JohnnyDollar: I'm liking this patch. It 's helped performance too. Never thought I would see a "2016: 20 years MOO2" patch. What a game, one of the all time greats. Thanks for sharing Rocco.40. :-)
Justed released the latest & greatest 1.50.4 !!!
@hohiro: this new patch also fixed the build queue issue you reported.
check out the amazing artwork by SirTiefling for the cover of our manual:
MANUAL_150.PDF Changelog
Game changes:
- Monster bug fixed, no combat rollbacks when fighting identical monsters.
- Advanced damage control is removed from tree for cyber races.
- Initiative rule now takes BA differences below +10 into account.
- Ships tied by initiative are now sorted by crew experience.
- "Mark Block Stack Size Exceeded" crash in races screen fixed.
- Ship captured by shuttles when rotating will not cause desync in network games.
- Super-fast combat mode (Z) now takes ship explosions into account.
- PD and Spatial range is now calculated correctly midflight.
- Fixed discrepancy between targeting and damaging ranges for spherical weapons.
- Stasis disables wide area jammer, warp dissipator, scout lab.
- Ship under stasis now ceases to be affected by tractors and BHGs.
- Ship under stasis now ceases to affect others by tractors, BHGs or stasis.
- Fixed a number of bugs in defensive fire.
- All retreats now happen after all ships have recharged weapons.
- Repaired warp dissipator will now prevent retreats ordered on previous turn.
- Missile alerts will now be triggered by inplace rotations.
- Correct turn cost when missile alert is on and ship is hit while turning.
- Ship with inertial nullifier does not pull missiles when rotating.
- Fighters chasing missiles with depleted moves now will move at the end of turn.
- Ordnance bonus now works for fighters.
- Non-TWF ships now update at the end of TWF turn.
- Non-TWF ships do not perform defensive fire in TWF turn.
- Fixed bug which allowed to capture satellite sometimes.
- Ship capture removes wait and done states.
- Energy Absorber's stored damage won't overflow now.
- Different cloaks now work correctly if put on a ship together.
- Marines above ship capacity will now be spaced after ship capture.
- Colonies with and without Barracks now have the same marines/armor limits.
- The last (max) marine and armor units of a Subterranean colony will no longer die.
- Corrected race pick costs sync when loading net game (1.50.2 bug).
- Fixed broken cloaking device still being able to cloak (1.50.3 bug).
- Fixed phasing cloak recloaking even with zero counter (1.50.3 bug).
Interface changes:
- Advanced build list with the ability to apply on all colonies.
- Undo buy action by clicking buy button again.
- Fixed most build queue bugs including repeat build cheat.
- Colony Base button disappearance trigger corrected.
- Disabled weapon slots will be colored red even if spent (used to be yellow).
- In super fast combat mode (Z) boarding messages are skipped now.
- Mapgen -tfixedhw will now generate lowg Arid planets for low-G races.
- Restored classic behavior for stellar, it now fires the whole slot at once.
- Added confirm_battle_message_timeout for "X attacks Y at Z" popups.
- Fixes and improvements in New Game screen help.
- Fixed broken command summary display in main screen (1.50.3 bug).
- Fixed excessive orbital bombardment death tolls (1.50.3 bug).
- Fixed stall when refitting a ship with queue full (1.50.2 bug).
Config parameters:
- Added ai_surrender_delay, specify the turn after which AI can surrender.
- Added stars_in_galaxy table which sets amount of stars per galaxy size.
- Added vdc_mode which enables VDC compatibility patches. #
- Added planet_damper, enables damper field for planetary defenses. #
- Added disable_vsync to speed up screen updates.
- Added tech_mini, per-tech miniaturization group table.
- Added several growth related parameters (growth formula, housing, cloners).
- Added separate android costs to misc_costs table.
- Added trade_goods_ratio to control trade goods effectiveness.
- Added systems_repair_percent to control repair rate for internal systems.
- Added defensive_fire, allows to disable defensive fire altogether.
- Added spatial_per_size_class_damage, makes spatial damage larger ships more.
- Added initial_buildings, used for colony initialization.
- Added broken_engine_explodes to disable explosions for testing.
- Added configs aiships, balance and map_150, expanding gameplay options.
- Setting damper_kill_ratio to 0 now prevents the use of transporters against damper.
- Setting initial phasing cloak counter to 0 now means no phasing cloak state at all.
- Renamed several config parameters and labels.
- Note that your own custom configs might need adjustments!