Posted October 11, 2018
Yes, it has been always been missing for me as well.
sraw531: Might be nice to include a list of preset things that you cannot change (yet?), like:
Size: 64x64
Max Counties: 16
Max Traders: 6 (3 destinations each)
etc. Where do you feel that list should be found? On forum, in manual or some other place?
The Trader limitations are different btw., but Trader behaviour is not easy to predict without some help,
Each Town can have up to 3 assigned guaranteed Traders. But a Trader can visit more than 3 Towns. It is about figuring out a solid route.
There are some engine limitations that probably cannot be changed with reasonable work. That is for example the 64x64 Tileset and the 16 country limitation. My first Testmap actually used the 20 spots for Domains but the game always crashed. Some stuff in the game supports sadly up to 16 Domains only. So you would have to practically rewrite gamecode in very many places.
Thank you for the suggestions btw.!
sraw531: Suggestions:
Have a "No edit" type (so you dont accidentally overwrite domains or tiles)
Default to "Brushes" instead of "Maptiles", as they look nicer.
Put "Domains" under "brushes" instead of its own catagory, and make the brush work on domains.
"Set" all unclaimed territory to owned by 32 Should be all changed in current build except the defaulting to brushes!
sraw531: Traders: Where do they start? I am pretty sure they can be preset to certain zones, but when I attempted to have it be the very first on the route they didn't always start there. Yes, Traders have their own head. After listening a few minutes to explanations how the startingpositions and traderoutes are placed I gave up. It is complicated.
One supersecret new feature in the build that we want to release soon(TM) has therefore a predictor and different views that show starting positions and routes according to your current settings. You can change the results by changing the allocated Traders in Towns.
I think you will like this as much as I do.
Edit: The explanation how it actually works has now be included into the new manual. Thanks for the suggestion!
sraw531: Bugs:
Setting domains on Castles / other things turns the land to water (maybe if you had water there instead of painting as land, but I am not sure). Refreshing removes this from the display, but in game it is still water sometimes. I think you unfortunately stumbled on the bug where setting a castle on not complete plain land remebered the water below and therefore didn't set Domain or broke gameplay in some instances. This issue should be fixed together with some combinations of other structures and placing issues.
sraw531: I was unable to set borderlines.
The map I was working on (which was mainly supposed to be a proof of concept, taken from an image that I made two years ago if such a tool had existed) somehow got "corrupted", and it only shows the top right slice of the map (from top, to right, and downleft of that line) when in the editor. I can still get into it in the game, but it is not finished yet. It looks close though.
Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0047837C in Modul 'L2EditII.exe', Lesen von Adresse 797F7070 That one I cannot yet completely track down yet. As pretty many things have been changed in the meantime under the hood I would ask you to retry then with the new build. There are some issues theoretically the old version can do on maps that it shouldn't. So there is that option as well.
If the bug persists i would ask you to send me the map together with the specific steps that lead up to the error so it can be reproduced and fixed. But for now I hope that problem is solved already.
Thanks for reporting the bugs! Please let me know if you encounter any other problems.
As there is a "feature freeze" right now on the new build and only smaller fixes are being applied I hope I can provide you the new build soon.

Size: 64x64
Max Counties: 16
Max Traders: 6 (3 destinations each)
The Trader limitations are different btw., but Trader behaviour is not easy to predict without some help,
Each Town can have up to 3 assigned guaranteed Traders. But a Trader can visit more than 3 Towns. It is about figuring out a solid route.
There are some engine limitations that probably cannot be changed with reasonable work. That is for example the 64x64 Tileset and the 16 country limitation. My first Testmap actually used the 20 spots for Domains but the game always crashed. Some stuff in the game supports sadly up to 16 Domains only. So you would have to practically rewrite gamecode in very many places.
Thank you for the suggestions btw.!

Have a "No edit" type (so you dont accidentally overwrite domains or tiles)
Default to "Brushes" instead of "Maptiles", as they look nicer.
Put "Domains" under "brushes" instead of its own catagory, and make the brush work on domains.
"Set" all unclaimed territory to owned by 32

One supersecret new feature in the build that we want to release soon(TM) has therefore a predictor and different views that show starting positions and routes according to your current settings. You can change the results by changing the allocated Traders in Towns.
I think you will like this as much as I do.
Edit: The explanation how it actually works has now be included into the new manual. Thanks for the suggestion!

Setting domains on Castles / other things turns the land to water (maybe if you had water there instead of painting as land, but I am not sure). Refreshing removes this from the display, but in game it is still water sometimes.

The map I was working on (which was mainly supposed to be a proof of concept, taken from an image that I made two years ago if such a tool had existed) somehow got "corrupted", and it only shows the top right slice of the map (from top, to right, and downleft of that line) when in the editor. I can still get into it in the game, but it is not finished yet. It looks close though.
Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0047837C in Modul 'L2EditII.exe', Lesen von Adresse 797F7070
If the bug persists i would ask you to send me the map together with the specific steps that lead up to the error so it can be reproduced and fixed. But for now I hope that problem is solved already.
Thanks for reporting the bugs! Please let me know if you encounter any other problems.
As there is a "feature freeze" right now on the new build and only smaller fixes are being applied I hope I can provide you the new build soon.
Post edited October 11, 2018 by Lyranaar