Posted December 29, 2014

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States

Registered: Dec 2008
From France
Posted December 29, 2014
Post edited December 29, 2014 by ERISS

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States

Running late
Registered: Jan 2009
From Netherlands
Posted December 30, 2014

JI isn't broken as far as I can tell, but the original campaign is. On JI us actually the only reason to buy Omerta, as it's the only working campaign on GOG. Though JI fixes the ending credit bugs, Georgia Avenue is broken and can't be finished. Not to mention that the other DLCs have empty maps because of some bug.
I liked the game, but it's also the reason I won't buy a Kalypso title anymore. A bug can happen, but game breaking bugs which aren't fixed simply can't.
Post edited December 30, 2014 by HertogJan

New User
Registered: May 2009
From Australia

Running late
Registered: Jan 2009
From Netherlands

Registered: Dec 2009
From Switzerland
Posted January 13, 2015
Just wanted to inform everybody affected by the credit roll bug, that GOG support is working on fixing the problem themselves (since Kalypso doesn't seem to cooperate at all). I could successfully test an early version of the fix and play past the first two missions. Once the fix is tested more thoroughly, it will be officially released.

White Owl
Registered: Feb 2014
From Portugal
Posted January 13, 2015

Post edited January 13, 2015 by Tannath

New User
Registered: May 2009
From Australia
Posted January 14, 2015

Did not see that the first time i went thru this,
DoctorGOGles nice to know that that is happening
Just so you know the longest period of release of game to get an update was Crystal Caves By Apogee where they did an update 15-20 ish years to fix a time issue in it