot, and would have had flight combat aspects. Dynamix was involved with making it. I think it was advertised in the InterAction magazine between 1993 and 1996 (not long after Jim Walls left).
But it got cancelled about the same time Dynamix started having development issues and getting their games out on time. The same issue that actually lead to King's Quest 8 being delayed, and having to use an in house engine, instead of the Dynamix engine that was being designed for Red Baron 2.
Also I think Jim Walls was a much better developer and story teller than Daryl F. Gates.
A 4th Sonny Bonds game would have been better than Open Season...
Also as I understand it, Jim Walls wasn't sacked, he quit on his own. According to one of the issues of InterAction he was already starting to design PQ4 with Sonny Bonds after PQ3 had already been released.
But apparently he wasn't given enough budget for it, and decided to leave on his own for Tsunami games.
However, apparently he didn't actually do much on PQ3 either. Mark Crowe did most of the work.
Thanks for setting me straight. I just assumed he was fired - thinking why would he leave the franchise w/ his name on it in the middle of production?