dtgreene: The weapons that don't exist in the WoX but do in SoX are the Elder weapons. There are 6 Elder weapons in SoX, each of which functions like a non-magical weapon of its type, except that it ignores resistances just like the Xeen Slayer Sword in WoX. (Note that the bow doesn't seem to work properly; it almost never hits, making it useless.)
Thanks for mentioning that. It may help me track down any hacks they did to the game to support it, knowing what they're called.
dtgreene: It might be worth playing through the Dungeon of Death in WoX, just to make sure the enemies and properties are working, plus the final floor uses the same graphics that are used in SoX's final dungeon. Also, is it possible to beat Clouds of Xeen yet?
No, the engine is still a work in progress, though it's getting close to done. There are various UI issues that still need to be fixed, and many of the spells are broken, particularly combat spells. Plus, I imagine other crashes with the scripting system will be revealed as I work my way through the game. At the moment, I'm able to complete Vertigo and the Dwarf Mines, and go to Rivercity. Just, you know, using bows on all characters and avoiding spellcasting :)
This stuff with Swords is just that I want to make sure that when an official testing period is announced, all of the games (Clouds, Dark Side, World, & Swords) are playable.